Example sentences of "of [art] [noun pl] [conj] he " in BNC.

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1 Yeah well I thought they said in one of the papers that he 'd never been registered anywhere .
2 Walesa said after the failure of the talks that he would consider forming a non-party government with greater presidential powers along the lines of the French system .
3 He wandered about this neck of the woods and he was quite harmless , he was fond of children .
4 He describes this period of work as one of , of terrible strain , it was also a period in which he was personally very unhappy , and I get the impression that he really did use the best of his mind on this problem , and that for the rest of his life he found it difficult to press his thinking home with the kind of ruthlessness that many of the problems that he then assumed required .
5 Boz told some of the others that he knows who attacked Anna . ’
6 But he 's slightly ahead of some of the others because he had three weeks with me last summer and I saw a lot of him . ’
7 He had bought a copy of The Times before he had come to The Randolph that morning , but hitherto had not even glanced at the headlines .
8 Although he sounds the traditional warning that all electronics are aids to ‘ proper ’ navigation it is perhaps a sign of the times that he admits that many now see the chart-and- pencil methods as aids to the electronics …
9 He wrote what must have been the one of the shortest letters of all time , and he wrote back to the editor of The Times and he said , dear sir , in answer to your question what is wrong with the world
10 She turned round to sec if he was laughing at one of the postcards but he was laughing at her .
11 But what 's more serious is that one of the phrases that he used was more people are going to suffer in cover .
12 I could have won a couple of the frames but he just played too well for me .
13 The question for the courts in these cases is whether the third party can escape from the effect of the documents that he or she has signed .
14 Duke Berthold of Zähringen was now put up as the candidate of the Welfs because he appeared a man of means and was well known for his hostility to the Staufer .
15 But when he spoke again it was only to express some anxiety about the conduct of the services while he was away .
16 He did however , have a fateful attraction for some of the ladies as he delivered the bread , for as a result the partnership of Shipsey and Sheppard lasted only a few years .
17 ‘ That 's easy ; my affections have been rejected by the one I love and her carnality is being most thoroughly investigated by my elder and smarter brother on a more or less hourly basis , so I am spurned and she is spermed ; my father believes his children should be free to make up their own minds , but preferably only out of the spare-parts that he provides …
18 There is no appropriation at the moment when he takes possession of the goods because he was entitled to do so under the terms of the contract of sale , a contract which is , it is true , voidable , but has not been avoided at the time the goods are handed over .
19 There is no appropriation at the moment when he takes possession of the goods because he was entitled to do so under the terms of the contract of sale , a contract which is , it is true , voidable , but has not been avoided at the time the goods are handed over .
20 The accused took possession of the goods because he was entitled to do so under the terms of the contract .
21 The unpaid seller has a right in the circumstances provided by section 41(1) to retain possession of the goods until he is paid or payment is tendered to him .
22 I thank the Minister for delivering every one of the pledges that he gave us in Committee .
23 In almost every one of the analyses that he showed , the primary enabling inventions that led to such advances lay in the materials field .
24 But I do n't blame them for that , if the situation is such that er , er the ladies are scared of the strangers whether he 's er coloured or probably the er or white people as well .
25 The Minister will know from many of the schemes that he visits that one of the carrots that they hold out to young people is the ability to drive vehicles off road and eventually to train for a full licence .
26 His self-conscious gaucheness vanished as if it had evaporated in the thin cold air of the mountains and he found friends .
27 The leaders of the groups that he mentions might well come to some sort of compromise — I might have achieved that — but I would not be able to command a majority of Members , who have other ideas .
28 I 'm finding myself somewhat confused , I mean , I was interested that Ian had mentioned the practical voluntary services as one of the groups that he would wish to work with .
29 The 33-year-old doctor was knocked unconscious by one of the youths as he passed an empty house in Coulby Manor Farm , Coulby Newham .
30 I ask one of the pickets if he supports the Democrats .
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