Example sentences of "of [Wh det] [vb base] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the case of four elements there are five ways of evaluating their product , all of which yield the same result ( copy the argument of exercise 1.2 . ) .
2 There are many such areas , each containing a full or partial representation of the visual field , some of which receive a direct input from the primary area and some of which rely on indirect projections for their inputs .
3 Ms Tyson has supported the Japanese-American semiconductor agreements , the last of which set a proposed share of part of the Japanese chip market of 20% ; she says that not all sectors should be treated to the ‘ market-share ’ approach , but that the administration reserves the right to use it where appropriate .
4 Retailers incur fixed costs , many of which contain a sunk element , for example fixtures and fittings .
5 What is persuasive in this case is a consistent series of answers given by the minister , after opportunities for taking advice from his officials , all of which point the same way and which were not withdrawn or varied prior to the enactment of the Bill .
6 Additions to the range followed rapidly , all of which follow the same formula of transverse engine layout and front wheel drive .
7 A short continuous crisis , the origins and consequences of which cover a long period , seems to be the double requirement of tragedy and its double relationship to time .
8 Self-help groups have also been started by carers themselves , many of which form a strong platform to campaign for improvements in health facilities , patients ' rights and benefits , public awareness and funds for research .
9 The boilers to raise the necessary steam were of ‘ Lancashire ’ type , the characteristics of which enable a small amount of steam to be supplied over long periods with a minimum of attention , which was the type of duty envisaged for this plant .
10 The Institute for Fiscal Studies ( IFS ) has made a comparison of some different surveys of the extent of poverty , all of which use the same source , the Government 's Family Expenditure Survey , yet produce different results because of methodology .
11 The most complex of the risings was the Pilgrimage of Grace , the problems of which have been covered in two important papers , both of which stress the varying motives of the participants ( 68 ; 69 ) .
12 In conclusion , introducing managed competition into the NHS introduces a number of dilemmas , some of which admit no easy answer .
13 Furthermore , Y6N17 AVG ( see figure ) departs significantly not only from the Haiti glass trend , but also from other samples of Chicxulub melt rock , some of which show no petrographic sign of alteration or unmelted casts ( see C1N10 in the figure ) .
14 Although this is a possible explanation , it is not completely convincing , as similar conditions must prevail on many other spits , none of which show the progressive grading of material characteristic of the Chesil Beach .
15 Bearing in mind also that our body clock tends to run slow at the weekend , we will tend to have later nights and lie-ins , all of which cause a slight delay of our body clock .
16 Permanent inhabitants include many kinds of protozoa ( single-celled animals ) and a great many multi-celled animals , many of which undergo a daily vertical migration , from deeper to surface waters , effectively to stay within the same level of illumination as the light varies .
17 The styles of the lotus buds which occupy opposite arms of the saltire are different — the one at the " bottom left " is broader at the base and more heavily drawn than the other , although they possess identical stems both of which meet a small rhomboid , with equal precision .
18 In the multi-tracked recording Mr Jarvis plays 99 roles , many of which bear an uncanny resemblance to well-known actors .
19 The SL-Bit players are the CDX-560 ( £199.95 ) and CDX-460 ( £179.95 ) , both of which include a remote control handset .
20 An effective means of achieving this is by the use of an individual care assessment approach , the main elements of which include the following : 1 Medical , Nursing and Social assessment of the person 's needs to determine the most appropriate form of care , eg domiciliary/residential/day care , taking into account availability in both the public and private sector .
21 Hick once compared the different religious traditions to different planets in a solar system like our own , all of which orbit the same sun .
22 The disk is subpentagonal and covered with small thin scales many of which carry a simple glassy spinelet or rod , disk diameter up to 15 mm .
23 The disk is rounded to pentagonal , diameter up to 5 mm covered with thin overlapping scales many of which carry a simple rodlike spinelet .
24 Gay bars show porn videos , many of which carry an explicit safer-sex message .
25 One of the main criticisms levelled at US and European transnational corporations in Asia , Africa and Latin America is that their operations are predominantly of the export processing variety , employing low wage workers ( mainly ‘ nimblefingered ’ young women ) in monotonous and often physically debilitating labour , the products of which constitute a small proportion of the value-added of the final commodity .
26 The existence at Edinburgh of a range of computer– based disciplines ( many of which enjoy a worldwide reputation ) has a spin-off effect across faculties .
27 The sediment created during second fermentation is composed of various waste-products , several types of which possess a sticky character ; to encourage these more cohesive particles to descend to the base of the cork requires a certain amount of physical persuasion and , as a result , a method of supplying this encouragement , remuage , was developed .
28 The high prison population is held responsible for overcrowding and understaffing in prisons , both of which exacerbate the bad conditions in England 's ageing prisons .
29 A range of accommodation is available — from five star hotels through to working farms as well as bed and breakfast accommodation — all of which offer a traditional Somerset welcome and excellent value .
30 We have over 850 branches , 650 of which offer a 24 hour service through our Cashline facility , while reciprocal arrangements with Bank of Scotland , Barclay Bank and Lloyds Bank allow our customers to use over 5,500 cash dispensing machines throughout Great Britain .
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