Example sentences of "of [noun sg] you might [verb] " in BNC.

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1 With a bit of luck you might go down this time .
2 Of course you might want to take a very purist line and say that it is bad manners to remind others of their bad manners .
3 Of course you might have to share a slice or two !
4 So , if you 've got , sort of , three or four stories that you know , that you could deal with , the type of question you might get is , discuss how erm , different writers deal with the subject of change , with reference to probably about three stories .
5 You next need to decide on the kinds of exercise you might choose to do .
6 To give you an example of the type of ad you might like to place in future editions of the Newsletter .
7 ‘ So , how about if I agree that I 'm unprincipled , absolutely despicable , and thoroughly reprehensible — or , indeed , any other term of abuse you might care to use ?
8 It 'll be the kind of place you might walk out of as brisk and easy as a knife cutting butter , or you might very well wander about for days , well , weeks even , without finding a proper door .
9 ‘ On the other hand , ’ amended Constance , who had just voiced this thought , ‘ it 's the sort of place you might find nuns walking , telling their beads and saying their hours and stuff .
10 The sort of room you might show visitors round , and at the thought of a stream of visitors politely filing in while she was still in bed she gave a little grin .
11 It 's in our line of business you might say . ’
12 Peter Robinson , a Democratic Unionist MP , said people were sceptical of ‘ the idea of rogue cops going around to take out IRA terrorists — it 's the sort of stuff you might expect to see on television with Clint Eastwood ’ .
13 ‘ Out of character you might say ? ’ suggested the inspector .
14 Chapter 2 aimed to let you learn some things about yourself and to discover what kind of area you might feel happiest and most fulfilled working in .
15 There 's no telling what kind of trouble you might get yourself into .
16 But now her outfit , although loose and flowing , was slightly closer to the kind of garment you might expect in SW19 .
17 She could picture Pete reading the letter on the end of a hard bed covered with a scratchy red blanket , the kind of bed you might find in a hospital , or in the army .
18 It 's the kind of music you might have danced to in the 1600s .
19 When you if if you think about a country of song you might think of Wales , but anybody visiting Ireland will know that it 's really Ireland 's got to be a country of song because if you go there you 've got to sing .
20 But there are other bits of information you might want to give , like a photo opportunity , like a particular thing , something specific happening which related to the press release but 's not part of it .
21 Yet education is very much the sort of thing you might expect Moore 's principles to display as worth while in its own right rather than merely as a means to , or even component of , other things .
22 It 's the sort of thing you might collect from the House of Commons particularly during a er big debate .
23 you know that 's the sort of thing you might want to read as , as kind of background supplementary material and particularly
24 The sort of thing you might do was , if you 've got a decision , is you might want to look t at the of that decision , okay ?
25 The kind of thing you might come out with after being hit with a baseball bat . ’
26 But if you are prepared to spare the time , settle down in an armchair and explore among the oldies in a good descriptive catalogue like David Austin 's Handbook of Roses ( see Bibliography ) , who knows what nuggets of gold you might find to fit into your garden ?
27 Is the paralysis the same sort of paralysis you might get if you were bitten by a snake , for example ?
28 And when she hesitated he went on , ‘ I 've got an uncut film version of Hamlet you might like to run .
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