Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [vb mod] [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If all representations of lesbianism are negative ( in line with society 's presentation of heterosexuality as the only positive sexuality ) , then conceivably a positive image of lesbianism could have a promotional effect .
2 ( The late-twentieth-century history of " Germany " shows that collective memories of unity can outlast a generation of partition . )
3 As E. R. Dodds has remarked , ‘ where men can build their systems only out of used pieces the notion of progress can have no meaning — the future is devalued in advance ’ .
4 Even though fewer than three thousand people are now engaged in whaling , directly and indirectly , their loss of support might trigger a loss of confidence among other rural people and jeopardise the LDP 's increasingly frail hold on government ; an office they have held for more than 25 years .
5 In this particular situation , a letter of support would indicate a legal or commercial obligation , and so provision should be made against the debit minority interest recognised in the consolidated balance sheet .
6 Exact patterns of change will remain a matter of controversy for historians , as they were for contemporaries , but what emerges from the inadequate farm records and welter of subjective comment by biased and often condescending outside observers is a marked contrast between the fortunes of a few well-organised and prosperous landowners and the general backwardness of their counterparts and tenants .
7 Whenever possible , notices of change should precede the event ; ( 2 ) identification of the partners who will continue the practice under the original or a new firm name ; ( 3 ) notification of the outgoing partner 's new address and firm name ; ( 4 ) invitation to the client to indicate which of the firms referred to he wishes to instruct .
8 This was supposed to be a celebration of American Independence Day , but no amount of make-believe could disguise the fact that it was a wet weekend in Oxfordshire .
9 In some cases the corpus of story may imply a whole hierarchy of discriminations : " we " are distinguished from " others " , friends from foes , recognized neighbours from unrecognized strangers , gods from men , men from animals , " real " animals from monsters , and so on .
10 The change of heart could cost a small number of veterans or widows more than £40 per week and save Middlesbrough Council £110,000 .
11 The energies of all the infinite number of degrees of freedom would cause the apparent mass and charge of the electron to become infinite .
12 ESA has already spent millions of dollars on Columbus , and it now seems likely that the redesign of Freedom will require a corresponding change in its space laboratory .
13 The increased value of try would create a very different standing in league positions .
14 Apart from finding globules of mercury in people 's shoes , a contemporary commentator , and opponent of this form of treatment , describes two men who used the same tavern regularly and both having supped from their little bottles of mercury would smoke a pipe and down some wine .
15 Benefits now and hopes of advancement may curb an inclination to deviate from the requirements of superiors , a feeling that some parts of the job are ‘ worth doing ’ may be even more influential .
16 Type of fixation may influence the accessibility of the PCNA protein to antibody detection although results from other studies do not support this conclusion .
17 The added danger is that turning east instead of west will take a lost party deep into the wild region and away from help , with no prominent features on the hill to help make them realise their error .
18 There is a further constraint in that the Ministry of Defence will keep a watchful eye on any potential partner or owner .
19 The report recommends that the Ministry of Agriculture should take an active role in preventing unnecessary loss of farmland to development , and explore ways of finding more non-agricultural uses of rural land , as well as encouraging a reduction in the intensity of agricultural production .
20 Though the eventual solution remains unclear , it is unlikely that this small corner of electronics can resist an industry-wide trend .
21 But the scattering of damage may mean the vision is fragmented .
22 Artificial insemination by donor ( AID ) , i.e. by a man other than the husband , can be used to achieve fertility where the husband lacks spermatozoa , or is otherwise infertile , or if the husband is a carrier of a genetic disease with a high chance of its being transmitted to a child ; alternatively the husband and wife may both be carriers of the same recessive gene , so that each act of fertilization would have a 25 per cent chance of giving rise to a diseased child .
23 In the 1950s , it seemed as if there might be a place for literature in the academy , so that the writing of fiction or poetry , of criticism , and the teaching of literature would become a unified form of life .
24 Impressionism was out : henceforth , it was felt , the study of literature must emulate the natural sciences if it was to hope to survive as worthy of any dignity and respect .
25 The experience of reading major works of literature can have an overpowering effect on the responsive reader ( usually , but by no means invariably , the young reader ) .
26 Whereas young men as a matter of course would study the classics , women would be instructed in painting , music , dancing , modern languages , or other accomplishments , but rarely would they be expected to achieve real competence Indeed , a learned woman was likely to experience difficulty finding a husband , and education might cease to be any advantage .
27 and that , that 's why their er you know , Shaun , erm , Amelda brought erm Moyra down with the babies , you know she was up there and she could help her down , but Shaun is coming down now wi , this weekend in the car and of course they 'll be able to go back in the car , erm there 's , there 's gon na be a party for erm , of course should warn the girl Of course that 's the awful thing about it is n't it ?
28 And er a further er fly in the ointment , if one could put it that way , will be of course with the erm the local hospital whose site is just off this er the key plan provided , their decision from the first of next month to actually charge for spaces within their area , which of course will have a further effect of decanting even more cars into neighbouring streets and thus put pressure on some of the streets which hitherto have not benefited from ah residents ' parking so there will be further er obviously further requests from er from those residents of neighbouring streets .
29 It is therefore often wise to pitch such descents , which of course can take an eternity .
30 Erm and this of course can constitute an opportunity to do the whole of the assignment from .
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