Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [vb pp] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 John Hampden 's Regiment of Foot guarded the inaugural meeting of the Hampden Society and made sure everyone paid their initial £5 subscription .
2 As he said ( through the journal of his grandfather ) ‘ I will never be free from this old tyranny : I believe with a perfect faith … ’ ( which is how the statement of faith called the 13 creeds begins ) .
3 Since Fate was the power that kept order in the universe , as revealed particularly by the stars and planets , the prevalence of Stoicism influenced the growing belief in astrology in Hellenistic times and in the days of the Roman empire .
4 An Act of Parliament abolished the very surname and ordained that the property outside Perth should henceforth be called Huntingtower .
5 In this study , differences in the histological sites of amyloid deposits between the chemical types of amyloid affected the clinical signs of intestinal pseudo-obstruction .
6 Flows may well be exogenous as they are likely to be known with a reasonable degree of uncertainty given the contractual nature of many savings policies .
7 Main change introduced in the Esprit III programme is a new category of research called the Open Microsystems Initiative ( OMI ) .
8 If , in perspective , the loss of the American Empire was the greatest single consequence of the crisis of 1808 , the legacy of the War of Independence moulded the subsequent history of Spain itself .
9 Thus , while marriage was an experience common to women of all classes , there were substantial differences between middle and working class women in terms of first , their realistic expectations of marriage given the greater surplus of women amongst the middle class ( at least prior to World War I ) , second , their experiences of marriage breakdown , and third , their patterns of childbearing within marriage .
10 But it would be misleading to speak of separation given the religious foundations of his natural philosophy .
11 It seems that , just as in the 1870s , the abundance of work masked the new threat .
12 Swathes of rain cloaked the noisy inn like the bed-curtain drawn round a feverish and delirious child , while the dark , deserted houses of the rest of the village kept a silent , gloomy vigil round about .
13 Shellac records were simply too fragile to be posted ; so the special circumstances of war justified the first vinyl records .
14 A world of sorrow scattered the sharp scent of wet ash and brimstone from him and curved rejected from her closed , tortured pattern .
15 During the nineteenth century it was de rigueur to think that the Universe was filled with a sort of stuff called the luminiferous aether : disagree with that notion and you could say farewell to your hopes of a professorship .
16 Under the system of fixed exchange rates any export of capital affected the reserve position though precisely how depended on the manner in which the investment was financed .
17 They were fully aware , however , both of its stringency and its limitations , for example the uncertainty as to what degree of physical efficiency his nutritional standard could obtain , or what standard of housing marked the upper boundary of deprivation .
18 On 26 July the Court of Appeal overruled the Divisional Court and on 2 August , moving with impressive speed , Lords Wilberforce , Dip lock , Salmon , Russell and Dilhorne upheld the Court of Appeal .
19 Each coolie received a hundred blows , and only their muffled cries of pain punctuated the regular thud of the staves .
20 This maintained a trend of conciliation begun the previous year when Iran 's Majles Speaker Rafsanjani was invited to meet King Fahd during his visit to Saudi Arabia for the annual pilgrimage and Crown Prince Abdallah called for an end to the war and the submission of the two sides to ‘ just and honest mediation ’ .
21 Nevertheless , Scott clearly believes that the upper classes have a disproportionate amount of power given the tiny percentage of the population that they make up .
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