Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 a layer of mango lay above the guava . )
2 Similar evidence of unity emerged from the numerous ( about 600 ) Latin American bishops .
3 The effect of the infighting , together with the government 's unimpressive pace of democratic reform , meant that the ruling party 's level of support dwindled throughout the year , a fact which was translated into several humiliating by-election losses [ see p. 37375 ] .
4 The astonishing show of support came on the day it was revealed that tapes of an intimate phone call between Di and a male friend are almost certainly genuine .
5 But the largest readily accessible reservoir of support lay in the French empire , which the Germans did not occupy and where Vichy 's authority was uncertain .
6 Evidence of change lay in the increasing local diversity of management arrangements as authorities and managers used their new found autonomy to shape structures and roles to suit themselves .
7 Even at the tiny rate of change discovered by the two men , an accurate clock started then would now be several hours out , compared to time judged by the positions of the sun or stars .
8 As a result , his skin glowed more healthily and his halo of hair gleamed like the outer circle of the sun .
9 Marilyn Thompson tossed her head and a lock of hair drifted from the elaborate structure .
10 His shoulders drooped , he expected nothing , but a small flicker of hope showed in the uptilting of his chin .
11 There can be no doubt of the widespread feelings of horror felt across the world at the thought of the use of nuclear weapons , in however ‘ limited ’ a way , and therefore the unacceptability of the view that their use could be justified as legitimate .
12 A cry of horror came from the artist when he saw the terrible face in the portrait .
13 A slow look of horror showed in the Iranian 's eyes .
14 A look of horror appeared on the Campbell 's clock face .
15 The voice of Chaos thundered in the valleys .
16 A massive crack zig-zagged like lightning through the plaster of the opposite wall as the sounds of thunder roared in the stairwell .
17 She almost crumpled as the full rage of thunder exploded over the meadow and was still fifty yards short of the cabin when the squall hit .
18 According to the NRA 's figures , 200,000 tons of nitrogen , 32,000 tons of orthophosphates , 3,000 tons of zinc , 500 tons of copper ( in the latter two cases half of the total ) , 340 tons of lead ( nearly three quarters of the total ) and five tons of mercury flowed into the sea in 1990 .
19 An inviting smell of liquor rose on the steam .
20 The next bursts of building coincided with the city 's conflict with Barbarossa , when a wide and deep ditch was dug about 300 metres outside the Maximian wall .
21 If two such solutions were displayed as in Fig. 24.2(b) , the overall impression given would be the same ; however , sufficiently long after initiation , the times at which the changes of level occurred in the two solutions would be totally uncorrelated .
22 The charge of racism arose after the recent British National Party bye-election victory in East London .
23 While the bureaucracy was highly centralized , with control being exerted from Madrid ( at least until the devolution of functions to the new autonomous regions in recent years ) , fragmentation and lack of co-ordination resulted from the fiercely protected interests of the corps and their hermetic structure which allowed virtually no mobility between them .
24 In the typical scenario erm you have the parents as villains of the peace , you have the children or the child as being abused , you have ah typically in the er as it were the stereotypical scenario , you have the father doing the abuse , you have a certain amount of responsibility pointed at the mother .
25 Local agronomists from the Commissariat of Agriculture discovered in the Samara guberniia that 40 per cent of the machinery that had been hired out was unusable , and virtually all the rest was in need of repairs .
26 Eventually the minister of agriculture complained to the president .
27 The Ministry of Agriculture collaborated on the dog study and circulars have gone out urging villages to fence in their garbage dumps to deprive the animals of at least that source of food , but there is no wave of popular enthusiasm for slaughtering dogs wholesale .
28 It was — or was taken to be — a recognition of the important truth that the temporary holder of the office of archbishop stood in the place of , and was answerable to , St Augustine and the other saints of his church , and through them to God .
29 An air of unreality hung over the whole campaign .
30 I pulled it out , sat on one of the armchairs , and with a feeling of unreality started on the right-hand lock .
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