Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [vb past] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This division of support had potentially serious consequences as it was commonly accepted that all four constituent groups had to be united behind a single candidate if the Democrats were to regain of the White House .
2 Volatility increased , and the extent as well as the direction of change became less predictable .
3 Meanwhile , on 20 January 1920 , the dwindling sales of Champagne suffered yet another downward spiral , when the American Prohibition Bill was passed ( although ‘ bootleggers ’ still managed to smuggle in substantial consignments ) .
4 The conversion of the former arable fields to small enclosed fields of pasture had therefore two visible effects on the landscape .
5 Curiously , the reason why some species of dinosaur became very large is seldom addressed in either the popular or academic literature , and yet as an anatomical fact it can hardly be side-stepped .
6 In the United States of America , the fear of Communism became clearly evident during 1947 , and on 22nd .
7 The well known excess of leukaemia began around 1979 , at the same time as the increases found by this study in rural areas far removed from any nuclear installation — but all affected by population mixing associated with the oil industry .
8 The original version of Illustrator picked up several awards but neither was nor is a mainstream graphics tool in the same way as MacDraw has become .
9 On the other hand , this poses problems both in the definition of a measure of inequality defined over full income and in its implementation .
10 The babble of discontent grew more insistent , to the point where even the warders could n't quell it .
11 In theory , parties were free to frame their own transactions , which could then be carried out without legal impediment ; in the event that a bargain fell through , or if one party balked or proved unable to perform , the law of contract made freely available the regular judicial processes of the court system , in which economic damages would be awarded to the party aggrieved .
12 Sometimes this form of contract appeared less appropriate .
13 The Hague Rules ‘ boundaries ’ of liability encouraged less costly schemes of risk assumption .
14 In practice classical elite theorists ' determinist belief in the inevitability of oligarchy became as total as Marx 's faith in the dialectical development of history towards communism .
15 For couples with children the threshold income was 151 per cent of income support payments , and for single parents severe deprivation occurred when levels of income fell below 168 per cent of the amounts available from income support .
16 By 1811 , with the addition of a modest number of new subscription-based schools designed for the poor , things had improved although the geography of provision remained very uneven .
17 They also observed that for some of those youngsters subsequently the change of direction brought only short-lived renaissance of interest and motivation before the same boredom and lack of achievement returned .
18 This bit of park had just enough hint of wilderness to be readily transformed in imagination into prairie , canyon , rain forest , river delta , open sea .
19 But by now , the whole Lockerbie investigation was dogged by a sense of futility felt nowhere more keenly than at the Scottish Fatal Accident Inquiry which , just before Christmas 1990 , recessed for a month after hearing 150 witnesses in 46 days .
20 Outside was sunshine and jubilant birdsong ; inside the dining room , the smell of bacon and rattle of cutlery seemed comfortingly prosaic .
21 The rediscovery of mind had relatively little impact on the psychobiology of the time .
22 Drawing on the re-evaluation of emotion characteristic of contemporary feminist theory and practice , she argues that feminist conceptions of emotion constitute a critique of dualist conceptions of mind found in much Western philosophy in the English-speaking world and elsewhere .
23 Between 1950 and 51 , however , the ‘ political exhaustion ’ of Labour became more apparent .
24 However , there seems no doubt that slavery as a mode of exploitation was on the decline in Latin America , even before it was abolished , and that the economic case against this form of labour appeared increasingly strong after 1850 .
25 Similarly , important physicists on the Continent corresponded with him , and were amazed and delighted by his discoveries ; but the lines of force seemed somehow unscientific , a scaffolding that could be ignored when the building was completed .
26 In the case of Romania , people suspected that behind the arguments about economies of scale and equalized standards of living lay more sinister purposes .
27 Mary of Guise had infinitely more ability and determination , but for the first twelve years of the minority she had no official role in government , and throughout the whole period her main interest lay in achieving a French marriage for her daughter , even if that meant doing little about the existence of Protestantism .
28 A heavy gust of wind tore down one of the blades of Europe 's largest turbine , the VAWT 850 , at National Power 's Camarthen Bay Wind Energy Centre .
29 On the third morning a gust of wind swept out one final flurry and cleared the sky .
30 In his second spell at Rangers , Johnson 's sporadic acts of violence became so common they were almost obligatory .
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