Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [coord] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Kingdon 's ideas may seem like a recipe for environmental determinism , but the link drawn between a recent origin for humans and the fundamentally local nature of adaptation means that his book is also a powerful indictment of any attempt to rank human populations in terms of progress or to see the evolution of human races as anything other than short-term responses to particular problems .
2 There an attempt was to be made to reach agreement on the date of Easter and to end the discord between Egypt and Rome on the one hand and Syria and Asia Minor on the other .
3 Having explored some of the causes of change and identified the areas which will continue to be debated for the next decade , it is perhaps appropriate to try to identify the developments which have occurred in the past 30 years .
4 But Philip still did not trust the loyalty of Champagne and allowed the office of sénéchal ( steward of the royal household ) , which was customarily awarded to a member of the count of Champagne 's family , to lapse .
5 Will she send out a message to those who oppose smoking and belong to the brigade who say , ’ Do as I say and as I instruct you , ’ to the effect that they should leave ordinary people to get on with the job of smoking and supporting the economy ?
6 On the other hand to disassociate the Church from the Kingdom breaks the nerve-cord of hope and destroys the community of commitment to Christ as Saviour and Lord .
7 West Ham 's 4–0 victory over Norwich on Saturday had offered a glimmer of hope and scuppered the planned mass second-half walk-out by supporters in their continuing protest at the general running of the club .
8 It removed an essential feature of ball-winning and turned the tournament into a lottery .
9 STEVE PYKE is a regular contributor to the pages of Esquire and took the photographs of Irish comedian Sean Hughes to be seen on pages 59 and 61 .
10 They scatter during the day to feed , but reassemble every night in a vast , noisy crowd , blanketing whole sections of woodland and making the trees almost invisible under their cloak of bodies .
11 The boys do their bit as well , throwing out diseased white-outs of noise and drenching the most innocent of melodies in liquefied squalor .
12 Ukraine claimed that only 10 per cent should become CIS property , as the cost of building and maintaining the fleet had been borne by Ukraine .
13 The finance branch simply wants charges that are high enough to recoup the costs of building and running the plant .
14 The following activities will need a lot of co-ordination and imply the need for full-time posts : Schools/Industry curriculum development , — monitoring and placement of students who achieve Compact goals , — Work Experience .
15 To my great surprise , I found that in all types of managerial organization in many different countries over 35 years , people in roles at the same time span experience the same weight of responsibility and declare the same level of pay to be fair , regardless of their occupation or actual pay .
16 The troops ' intervention in the ambulance strike is being authorised under a Whitehall arrangement which enables one department to request ‘ military aid to the civil ministries ’ from the Ministry of Defence and pay the bill afterwards .
17 THE troops ' intervention in the ambulance strike is not being authorised under the Emergency Powers Act , but under a Whitehall arrangement which enables one department to request ‘ military aid to the civil ministries ’ from the Ministry of Defence and pay the bill afterwards .
18 If you 're knitting a wide piece of knitting and changing the yarn less than every two rows , it 's advisable to lay down the driving lever .
19 Some rejected entirely any talk of self-government or treating the Ukrainians as an oppressed people .
20 In one fell swoop he settled rumblings of discontent and turned the Labour conference , which starts today , from being an inward-looking examination of defeat into a confident bid to show the world — Brian Gould notwithstanding — an alternative to the ‘ devalued Prime Minister of a devalued government ’ .
21 In the last years of Queen Anne 's reign Jacobites became hopeful — and Whigs fearful — that the Tory ministry , with the connivance of the Queen , might undo the Act of Settlement and establish the Old Pretender as the next in line to the throne .
22 Yet the reality is that it is only in companies where each shareholder has a sufficiently substantial stake in the company to make it worth his or her while performing the tasks of monitoring and supervising the behaviour of the directors that this constitutional framework can hope to provide an adequate control on the behaviour of directors .
23 In the large public company it is now accepted as part of conventional wisdom that the shareholding is so widely dispersed that each shareholder does not own a significant enough proportion of the company to perform any of the functions of monitoring and supervising the directors that the legal model casts upon him .
24 Outside legal doctrine itself there has been a greater willingness to accept that in the large public company the shareholders may not perform the task of monitoring and controlling the management of the company , so that the managers are potentially left in a position of unchecked power .
25 The other chapters consider the mechanics of this planning ( e.g. staff specifically responsible for it ) , as well as ways of monitoring and assessing the resulting curriculum .
26 He got grape concentrate , sugar , cooking brandy and a large bottle of bleach and put the mixture into a large saucepan Elinor used for making marmalade .
27 In September 1990 the Supreme Court dismissed the charges of espionage and returned the case to a lower court .
28 Landlords believe that the Rent Acts unfairly interfere with freedom of contract and exacerbate the housing shortage .
29 Secondly , where an exemption clause is not invalidated by section 2 , the buyer may be able to sue the seller for breach of contract and to defeat the exemption clause by virtue of sections 6 or 3 of the Unfair Contract Terms Act .
30 This forms an effective revision medium , enabling the teacher to identify areas of difficulty and to quantify the assimilation of information in the pupil 's own knowledge structures .
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