Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 And in fact , I get an awful lot of support from friends erm , not family because my family are n't , were n't aware of it , erm but I mean , really it came from fre , really close friends that I could sit down and talk to and that could understand me and accept me , just like what the girl said as well .
2 Despite some evidence of change in teachers ' attitudes and behaviour , they themselves were reluctant to admit that the project had influenced them .
3 One of the most critical problems for organizations in designing well and competitively is their response or lack of response to change and , more specifically , to rates of change in markets ' technical and economic conditions .
4 The Court heard that one of the directors had acted while an undischarged bankrupt , aided and abetted by the others , and that they had caused the company to trade without reasonable prospect of payment of creditors ' claims , to retain Crown monies to finance insolvent trading and to abuse banking procedures .
5 There are significant differences in the degree of inequality between men 's and women 's earnings within the same occupation .
6 Divorce is likewise raising complicated issues of entitlement to dependants ' occupational benefits , since on divorce a woman loses her potential right to a widow 's pension and/or benefits .
7 4 Teachers as the main providers of response to children 's writing need to become better readers .
8 The effects of care-giving on women 's paid employment and living standards , as described below , lend further weight to this argument .
9 The picture around the country for local authorities is one of reduction in children 's services . ’
10 Under the Bill , responsibility for the administration of funding for nurses ' education will be transferred from the national boards of Wales , Scotland and England to health authorities and health boards .
11 ‘ Colonel Hawthorn told me he puts a lot of stock in men 's brasses . ’
12 On May 28 , 1989 — International Day of Action for Women 's Health we plan to hold a seminar/meeting to consolidate our gains and set up a support network for the genital mutilation campaign .
13 In what ways would your reading have been altered by the following instructions : ( a ) Find out about the effects of industry on workers ' standards of living .
14 The labour movement 's demands stressed the democratic control of industry by employees ' representatives .
15 Indeed recent surveys by the National Foundation for Educational Research have revealed that there is often a great deal of confusion in pupils ' minds , particularly as so many educational programmes for history now employ dramatic reconstruction .
16 She had seen that look of appraisal in men 's eyes before .
17 He posits a difference in the attitude to risk on the part of management on the one hand and shareholders on the other , the former being much more risk averse than the latter , given the effect of insolvency on managers ' jobs and on the value of their shareholdings in the company ( which often constitute a considerable proportion of their total wealth ) , together with the possibility of personal liability in the event of winding up .
18 The APA 's Division of the Psychology of Women , and the BPS Psychology of Women Section , criticize psychology 's poor record of research on women 's psychology , and see the rectification of this as their major field of work .
19 Lots of readers have written in complaining about the lack of uniformity in children 's clothes sizes .
20 He had n't expected either that the Mess would be in a château , that the furniture would be impressively of its period — no worn armchairs or bits of junk in a state of collapse from subalterns ' games , as so often to be found in the messes of his experience , or indeed that his welcome would be so unaffectedly cordial .
21 Initially , as many men have recounted , there was a great deal of prejudice about women 's military capacities :
22 There is almost a tinge of predestination in footballers ' reflections on how they came to sport in the first place .
23 Another publication which may be of help with artists ' methods and materials , is ‘ Artists ’ Materials , Which , Why and How ’ , published by A&C Black .
24 The Companies Act 1985 , requires a general policy of disclosure of insiders ' interests .
25 In addition , the structure of collective bargaining is an important influence upon the role and locus of decision-making within employers ' organisations themselves .
26 The incorporation of higher levels of exercise into children 's life-style seems to be an important preventive factor for the future ( Spence 1986 ) .
27 But this will need constant nurturing if it is to develop into an appreciation of the richness of poetry , where words are ‘ alive with a plurality of meanings from their contexts , their associations and their sensory qualities ; they are alive with what Ted Hughes calls ‘ the goblin in a word'' ’ ( this quotation is from Michael Benton 's essay on ‘ The Importance of Poetry in Children 's Learning ’ , from the NATE book Lessons in English Teaching and Learning [ 1988 ] ) ( p. 148 ) .
28 As Michael Benton puts it in The Importance of Poetry in Children 's Learning : ‘ The development of a methodology that is based upon informed concepts of reading and response rather than upon conventional , narrowly-conceived ideas of comprehension and criticism is now the priority ’ ( p. 150 ) .
29 Now if there is no problem why on earth do we have to put that sort of that sort of work by officers erm , in , in to action erm , so between the , if I understand Labour 's position now Chairman , between the twenty fifth of August and the twenty eighth of September , we have now gone from accepting the problem and seeing how we can solve a number problem to saying that there is no no number problem and that everyone is cooking the books .
30 Since most Western societies are liberal in outlook , cherishing the proposition that ‘ we 're all individuals ’ , it is not surprising that the early , uncompromising identification of sexism with women 's oppression was quickly challenged and replaced with the notion of individuals being oppressed by their restrictive sex roles .
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