Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [modal v] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 While violence on the field of play may generate tension and even trigger violence , one must probe a little deeper to discover the underlying social roots of the problem .
2 Regular reviews of progress will take place and students are asked to carefully monitor their own performance .
3 Inappropriate expectations about the speed of change may reduce motivation or the social conditions may present real difficulties ( Turner 1973 ) .
4 How do we develop systems that are sensitive to the needs of users as well as the expressed needs of practitioners ? and , How do we maintain the practitioners ' interest when the need for change is identified but managing a planned process of change will take time ?
5 So although Attlee 's cabinet of the post-war years was instrumental in promoting and drafting the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms , few thought it necessary or desirable that this guarantee of freedom should become part of English law .
6 Ion Iliescu in particular became the focal point of demonstrators who claimed that his communist past disqualified him from office and that nothing short of a total purge of communists from all positions of responsibility would cleanse society of the effects of 40 years of dictatorship .
7 For any effective right of tax-diversion would require legislation to set up a Peace Tax Fund ; to prescribe the uses to which tax resources diverted into the fund might be put ; and to authorise the Inland Revenue Commissioners to take into account a person 's conscientious beliefs in determining which account that person 's taxes should be paid into .
8 There is not doubt that certain classes of drug can increase aggression , sharpen awareness and dull the pain arising from injuries , but they are all banned .
9 There will be more Environmentally Sensitive Areas if the Ministry of Agriculture can win funding from the Treasury in the Autumn public expenditure round .
10 Users with no knowledge of SQL can extract information from local and remote relational databases via a point-and-click interface .
11 It is hoped an Ada version of ANDF will allow government , defence and corporate procurers to exercise a much greater degree of control over their suppliers , by enabling them to separate hardware and software purchasing considerations .
12 A distinction is made between sales negotiations , where a certain amount of bargaining may take place , and pure selling , where the salesman is given no freedom to bargain .
13 So there are times ( as we shall see in chapter sixteen ) when the rationality of faith must go hand in hand with the mystery of faith .
14 Often the form of a piece of literature may throw light on the nature of the piece and its background , or " life-setting " .
15 But , Tufnell of course must have precedence there at the moment .
16 Mhm , I can imagine well they know a bit about they know , oh , the , well , Julio of course used to keep goal did n't he ?
17 If so , it is perhaps surprising that a threat of a mere breach of contract should give rise to liability .
18 Jibé is enthusiastic that a route of this length and level of difficulty will divert attention away from the fashion for ‘ microroute ’ 8c 's , like Ben Moon 's Maginot Line/le Plafond and Hubble .
19 12–10- There was a proposal that it was desirable to have " an assistant to labour in the district by preaching and visiting " and it was thought that Mr Findlay of Dunlossit would give assistance towards this object .
20 If used with consideration , this type of experience can form part of a developmental programme .
21 For research to become a learning resource , lists of suggested reading in preparation for modules of experience should contain reference to relevant nursing research , in order to prepare for discussion in class .
22 Although all lengths of board will carve gybe , the longer all-round funboards need a higher level of skill than the more responsive 3.30m size of board which is ideally suited to first attempts .
23 Francis has got to try to get Hirst back to business quickly , and the player himself should realise that this dream of glory can become reality under the guidance of Francis .
24 It is suggested in the Preface that the other types of trial should precede CD trials , as they will almost certainly lead to changes in the teaching unit , which will improve its chances of surviving in this taxing environment .
25 I approved of Paddy Ashdown 's commitment to spending more on education — but then no amount of money will make education good if the unions and the race relations industry are running the show .
26 So the elevation of calcium will secrete insulin .
27 The Spirit , then , is fully involved in the anguish of our world-in-the-making , and of us Christians-in-the-making ; and he points towards the day when the pains of travail will give way to the joys of birth .
28 In general , then , a bank 's highest yielding assets tend to be illiquid — for example , a large proportion of advances to customers , though profitable , are illiquid ; similarly , equities are illiquid in that any attempt to sell a large amount of stock would depress stock prices and cause capital losses .
29 The Good Friday Walk of Witness will take place again this year in Wakefield , starting at 9:30 a.m. at Westgate End Methodist Church , Lawefield Lane , silently following the Cross to a United Service at the Cathedral .
30 A plan of action will save time and trouble and make the whole event a less wearing experience .
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