Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [adv] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But , but it is , it is dangerous because of course maybe it does n't work .
2 The court went on to record that the issues thus created had been narrowed by the acceptance on the part of the applicant 's counsel that the right of silence could not be invoked against the Director prior to the charge of the suspected person , and by counsel for the Director that if , as he submitted , the power to require information did not cease at the time of charge then it did not cease at all ( save in cases where the charge was not pursued ) until the investigation came to an end on the conviction or acquittal of the person charged .
3 Somebody else said , well no , if you do n't open the bottle of wine immediately it looks like
4 In most insects , however , the greater part of the cuticle undergoes a process of sclerotization whereby it becomes hardened and darkened to form more or less tough , rigid sclerites separated from each other by membranous zones of unchanged soft cuticle .
5 The second explanation was that as English Christians and as Protestants they had to fight the inroads of Popery wherever it occurred .
6 She too exhibits both a fascination and a scepticism with regard to structuralist theories of the text , manifest in Thru as a healthy mistrust of theory whenever it becomes over-systematic .
7 I mean as I 'm , I do n't think they had any option with this I think because it 's a change of usage , considerable change of use then it had to go before the committee , erm but erm
8 So you John now Jonathan he 's only fifteen , I know he looks in his twenties , but he 's only fifteen and he 's done a lot of homework so it makes him late and it makes him uncomfortable and he 's fidgety because he knows he 's got to disturb us when he goes out , he does n't does n't enjoy disturbing us , so I have to make that clear to you .
9 Her caravan was at the worst end of the site , surrounded by a sea of mud whenever it rained , and close to the rubbish dump .
10 Erm , now can you remember in the book of Genesis where it says sons of the true God ?
11 Our policy is one of indemnity i.e. it provides for the Claimant to be in the same position after the loss as immediately before it .
12 Although the , the hub of the sails is more or less in the centre of this photograph it 's not in sent not in the sense of , of the area of vision because you 've got a lot of dark area here so that tends to move the centre of vision so it becomes this bit , if you like , and so that 's not in the centre there .
13 So this business of of understanding how it happened from the , in inverted commas , victim 's point of view um this business of understanding the subsequent effects , this business of understanding the extent , ah are all enormously problematic and um it 's one of these things I would n't particularly like to have to design a survey of because it 's absolutely fraught with difficulty but nevertheless some some attempts have been made um as I have indicated .
14 The essential driving force is always difficult to define but the one thing that has struck me about is his intolerance of injustice wherever it presents itself .
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