Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Three carriers bottle of whisky bottle of wine .
2 And three carrier bags bottle of whisky bottle of wine .
3 The decision by US President Bush in early November 1989 to reject a petition from the Timex Corporation challenging the duty-free import of watch movements for assembly in the Virgin Islands ensured the survival of about 600 jobs on St Croix .
4 The reason is not hard to understand : hot dry weather puts great strain on the continuity of moisture supply at root level , and as a result the plants slow , the foliage flags , and in the wet dew the fungus runs like mad .
5 Early studies of platelet function in diabetes used in vitro tests of platelet adhesion .
6 Therefore it is apparent that possible stimulation of platelet function by hypoglycaemia must be borne in mind when interpreting the results of longitudinal studies of ‘ tight ’ glycaemic control on platelet function .
7 We found a high level of assessment activity by community nursing staff using structured questionnaires .
8 Authorities on the cutting edge of independent care management will have to intensify their monitoring of assessment costs in order to get quick handle on their care managers ' expenditure .
9 Certification of Assessment Marks by Moderator
10 The findings will make explicit models of teacher assessment , teachers ' practical solutions to criterion referenced assessment systems and the use made of assessment results at school and LEA level .
11 The set of retroflex consonants in Tamil will also require special drilling for the English speaker , and the dental consonants will be difficult for him to hear as being different from his own alveolar consonants .
12 Erm y'know erm it 's also erm perhaps interesting the way things have er have shifted you know in the last decade or so , like that thing that erm used to be on in the seventies , It Ai n't Half Hot Mum , with um a number of people pretending to be Indians and and exhibiting all the stereotypes y'know it ai n't half racist mum is probably more erm er in fact there was a book called It Ai n't Half Racist Mum that er Leicester University library had er y'know going on about exactly that you know the sort of y'know racism of comedy .
13 So erm seduction 's one of these words that implies more consensual type activity , implies that it 's sort of y'know kind of candle light and soft music and firelight and all that kind of thing but which it probably was n't in most cases .
14 Differences were observed in the expression of the various alternative splices of tenascin mRNA between tumor and normal cells and may thus indicate differences in tenascin isoform expression and function in normal and tumor cells .
15 ( It follows that there can be little activation of NMDA receptors by ambient or spontaneously released L-glutamate , otherwise LTP would be induced by depolarization alone . )
16 The marked potentiation of NMDA responses by acetylcholine in CA1 neurons was reproduced by the flash photolysis of caged InsP 3 ( ref. 153 ) but was blocked by the IP 3 R antagonist heparin .
17 Grade 1=normal appearance with intact epithelium , small numbers of lymphocytes , plasma cells , and macrophages in the lamina propria ; grade 2=intact epithelium but increased numbers of chronic inflammatory cells in the lamina propria , occasional foci of polymorphonuclear leukocytes ; grade 3=mild epithelial changes , leukocytes within the epithelium or the crypts and ducts , pronounced inflammatory cellular infiltration in the lamina propria ; grade 4=severe inflammatory changes with evidence of crypt abscesses with destruction , inflammatory erosions , or frank ulceration .
18 Figure 5 shows eight pairs of DNA histograms of crypt epithelia of FAP cases .
19 Because of the many opportunities that a designer has of seeing many types and design of kitchen equipment in action , he is able to pick for his client the best type and design for the job in hand .
20 References to Akio Morita are highlighted in both extracts , with the exception of verb inflections in Portuguese .
21 These empirical difficulties tell us something important about the nature of support structures between grandparent and grandchild .
22 The WorldPartners association will be headquartered in New York , and AT&T , Kokusai Denshin Denwa and Singapore Telecom also agreed to create an operating organisation within WorldPartners to provide a range of support capabilities for association members , including clearing house functions for billing , ordering , provisioning , maintenance and customer support .
23 It 's a hormone that is produced in the body as a result of skin exposure to sunlight .
24 In theory , areas of acoustic clarity would be identified on the basis of bottom-up information as seed words .
25 The centre in this explanation should not , as Shils observes , be understood in a geometric sense or even in a geographical sense ; in fact , the term ‘ centre ’ stands for the value systems by which society is ordered and thus may have only the weakest of links with particular concrete manifestations of elite values in politics , economics , culture or other aspects of societal interaction .
26 Currently more than two million British households , one in ten homes , rely on some form of cable system for TV reception .
27 ( i ) The PPR ( periparturient rise in faecal egg counts ) is very marked in ewes and is the most important cause of pasture contamination with nematode eggs in the spring .
28 Such was the value of scrap metal after World War Two .
29 When turning the ends to be jointed , it is worth having a piece of scrap wood on hand with the appropriate holes bored into it to check for a snug fit .
30 I looked at each phial of heart stimulant in turn , the files , the needles in their sterile jar .
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