Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [verb] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , there were 300 or so other overs bowled on the four days of play permitted by the weather , with nine innings passing 50 , and even the extras in England 's innings passing the half-century .
2 It was here that the Princess was presented with a bonnet of straw-plait made by the ladies of Swanage who stayed up all night to finish it before the royal party left next day from the Quay to join the Royal Yacht in the Bay .
3 Produces a quick rush of euphoria followed by a rapid depression of mood .
4 An alternative explanation for the more favourable results at endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography is that the type of stricture encountered by the two techniques is different , percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography being preferred when imaging suggests a high stricture and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography when it is low .
5 The Czechoslovak Finance Minister , Vaclav Klaus , expressed impatience at the pace of progress envisaged by the communiqué , declaring that Czechoslovakia did " not want to wait for committees " and wished to " start the overhaul tomorrow " .
6 With the exception of Whitburn New the standard of effluent set by the Forth River Purification Board is the Royal Commission Standard ie BOD 20 mg/l which is dependent on at least 8 times dilution in the receiving waters to achieve a river water quality adequate to support fish life .
7 It was never suggested in Meikle that any one of the prosecutions was brought as a consequences of mala fides by the prosecutor .
8 The degree of support given to Newton 's theory by Galle 's observation of Neptune is no different from the degree of support given by a modern observation of Neptune .
9 She was disappointed at the lack of support given by the teachers and she had felt embarrassed by their absence .
10 Thus the question of legitimacy is crucial , and particularly the levels of support enjoyed by the civil political process as a whole compared with those enjoyed by the military .
11 In the absence of any alternative network of support provided by the politics they participated in as employed men , the labour movement , they are thrown on a charitable sector dominated by a punitive and puritanical morality .
12 Who then is going to organise the packages of support required by the new structure of Community Care ?
13 This coming together at Dan Qeqe stadium was far more of a genuine gesture towards bridge building than most of the internal initiatives according to Malcolm Klaasen , the ex-SARU convenor of the Eastern Cape Veterans Association , and an outspoken critic of the lack of change wrought by the unification process .
14 Competitive strategies therefore need regular review and modification within the realistic rate of change defined by the nature of the industry .
15 In practice , the extent of change engendered by the staffing delegation component of LMS will vary from LEA to LEA and from school to school and in nothing more so than in appointments .
16 Even at the tiny rate of change discovered by the two men , an accurate clock started then would now be several hours out , compared to time judged by the positions of the sun or stars .
17 Metropolitan clusters were clearly in evidence with their own internal dynamics of change dominated by a trend to loosen and shed population from the core to the periphery .
18 ‘ And so , ’ I continue , ‘ the suntan becomes fashionable and it 's no longer as necessary as it was — taking Robinson Crusoe by way of example — to hide from it under a parasol in order to conserve that fairness of skin threatened by the desert island climate .
19 As a direct result of expertise gained by the Getty conservators in the restoration of the Nefertari tomb they have now been invited to collaborate with the Egyptian Antiquities Organisation on the restoration of the tomb of Tuthankhamun .
20 At this stage , most if not all expert systems can not be used by naive users ; a reasonable general knowledge of the area of expertise covered by the system ( its knowledge domain ) is essential if the output produced is to be taken seriously , just as the scope , limitations and difficulties presented by a new piece of legislation can only be predicted with any certainty by a lawyer and , even then , not always correctly .
21 We have no equivalent organisation and there is no question that the type of expertise provided by the EPA was not available to us .
22 The dream of a " new diplomacy " remained , in spite of the outburst of hope generated by the creation of the League of Nations , no more than a dream .
23 The dawn of hope signalled by the French Revolution had ended as murderous confusion , and radicalism in England was increasingly under attack from both repressive government and popular opinion .
24 O'Hara , watching Stella , was disconcerted by the wave of tenderness evoked by the sight of her bright hair rippling like a flag against the dark wall .
25 The two-bedroom cottage needs refurbishment but it is in a superb location , in the middle of woodland owned by the National Trust and overlooking the River Yealm .
26 Its message was simple : vote " no " to stop the advance of communism led by the ANC and the South African Communist Party ( SACP ) .
27 From the water of chaos summoned by the voice of Thoth came four primordial gods — Nun , Heh , Ket and Amun — in the form of male frogs representing nothingness , infinity , darkness and formlessness , together with their consorts Naunet , Hehet , Keket , and Amunet in the form of four female snakes .
28 This introduces a new avenue of analysis into Marxist writings ; it opens the possibility of recognising that social and political systems may not operate solely on the basis of objective laws but may have a degree of freedom driven by the individual , group and elite perceptions .
29 Though the chemistry of the world may have changed , the laws of chemistry have not changed ( that 's why they are called laws ) , and modern chemists know enough about those laws to make some well-informed speculations , speculations that have to pass rigorous tests of plausibility imposed by the laws .
30 The analysis has also shown that the level of formality used by a character in conversation with other characters may be a revealing area of study in determining a character 's sense of his or her own power and confidence in a given conversational situation .
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