Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A little drop of whisky does you good .
2 However , this Proposal was originally issued in 1972 , and was re-issued in 1983 following discussions with the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee ; its lack of progress reflects its controversial nature , and its future advance is unlikely to be rapid .
3 Gave him a stiff sentence in a House of Correction to teach him better ways .
4 The second symptom of change following his long residence at Lyons is this : in later years , but never earlier , Anselm occasionally used the phrase Libertas Ecclesiae , of which Hugh and Gregory VII had been the chief advocates for the last twenty years .
5 Unlike Rousettus , which can see very well and which uses unmodified relatively low-pitched sounds to do a modest amount of echolocation to supplement its good vision , the smaller bats appear to be technically highly advanced echo-machines .
6 His eyes raked from her slender tanned legs over the V-neck of her short black dress , and on up to her flushed cheeks , and the blonde strands of hair escaping her neat bun .
7 ‘ You 're beautiful , ’ he murmured huskily , burying his hands in her cascade of hair to bring her closer still .
8 It should be obvious first of all , but surprisingly to many people is n't , that each field of expertise needs its own vocabulary .
9 Acquiring this kind of expertise brings its own rewards and it is gratifying to discover that it is often easier to explain a subject to others when you have had some difficulty mastering it yourself .
10 A foal requires about one pint of colostrum to give it sufficient antibiotics to help fight neonatal infections .
11 Because educational institutions are largely staff ed by professionals , there has , in the past , been a tendency to allow individuals a lot of freedom to use their professional judgement in deciding how best to achieve the aims of the organisation .
12 Fortunately , Prince Nikolaus Esterházy was an enlightened and civilized person , who appreciated Haydn 's outstanding abilities , and allowed him a certain degree of freedom to pursue his own interests .
13 It should always be with the opposite sex only ; yet novel reading girls exhaust their female magnetism without obtaining any compensating male magnetism , which of necessity deranges their entire sexual system .
14 This narrative is often linked to another in which the victims of racism trace their own onward march , as an epic journey of emancipation from bondage , in which they alone carry the banner of human progress .
15 In Rostock , East Germany , and Greenwich , South London , the ugly face of racism reared its evil head last week at almost exactly the same time , victimising the innocent and intimidating the weak .
16 Just as different sites or forms of racism have their own conditions of existence and articulation , so they require specific modes of analysis and intervention , each of which has its own criteria of efficacy .
17 Each manager will identify opportunities within his own sector of responsibility to demonstrate his personal commitment to TOP .
18 The Ministry of Defence had its continuing missile special relationship with the United States , whose Department of Defense had agreed to substitute the Trident submarine-missile system for Polaris .
19 When Sir Dudley Digges and Sir John Eliot [ qq.v. ] were arrested for accusing Buckingham of murdering King James , the mildness of Strode 's reaction to this breach of privilege terminated his parliamentary career .
20 The structure of agriculture makes it difficult to treat the peasant drive for noble land as the harbinger of rural capitalism .
21 The publishing explosion following the development of printing made it necessary for catalogues to give rather more detail : for instance , the edition and date of a book might now be more crucial to the reader , because there were so many variants .
22 The book 's structure is not always clear and the lack of index makes it difficult to pin-point where a section on , for example , challenging behaviour or services for black and ethnic minority people was located .
23 He 's taken a break from the murky world of espionage to help his 5 year old Labrador unravel the mysteries of the canine psyche .
24 They were a jolly bunch of chaps , eager to make friends with the locals , learn about the mysteries of turf cutting , and of course sample our local beverages .
25 So I resolved to remain alive in an unofficial capacity , which of course annoys them all immensely .
26 Philosophers have of course done their best to do so , by deducing a priori a Categorical Imperative , or by deriving imperatives from theological , psychological or sociological premisses at the cost of blurring the line between ‘ is ’ and ‘ ought ’ .
27 We have of course made it clear that those techs who were piloting er the out of school childcare initiative er will continue er to be funded er along with all other techs from ninety four , five and although of course I can not preempt the tech 's judgement and take a view on that particular scheme , er I can say that funding will continue for techs for that purpose .
28 This translates into an average eighteen pounds reduction in council tax for a band E dwelling which could be passed on to council tax payers in their ninety four , ninety five bills or of course allows them more flexibility in their general financial planning .
29 And of course had their own camp and their own agent 's bungalow Lyness , down on the point .
30 Each time he 'd get to the line about going to stoke the brazier it would come out as ‘ stoke the brassiere ’ , which of course stopped everything dead and brought the Director screaming down on us .
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