Example sentences of "of [noun sg] hold in the " in BNC.

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1 Christopher was sawing through a piece of wood held in the vice .
2 He held his glasses in one hand and was rhythmically tapping a sheet of paper held in the other .
3 I noted earlier that Marx recognised the social and political ‘ materiality ’ of lines of demarcation other than those of property holding in the ‘ Eighteenth Brumaire ’ : nonetheless what is striking in this passage is that he never settled accounts with the general theory which denied such factors any pertinence in the long run .
4 From the records of property holding in the city of London between c 1200 and 1666 , it is possible to trace a remarkable sequence of changes in the fabric of the city , the density of settlement , the property market , and the social and economic structure .
5 Would you like that one again , In the afternoon when the sun half close his eyes , ants can be found not working , dogs in their cool places , vandal wall slice through heat , hold and let go of light in rays , in the afternoon when smoke curls like the back of a cat , people lean and braid hair , someone dressed like Christ looked in and said it was good now we have the dug out how food is presented erm can say so much , at least it does to me and , so that , so that the beginning of this poem became from er the food , piece of food held in the hand of the mayor in this picture .
6 Floriade ( at Zoetermeer until October 11 ) is an international festival of gardening held in The Netherlands only once every decade , when every aspect of the world of horticulture is on display to amuse , inform , surprise and delight .
7 Most colleges of education libraries , for example , will have lists of software held in the college and organizations such as SMDP , ( the Scottish Microelectronics Development Project ) , produce annotated catalogues of software available to schools at low cost .
8 Finally , in July 1937 , at the height of the Spanish Civil War , Nizan attended the Second International Congress of Writers for the Defence of Culture held in the beleaguered and bombarded city of Madrid .
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