Example sentences of "of [noun sg] be [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 While different kinds of discrimination are not to be conflated , I believe there is something to be learned from homophobia about other kinds .
2 According to this account the formation of associations during pre-exposure and the loss of associability are not to be thought of as rival interpretations of latent inhibition .
3 There 's no point arguing over finances this month , or jeopardising a special relationship just when some kind of settlement is about to be agreed .
4 The penalty under the latter section may of course be up to 100% of the undeclared tax as opposed to the pay and file penalties of £100 , £200 plus 10% or 20% of underpaid tax .
5 Once these factors are taken into account , together with the tendencies to rapid new entry , intense competition and the high elasticity of demand for eurobonds , it is evident that the balance of advantage is increasingly to the borrower .
6 Registrations for the degree of PhD were still to be through the CNAA .
7 ‘ The next round of funding is up to the next Government of whatever political party . ’
8 No other sort of mind is up to the demands of the system , which needs to seem to have judicial impartiality and a rocklike permanance while also being quickly responsive to the latest political fads .
9 The next time he went to church she waylaid him after the evening service , and tried to persuade him to enter the hall , where — as he had guessed — a cup of tea was about to be made .
10 The main effect of wind is probably to be seen in undercutting and fluting at the base of upstanding rock masses , while such things as wooden telegraph poles and stone monuments may be undercut at the base and even worn through .
11 Reported crimes of violence are up to 250 every Saturday night .
12 If this possibility of fraud is not to be an insurmountable barrier to recognizing such unions as marriages , what is the solution ?
13 Beccaria 's appearance of humanity is perhaps to some extent due to the fact that , unlike Bentham , he often glossed over the darker implications of his arguments .
14 That kind of independence is not to be achieved by the student acting purely independently .
15 The current level of compensation is up to £20 per parcel .
16 A more comprehensive video of the safe system of work is also to be produced in the near future .
17 Although a lot of work is still to be done in this area , this technique appears to offer a new , more precise , quicker and less laborious method of identifying grains .
18 Democracy and the rule of law are yet to be firmly established .
19 At this point the layer of sediment is up to 2 km thick .
20 The board of governors of RGU is also to be asked by the union to intervene in the dispute .
21 The profits of war were not to be found only in France : a grateful king rewarded his commanders with grants at home , and the wounds of 1341 seem to have been healed by success in war .
22 Excessive editing of videotape was not to be encouraged in 1961 and so Newman worked to the formula of having live action done in the electronic studio , and the Visual Effects , plus other control critical sequences , done on film — a small , but important development in British science fiction programme making .
23 Except in Cornwall , the fortunate few who enjoyed a measure of affluence were chiefly to be found in towns where lucrative guild appointments were available .
24 The clearest general account of the legal rights or ‘ entitlements ’ of citizenship is still to be found in T. H. Marshall 's Citizenship and Social Class , published in 1950 .
25 If this were a simple and one-way movement , the answer would lie in ensuring that the record of achievement is up to date and intelligible , that assessment records are accurate and that the pastoral record , if any , is both just and constructive .
26 Men of Commando were originally to be parachute troops , but the RAF had even greater difficulty in finding planes than the Royal Navy had in finding craft .
27 Comparison of present rates of denudation and orogeny allowed Schumm ( 1963a ) to deduce that the production of a planation surface could take between 10 and 110 million years and to show that present rates of orogeny are up to 10 times faster than rates of denudation .
28 An element of prudence is not to be excluded .
29 ‘ The structure and composition of the league are thoroughly bad ’ , wrote Hobson : ‘ The breath of democracy is nowhere to be found .
30 The choice of timber is up to the entrant ; the only proviso being that the two pieces must be consistent .
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