Example sentences of "of [noun sg] by the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The hammer lock kept my head down , but I could see he was carrying a bottle of whisky by the neck .
2 Before exploring some of the attitudes held towards the issue of assessment by the arts teachers interviewed , it might help to look at the philosophies being advanced by them towards the teaching of their respective specialisms .
3 Where a capital sum ( as defined ) is paid directly or indirectly in any relevant year of assessment by the trustees of a settlement to the settlor then , to the extent that there is an amount of income available ( as defined ) in the settlement , the settlor can be taxed on that capital sum as if it were income .
4 The effect of the Janata Dal split , and the earlier withdrawal of support by the BJP , had a major impact on a number of state governments , although no Chief Ministers actually fell during November as a result of the events at the centre .
5 Relations between the two countries had been severely strained because of persistent allegations of support by the Solomons for the secessionist rebellion on the island of Bougainville which , although formally a part of Papua New Guinea , was geographically and ethnically closer to the Solomon Islands .
6 The Shekhawat ministry won a vote of confidence in the assembly in November 1990 , necessitated by the withdrawal of support by the Janata Dal after the BJP had ended its support for the V. P. Singh government [ see p. 37854 ] .
7 legal expenses incurred either prior to the granting of support by the insurers or without their written consent , and
8 And , having been presented with the customary bottle of champagne by the Wincanton executive , Scudamore added that he felt a lot less pressure than he had last season .
9 The film was responsible at the time for the tremendous popularity of the bar and , whenever Yates or Dustin went into it , they were sent over a bottle of champagne by the management .
10 And er d you n really ne you need you need a bottle of champagne by the side of you when you reach the stage when suddenly you can see the front of the van .
11 His focus — no doubt justifiable by the Committee 's terms of reference — was limited : to the establishment of a single pension integrated into the new social insurance scheme , and the reduction of supplementation by the Assistance Board .
12 Now electrolysis is the permanent removal of hair by the insertion of a very small needle attached to a machine and you press the button on the needle holder which releases current , and that cooks the hair , it actually cooks the root of the hair , but each hair has to be individually treated , so if you 've got quite a lot of coarse hair it can take a lot of time , and a lot of money .
13 It has been suggested that the lack of control over the system of payment by the Ministry of Health has created ‘ monumental distortions and fraud . ’
14 An order could , in my opinion , be sought imposing on the contravener and , in default of payment by the contravener , on the person or persons ‘ knowingly concerned ’ liability to repay to the investor the purchase price of the shares comprised in a particular investment transaction , with payment to be made against the delivery up by the investor of the share certificates and , if necessary , a signed form of transfer .
15 There is the possibility of misinterpretation by the reader .
16 Leonard 's switch represents the second change of heart by the Lions ' management in the last week .
17 YORKSHIRE 'S unsettled batsman Phil Robinson should find it easier to attract a new county after a change of heart by the Test and County Cricket Board yesterday .
18 This latest development in a saga which has been running for many months represents a change of heart by the Saints ' board .
19 But just before the hearing there was a change of heart by the finance company which is trying to repossess their home near Oxford .
20 What remained of woodland by the end of the medieval period was devoured at an ever increasing rate .
21 To counteract the possibility of discrimination by the EEC should it be able to establish a common external tariff , the other OEEC states would need to accept a lowering of or even an end to their tariffs , providing the Six would waive their common external tariff on goods coming from the rest of the OEEC .
22 The latest investigations also relate to incidents in 1988 when Mrs Mandela had returned to Soweto after years of banishment by the authorities to a remote town in the Orange Free State and had surrounded herself with a bodyguard of ‘ football club ’ thugs .
23 Derrida 's deconstruction of the notion of presence by the logics of the ‘ always already ’ and ‘ originary repetition ’ inevitably conflict with a history constructed in terms of a teleological movement from an origin , which can always be reawakened , towards the self-realization of an idea ‘ whose end may always be anticipated in the form of presence ’ .
24 Active tenants ' and residents ' committees in your block or area are a good sign : they give you a point of contact with neighbours and usually mean that your environment is afforded some degree of protection by the efforts of these people .
25 ‘ Every evening , the living room gets converted into some kind of camp by the children and smeared in food and footprints , ’ she laughs , ‘ but what 's the point of a home if you have to be precious with it ? ’
26 There seems to have been very little , if any , educational advantage in this elaboration , but there certainly was an advantage , in a profession which had become vastly overcrowded , of lengthening the period of education and , when one had finally become a muderris , of providing at least the illusion of advancement by the introduction of a number of grades which were unnecessary except in bureaucratic terms .
27 In the industrial manufacture of hydrogen by the Bosch process ( see section 12.1 ) , carbon dioxide is removed from hydrogen by bubbling the gaseous mixture through water at high pressure .
28 Seventeen Stormont MPs were taken on a tour of inspection by the University for Derry Action Committee and one of them , Dr Robert Nixon , the Stormont Unionist MP for North Down , declared that they had been misled by the Lockwood Report and that there was no shortage of suitable land or amenities in the city .
29 Thirdly , there was a highly uneven , but nevertheless very important formal assumption of responsibility by the state for many areas of sexual unorthodoxies , not simply , as often hitherto , in terms of enforcement , but also in terms of actual organisation , as for example with obscenity ( 1857 ) , prostitution and homosexuality ( 1885 , 1898 ) , and indecent advertising ( 1889 ) .
30 As part of the decision-making involved the assumption of responsibility by the Board for the Bedfordshire scheme , it is not surprising that the two WEA members of the Board and Frank Salter , the District Treasurer , who was a University nominated member , cast their votes in favour of the rural areas scheme .
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