Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun pl] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The HSE has now acted on the advice of men like Nourish to launch a survey of microbiological hazards ultimately to develop standards in scale up and industrial processes .
2 So we really do have to fight fiercely , and to do that , of course , erm one of the things that we do I think most effectively is to bring waves of foreign journalists here to write about how beautiful erm Britain is and indeed into your area , into the Oxford area , erm we 've got the Canadian T V crew coming next week , who 'll be filming and erm making erm documentary films for Canadian T V , which should be screened fairly quickly .
3 The basic failure is perceived particularly acutely in the social welfare professions , and it is based upon a wide range of features such as the failure of some services actually to deliver the goods promised , failures of responsibility and neutrality , the loss of the service ideal and , in extreme cases , the disabling effects upon clients .
4 Other training that is helpful is to gather a group of future leaders together to teach these goals for housegroups .
5 Sir John reserved the right to become a partner at the end of the first three years term for a quarter share of all mines and ores , then opened , got , or sold , … or … at the end of six years also to commence as a partner for one quarter share … or … at the end of nine years to commence as a partner for the same … or … at the end of 12 years the same , and at 15 years ditto .
6 The zeal will be fruitful if it makes the chain of human errors harder to repeat ; fruitless if it seeks the mare 's nest of perfect safety , particularly through technology .
7 But this is not possible because it is necessary to approach each of these aspects differently to get the required results .
8 It 's the desire of little girls everywhere to have pictures with their stories that 's inspired a ’ Wonderland ’ of images at the Museum of Oxford .
9 I was terrified and my fear was born of shadowy terrors yet to come . ]
10 The cell membrane first of all folds inwards to form a deep pit enclosing the virus ( B 2 ) .
11 Getting prisoners to realise there are people worse off than themselves , is the main idea behind a 3-day event at Stoke Mandeville. 30 of them have been helping mentally handicapped people of all ages simply to enjoy themselves .
12 The group includes by far the largest of terrestrial animals ever to have lived ( Brachiosaurus ) , creatures to dwarf the largest bull elephants .
13 SONYA Cairns put together a series of complicated moves today to clinch the Northern Ireland senior gymnastics championship at the Salto Gym .
14 There are all sorts of self-help agencies nowadays to support women in bereavement : Cruse and the National Association for Widows , the National Council for Separated and Divorced , and Gingerbread are just some of the organisations offering support and advice in various ways ( addresses on page 145 ) .
15 Close inspection of the data showed that the context effects were due to inhibition : when preceded by an anomalous context , words took an average of 110 milliseconds longer to identify than when preceded by a row of Xs .
16 This time last year the studios proudly produced an expensive list of star-packed sequels only to see their audience disappear to cheap films like Paramount 's ‘ Ghost ’ and Disney 's ‘ Pretty Woman ’ .
17 A decree signed by Bashir on Feb. 1 introduced a new penal code based , as was the previous one , on sharia law , which was to come into effect on March 22 , but which did not apply to the three southern regions ( now states ) " for the time being , pending the establishment of elected assemblies there to deal with the issue " ( an official information document as quoted in the Middle East Economic Digest of Feb. 15 ) .
18 Each time I chose the smallest flowers that I could find of each type — the larkspur flowers can range from this shape to nearly twice the size , so it will be worth while hunting through your collection of pressed items both to get some inspiration for your miniature and to determine your colour scheme .
19 Could we be sure in those circumstances that the American president and Congress would be prepared to risk the wholesale destruction of American cities merely to meet our point of view ?
20 there is an abiding dream in American literature that an unpatterned , unconditioned life is possible … there is also an abiding American dread that someone else is patterning your life , that there are all sorts of invisible plots afoot to rob you of your autonomy of thought and action .
21 The talks , aimed at tackling practical regional matters such as water-sharing , economic development and the environment , brought together the broadest gathering of Arab states ever to sit at the same table with Israel .
22 To such critics it shows just how blinkered orthodox science is , and the rather arrogant refusal of most scientists even to take the phenomena seriously , waving them irritably aside , merely serves to reinforce their opponents ' criticisms .
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