Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] so [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Under the old paradigm , companies are organized into a series of hierarchical tiers so that supervisors at each level can make sure that subordinates act according to plan .
2 If changes in conditions disrupt the precise replication of parental characters so as to yield hereditary variation , then , providing only that some of it happens to be adaptive , this will suffice in the long run for selection as a cause of adaptive species formations .
3 The scientist Robert Boyle was looking for a method of preserving corpses so that they could be used for summer as well as winter tutorials .
4 Several groups of them specialise in this diet and each has evolved a long sticky tongue entirely independently : a marsupial , the numbat , in Australia ; a distant relative of primitive antelopes , the aardvark in Africa ; the pangolins of Asia and Africa which are covered in a mail of horny plates so that they resemble giant animated fir-cones ; and the three very different ant-eaters of South America , the gazelle-sized giant of the savannahs , the squirrel-sized pygmy from the forest canopy , and the monkey-sized tamandua from its mid-storey .
5 For example , he took comfort from the deflationary economic measures of July 1966 , which he opposed , as it gave him the chance ‘ to reassert collective Cabinet authority because I see how disastrous it is to allow Cabinet government to decline into mere Prime Ministerial government … if I achieved anything it was by asserting the right of Cabinet to take part in the making of economic strategy so that Harold conceded we must be given that right ’ .
6 There were also pages of poems forced into some sort of rhyming structure so that they might conceivably have worked as songs , several paragraphs of references to critical works ( Barthes , especially ; Death of the Author ! shouted what looked like a headline over one entire page of notes devoted to ideas about a looseleaf novel/poem ? ?
7 We must plan the degree of contrast and the specific mood of each variation so that the overall contours of change in the piece as a whole follow a convincing emotive path .
8 In the second case , there will need to be an original and a duplicate ( or examined copy ) of each document so that the husband has a record of the release from the first mortgage and of the indemnity given him in respect of the second mortgage .
9 One usual method is to leave gaps at the end of each block so that records can be inserted into a block ( with only slight reorganisation of the records in that block to maintain the correct order ) .
10 A successful policy for tackling the roots of urban disorder was seen as one which sought to involve all the community in dealing with the problems of each area so that they could come to feel that they have a stake in its future ( Scarman , 1981 , para. 6.42 ) .
11 This format makes it easy to fit the words to the ( edited ) pictures and to cue them to the start of each section so that they all come at the right place when they are being recorded onto the video sound track .
12 We were anxious therefore to reduce to a minimum the number of samples where parental choice was unclear so from November 1990 we sent lists of infants untested to the local health district at the end of each month so that parental choice could be checked while the original sample was still usable .
13 It will include the name of each street so that people can find their way about easily .
14 You should keep a copy order and make a note of due dates so that you can plan for the arrival of the stock .
15 So we can put some limits on the project : the chairs must be upholstered ; modern in the simplicity of their lines but not ‘ Cubist ’ for want of a better term ; easy on the eye and bottom ; they should fit in with other existing furniture ; and naturally should be of strong construction so that they will be heirloom quality .
16 For example , the bass knob , when pulled , provides an extra dollop of low EQ so that playing at lesser volumes will sound more natural ( having the same effect as the loudness control on a domestic hi-fi amp ) .
17 But Stanislavskian actors are nevertheless concerned in rehearsal and other preparation time with tapping their own reservoirs of emotional memories to find within themselves a sophistication , subtlety or depth of emotional engagement so that in concentrating on the character 's actions , a wider , deeper range of emotions may be released .
18 The Ministero dei Beni Culturali , for example , arranges for army frogmen to take courses in underwater archaeology , while the Ministero della Marina Mercantile makes available the results of underwater surveys so that areas of archaeological interest can be identified .
19 ‘ I 'd like some sort of broad template so that we can develop the initiative nationally . ’
20 By a summons dated 30 April 1991 the defendants applied to the judge in chambers for directions as to whether notwithstanding the order of Morland J. , they were at liberty to comply with the notice and , if so , on what forms if any ; and , further or alternatively , variation or discharge of that order so as to allow them to comply with the notice .
21 Lamarck , and many of his contemporaries ( including Charles Darwin himself in the later stages of his life ) , supposed that repeated use of a trait could itself change the genetic material that was responsible for the transmission of that trait so that characters acquired or improved by repeated use could be inherited directly by the offspring .
22 His group backed in particular an immediate ban on exports to the Third World — ‘ while accepting our moral responsibility … to take back some of that waste so that it can be recycled or dealt with in an environmentally friendly way which is not possible in the Third World ’ .
23 Martha and I married during the Second World War , as did Steven 's parents , when wedding couples needed clothing coupons from all their relatives to make the wedding dress and wedding suits , which had to be of sensible material so that they could be worn again .
24 The latter represents the traditional method of analysing the karyotype with the homologous chromosomes arranged in pairs in decreasing order of linear length so that any disparities should become obvious .
25 But any distribution in a country such as Britain has to be indirect : It might take the form of a grant to create new jobs and whole new industries , or in reduction of direct taxation so that a greater percentage of earnings can be retained for spending , saving , or giving away .
26 Despite this , the House of Lords rejected any concept of commercial equivalence so that Lord Atkin held : It was contended that in all commercial contracts the question was whether there was " substantial " compliance with the contract : there must always be some margin and it is for the tribunal of fact to determine whether the margin is exceeded or not .
27 There was nothing precious about the playing — no feeling of careful compromise so as to accommodate the work 's problems , and certainly , to hornist Frank Lloyd 's playing , one can listen , whatever the technical complexities , in the comfortable knowledge that nothing will slip between bell and lip .
28 They wanted to do lots of different ads so that they can vary them and the public wo n't get bored . ’
29 She took a quick break for lunch , gulping down a couple of sandwiches and a cup of coffee , then spent the afternoon painting the dragon , using dozens of different shades so that he shimmered with colour .
30 We had the Astounding Reg Atkins who can juggle 12 empty bottles and then toss them accurately into a bottle bank from a distance of 30 feet so that the green , brown and clear bottles go into the correct holes .
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