Example sentences of "of [verb] on [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Pippin , our four-year-old daughter , and Paul , two-and-a-half , were becoming a little cranky and tired of hanging on to the cockpit coamings .
2 Tell you what , Jacqui and I were thinking of tootling on to the midnight matinee at the Parthenon after this lot .
3 ‘ If we knew where one of these things was going to be flown into space , ’ he said , speaking quickly before the words had time to escape , ‘ and we could sort of hang on to the sides or whatever , or maybe drive it like the Truck , and we took you with us , then we could jump off when we got up there and go and find this ship of ours , could n't we ? ’
4 I 'm very pleased that not a single motorist follows his advice , since if they did the old Hebridean tradition of driving on to the moors would spread to the mainland .
5 Mungo Stone had the sensation that instead of threading on to the horizon , at any moment the ever-narrowing rails might simply come to a dead end among the trees .
6 Involvement of the valve of the aorta ( the large main artery , emerging from the heart ) , can cause this valve to become inefficient , so that instead of closing fully after each pumping beat of the heart , it remains partly open , allowing a proportion of the blood to return to the heart instead of passing on round the body .
7 If you are thinking of heading on towards the Capital there 's no such problems there , the M4 the M40 and the M25 running quite nicely this evening .
8 would of hang on to the thing .
9 What 's sort of going on since the last time I interviewed you .
10 Instead of going on to the pillar-box , Auntie hesitated a moment , then took shelter from the rain in the doorway of a gent 's outfitter 's , just by the bus-stop .
11 from here but turn down at West Parley , take the right hand turn instead of going on to the airport
12 It is right that students be initiated into the conceptual apparatus , skills and ways of going on within the teacher 's own discipline ; and it is right that students therefore acquire the discipline required for the necessary understanding and competencies .
13 But instead of getting on with the revolution , which Lowe believed was Wilson 's historic duty , Harold had immediately ‘ sold out ’ to the capitalists by adopting right-wing policies approved by NATO and the International Monetary Fund .
14 For them , it is more a question of getting on with the job .
15 Instead of getting on with the business of making toilet water , he spent his time on the racecourse and worse .
16 of getting on with the five years plans they 've put too much effort into producing war machines !
17 The final way of getting on to the Council in a given year was by being an ypilachó0n or stand-in , and that may explain some instances of ‘ carpet-baggers ’ , i.e. political adventurers who offered themselves as Councillors for demes other than their home deme .
18 yeah it 's good that they had a fairer chance of getting on to the tables
19 The snow hook is actually on the end of the tow line so that in the unlikely event of the karabiner unhooking — as it did once on me — — the hook stays close to you giving you an outside chance of holding on to the team .
20 It was never , as we have seen , the Labour government 's intention that the independence of India should be the prelude to a general nunc dimittis , and this disposes of the plausible notion that once India was gone the pointlessness of holding on to the rest of the dependent empire , supposedly acquired to protect the sea routes to Bombay , was immediately perceived .
21 If instead of holding on to the property X had given the property to Y no inheritance tax will be in point provided Y farmed the property ( or X survived the gift by seven years ) but in that case there would have been no capital gains tax uplift on the death of X.
22 A victim ( and in theory he could be male , although no man has yet , apparently , pursued a sexual harassment claim through the courts ) can leave and complain of unfair constructive dismissal but will often prefer to keep the option of staying on in the job and bringing a sex discrimination claim instead .
23 More often , they simply died ; the after-dinner heart attack while slumbering in one of the club 's deep leather chairs was a popular way of moving on to the great gentleman 's club in the sky .
24 ‘ The lad has a history of moving on in the game .
25 Last Autumn it gave up all pretence of continuing on in the business and sold off its Personal Mainframe hardware interests to clone newcomer Digital Systems Research ( UX No 407 ) .
26 This acute retention of urine constitutes one of medicine 's most uncomfortable emergencies , with its habit of coming on at the end of and evening 's drinking ( usually beer ) adding a bloated urgency to the situation .
27 Substitute Dean Gordon gave Comrades a tonic when he scored within a minute of coming on at the start of the second half , but David Montgomery got Carrick 's third two minutes from the end , with Wesley Hanna being sent off for protesting just a little too vociferously .
28 Substitute Dean Gordon gave Comrades a tonic when he scored within a minute of coming on at the start of the second half , but David Montgomery got Carrick 's third two minutes from the end , with Wesley Hanna sent off for protesting .
29 That 's because the sexual urges of sheep sort of roll on round the country .
30 By the very act of reading on into the tale from the Miller 's Prologue we as readers allow ourselves to be manipulated into supposing ourselves somehow different from the readership of " " every gentil wight " " that is offered a warning and an invitation to : We know ourselves to be more complex beings .
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