Example sentences of "of [verb] [noun pl] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One important aspect of attributing differences to biology as opposed to attributing them to culture is that the second type of explanation leaves room for views to change , while the former appears to rule this out .
2 They include a new way of controlling waterborne diseases , and of administering drugs to people with chronic diseases .
3 The very fact of suggesting things to people tends to result in inaccuracies .
4 All were victims of a year-long bribery scandal in which dozens of politicians stand accused of demanding contributions to party funds in return for lucrative public works contracts .
5 Its vivid descriptions of the joys and glories of heaven have encouraged many weary servants of God , whilst its warnings of hell and exhortations to repent have been the means of bringing others to faith in Christ .
6 Although there was no causal connection between the two trends , it became evident that as the volume of legislation increased , public confidence in the ways of bringing offenders to justice and punishing the guilty declined .
7 ‘ The breach of an order is now clearly seen as a criminal offence and the police will be pursuing a policy of bringing offenders to justice with the full and unambiguous backing of the criminal justice system , ’ he stressed .
8 They argue that if the same rigour was applied to drafting proper legislation the problem of bringing suspects to trial could be eliminated .
9 On this issue Owen and Roger have come into open conflict but , although the observation that Roger lacks commitment to the aim of returning pupils to school is a correct one , the implications drawn from it are not .
10 Given their basic categorial " frame of reference " , the central issue for most of them becomes one of defining the criteria of significant ascriptions of experiences — which in practice invariably reduces to the problem of defining the general truth-conditions of ascribing experiences to others .
11 In December 1990 , the Commission amended its Proposal for a Fifth Directive as part of a general policy of eliminating obstacles to takeover bids .
12 Exactly the same issues arise in relation to the task of spelling non-words to dictation , and here again it appears that this not done solely by phoneme-grapheme rules , but that some role is played by units larger than the grapheme ( Campbell , 1983 ) .
13 His passionate onslaught at the 1985 party conference against the Militants of Merseyside ( whom he accused of hiring taxis to hand out redundancy notices to their workers ) appealed to the unions and gave him new public stature .
14 ‘ He desired to appeal to the moral feelings of the nation and approved therefore of promoting petitions to parliament ; but he distrusted and disowned the questionable strength which might be gained by systematic agitation . ’
15 If it is not possible to find a relationship of this sort , some other method of assigning addresses to keys has to be found .
16 But behind the apparently straightforward process of assigning numbers to variants of a variable in such a way as to reflect , reasonably faithfully , their phonetic and social relationships with each other lies a great deal of linguistic , sociological and mathematical abstraction .
17 The problem of filling quotas to specification is probably the most severe disadvantage of a participant-observation study ; since the groups studied are self-recruited , the fieldworker by definition relinquishes control over choice of subject .
18 The Question of Paying Taxes to Caesar ( Mark 12:13–17 ; Matt 22:15–22 ; Luke 20:20–26 )
19 Sources said they were accused of paying kickbacks to politicians to obtain public contracts .
20 Since the use of unit trusts as a way of paying bonuses to employees came to an end , vouchers have been attracting attention .
21 What are the best ways of fixing mirrors to walls ?
22 Although I hated the very idea of selling things to people who might not want to buy them ( even if it was good for them ) I made quite a few sales , the main commission deriving from the sale of a Group Insurance Scheme to 32 men from the Times-Herald staff .
23 In testimony and published accounts he had insisted that he had argued against the proposition of selling arms to Iran and had believed that the idea had been abandoned .
24 The new law increases fines for shopworkers found guilty of selling cigarettes to children to £2,500 and tightens up the previous legislation in a number of other ways .
25 It is a useful way of adding touches to garments made on the chunky machine .
26 Comparing these different measures is an advanced case of adding apples to oranges to cows — which makes the table on page 105 a highly misleading and dangerous animal .
27 The petitions had accused Biya of adding names to voter registration lists , setting up fake polling stations and withholding ballot papers .
28 The favoured solution is therefore to find ways of slowing cars to speeds at which the short sight-lines are not a danger to children .
29 If such changes are introduced , in-house benefits such as directors ' dining rooms , sports facilities and so on will be a significantly less attractive means of providing benefits to employees .
30 The expected cost of providing pensions to employees is charged to the profit and loss account as incurred over the period of employment of pensionable employees .
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