Example sentences of "of [verb] [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One important aspect of attributing differences to biology as opposed to attributing them to culture is that the second type of explanation leaves room for views to change , while the former appears to rule this out .
2 One further consequence of attributing pre-eminence to quantity in relation to detection rates means that the ‘ prig ’ who ‘ clears his slate ’ ( admits to lots of crimes , no matter how trivial ) becomes a prized catch , simply because he helps the figures .
3 They include a new way of controlling waterborne diseases , and of administering drugs to people with chronic diseases .
4 The very fact of suggesting things to people tends to result in inaccuracies .
5 With pie diagrams indicating that the major pop consumers are the staid , over-25s , the development in the ad industry of ‘ psychogeographics ’ ( the science of using pop to home in on specific taste publics — i.e. Springsteen fans are likely to desire different products from Whitney Houston fans ) , and the construction of bands in the studio , pop has never required less urgently a rush of theory from the ‘ left ’ .
6 Although it might be objected that Skocpol 's analysis courts the danger of falling into another version of functionalism , since it postulates some inherent functions of the state , it has the benefit of drawing attention to processes within the state and the specific logic which guides them .
7 Oh dear Ian Botham 's dream of helping England to victory in his last world cup campaign took thrilling shape in Perth .
8 All were victims of a year-long bribery scandal in which dozens of politicians stand accused of demanding contributions to party funds in return for lucrative public works contracts .
9 This strategy of imputing impurity to women who challenged medical hegemony had its effects .
10 The Bill will be a further significant contribution towards the vital aim of bringing reassurance to people who might otherwise be at risk of losing their homes .
11 Its vivid descriptions of the joys and glories of heaven have encouraged many weary servants of God , whilst its warnings of hell and exhortations to repent have been the means of bringing others to faith in Christ .
12 In our chapter on literature and appendix 6 we describe ways of bringing literature to life for pupils of all abilities .
13 Although there was no causal connection between the two trends , it became evident that as the volume of legislation increased , public confidence in the ways of bringing offenders to justice and punishing the guilty declined .
14 ‘ The breach of an order is now clearly seen as a criminal offence and the police will be pursuing a policy of bringing offenders to justice with the full and unambiguous backing of the criminal justice system , ’ he stressed .
15 In 1798 the threat of military invasion from Napoleonic France had only just ebbed when the Bishop of Durham announced to a startled House of Lords that it had come to his attention that the only reason the enemy forces had backed away from military invasion was because they had hit on a more sinister method of bringing Britannia to heel .
16 They argue that if the same rigour was applied to drafting proper legislation the problem of bringing suspects to trial could be eliminated .
17 PFR restart prompted the visit of Dr Brian Eyre , Deputy Chairman on Friday , 5th February , to meet Reactor Services employees congratulating them on the outstanding job of returning PFR to power .
18 On this issue Owen and Roger have come into open conflict but , although the observation that Roger lacks commitment to the aim of returning pupils to school is a correct one , the implications drawn from it are not .
19 It 's not all bad news , however , as Taunton Cider are ‘ mothballing ’ their rail connection and Fitzgerald Lighting intend to ‘ actively pursue any realistic method of returning traffic to rail in the future . ’
20 Given their basic categorial " frame of reference " , the central issue for most of them becomes one of defining the criteria of significant ascriptions of experiences — which in practice invariably reduces to the problem of defining the general truth-conditions of ascribing experiences to others .
21 Nevertheless serious misgivings may persist about the wisdom of ascribing identity to meanings .
22 In December 1990 , the Commission amended its Proposal for a Fifth Directive as part of a general policy of eliminating obstacles to takeover bids .
23 I think it 's particularly useful as a way of gaining entry to ideas about childhood — what children are for , why to have them — that are n't written about in the official records , that is , in the textbooks of child analysis and child psychology , and in sociological descriptions of childhood .
24 And Walker ( 1978 ) has argued that although all rural dwellers are burdened by the extra costs of gaining access to services , doing without them , or consuming inadequate services , that these costs bear disproportionately on the rural poor .
25 But what comes across from the letters is an overwhelming ignorance about female physiology and sexuality , the difficulty of gaining access to information , and a lack of privacy in their homes that would have rendered the use of female methods of birth control extremely difficult .
26 Not that it is impossible , but practical considerations of gaining access to situations and the confidence of the people involved in any reasonable length of time mean that one will probably study the situation from one side or the other .
27 This has the advantage of relating expenditure to sales , but it discourages innovative approaches to advertising expenditure and does not allow for distinctions to be made between products or sales territories .
28 In the matter of relating Christianity to economics this is a vitally important assumption because we face great cultural and intellectual pressure as Christians to adopt a form of dualism in which we substitute Smith or Marx or Friedman or Hayek for the divine revelation as the ultimate authority in this area of life .
29 Yet in almost every case of this kind the difficulty of relating theory to practice , of showing that radically reforming policies were inspired or even strongly influenced by theories of enlightened government , is marked .
30 Exactly the same issues arise in relation to the task of spelling non-words to dictation , and here again it appears that this not done solely by phoneme-grapheme rules , but that some role is played by units larger than the grapheme ( Campbell , 1983 ) .
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