Example sentences of "of [noun] within the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Manager Brian Kettle has been having talks with several players with a view to signings and is hopeful of progress within the next week .
2 Variations in such basic anthropological elements , creating a further element of differentiation within the complex cultural mosaic , need to be appreciated .
3 How political and social systems work , how disadvantage and oppression are established and maintained is not easy to make visible , and it is the visible which is privileged in the hierarchy of discourses within the classic realist text .
4 Whether structures of support within the wider kin network will continue to make sense when , and if , non-white citizens become accepted as full and established members of British society is an important topic for future research .
5 Different combinations of problems can be partially solved through the seeking of support within the local administrative structure of education , within the local community and within the school itself .
6 Commodity circulation has been replaced by the circulation of products within the national economy , in much the same manner as products circulate within an oligopoly or conglomerate firm .
7 In July 1991 the Ledingham-Smiths ' Trustee in Bankruptcy sought repayment of £16,000 , made up of four monthly payments of £1,000 within the relevant period of six months and the three payments of £4,000 .
8 Shareholders of both companies should benefit from future cost reductions as duplication of operations within the merged group are eliminated .
9 So what we can what it effectively does is count sort of sub-patterns within the whole pattern and how well we 're recognizing those .
10 The Ehrenreichs do accept that there is some degree of division within the professional-managerial class .
11 Beginning as it does , however , with birth and the very earliest development of the infant , it may be a useful starting point for an examination of those more general properties of the material artefact which are relevant to the place of objects within the general process of objectification .
12 In a sign of discontent within the National Party over economic policy and particularly over the budget , two backbench MPs , Gilbert Mylesand Hamish MacIntyre , resigned on Aug. 15 , stating their intention to remain in parliament and to found a new party " that brings honesty back into New Zealand politics " .
13 Such diversity is to be expected and may indicate different categories of settlement within the small-town range .
14 But , according to Moore ( 1938a ) , " occasional specimens are taken in which the presence of a second set of teeth within the marginal ones indicates that the original stoppage of growth was followed by a second slight growing period , this in turn being replaced by a second period of thickening and growth stoppage , but such specimens are too rare to be a serious source of error " .
15 It is clear that the complex pattern of symptoms could not be a consequence of just one or two loci of damage within the normal reading system , and Morton and Patterson ( 1980 ) have offered an interpretation in which the disorder is explained as occurring when a number of different loci in the normal reading system are all damaged .
16 The republic of Karachai-Cherkessia within the Russian Federation held a referendum on March 28 on preserving the unity of the republic " in the full realization of the law " On the rehabilitation of ethnic groups affected by Stalinist purges ' " .
17 Despite the defeat of the current plotters , the main danger to the government was of another coup attempt , which was seen by many as almost inevitable , given the high level of politicization within the armed forces , the almost total lack of respect for the Constitution , and the inability of the President to move decisively and quickly enough against the disaffected elements .
18 The museum is of course within the private sector , but the Department of Trade and Industry has provided pump-priming financial support over the past three years , totalling £650,000 .
19 If these arguments are valid , they create spaces which the system can not close off or remove , however much it wants to , and which ensure the possibility of conflicts within the productive forces as a whole .
20 That points to a possible cause of friction within the Major gang .
21 The prospect of a national curriculum with prescribed core and foundation subjects covering about 70 per cent of timetabled time , marks a departure from earlier recommendations that sought to delineate a core of subject studies or areas of experience within the secondary curriculum .
22 The notion that disciplines , being not only bodies of knowledge but bodies of people , might develop their own norms and patterns of beliefs , attitudes or behaviours , which constitute a kind of sub-culture within the general academic milieu , was originally put forward by Gaff and Wilson ( 1971 ) but has been most thoroughly explored recently by Becher ( 1989a ) .
23 These authors also examined the distribution of income within the elderly populations of the countries studied .
24 Some form of local autonomy , some abandonment of the old commercial system might have weakened the revolt ; the most Ferdinand would concede ( and that as a short-lived experiment ) was the appointment of creoles within the old administration .
25 The history of the theory of ideology within the Marxist tradition can be seen as the letting go of the materialist reduction that involved a differentiation between ideology and science as distinct modes of knowing , while retaining an account of ideology as a structural feature of society .
26 But on the second level , in most novels and plays there is a sequence of exposure within the literary work itself .
27 In any case , the decision to create the polytechnics emanated from a policy devised by a small group of senior officials at the DES who , among other things , were concerned to create a top tier of institutions within the public sector to replace the CATs which were in the process of becoming universities .
28 At an extraordinary session of the Diet , which opened on Oct. 30 , Prime Minister Miyazawa apologised for the scandal and promised to seek political reforms designed to reduce the influence of money within the Japanese political system .
29 Notwithstanding the party 's post-Recruit commitment to reduce the influence of money within the electoral process , some analysts estimated that total LDP spending during the course of the campaign was in excess of 210,000 million yen ( approximately US$1,450 million ) .
30 This week , the same spokesman said : ‘ Despite the apparent softening of attitudes within the Orange Order and the re-routing of the Mini-Twelfth parade , we were again faced with a major sectarian parade through our community .
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