Example sentences of "of [noun] with the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 if you think that was muddy … you ai n't seen nothing yet … because on Friday we 're off to the Forest of Dean with the Mad Dogs of Gloucestershire
2 On a wet January afternoon in 1986 , Ian Paisley and James Molyneaux walked around the North Down seaside town of Bangor with the local MP and Speaker of the Assembly , James Kilfedder .
3 The TGAT report is long and difficult in places , but has made a skilful attempt to match the best of teacher practice in the field of assessment with the general constraints imposed by TNC .
4 Giving further solidity to the PTGI set-up have been the recent moves into the fields of distribution and having a wider portfolio of products with the United Distillers range of spirits brands .
5 Like the golfer who hits his one decent shot on the eighteenth hole and can not wait for the following weekend 's game , I felt light of heart with the warm promise of another evening in the company of the delightful Sally Drayton .
6 So I 'll simply suggest , on as yet limited evidence , that of the present nap-hand or so of offspinners with the apparent potential to elevate their status .
7 After a tour of operations with the famous John Cats Eyes Cunningham , the Author went on to fly with the Fighter Interception Unit and was the Author of our Operational Flying Club series in the April , May and June 1992 issues .
8 I was lucky to be given a great deal of freedom with the first draft .
9 But there will be no renewal of contracts with the Finnish installation beyond this year , and all such waste will now go to United Kingdom facilities .
10 The term hard look evolved by way of contrast with the previous standard of review generally employed by United States ' courts which was narrow .
11 This is a set of objects with the same representation .
12 It was the combination of this type of settlement with the excessive fragmentation of holdings that was the most generally unperceived but pernicious feature of the traditional system .
13 Based mainly on research evidence that some schools are more effective than others in promoting the progress and development of their pupils , School Development Plans provide a mechanism to link the planning of improvements with the financial and staff development planning of the school as a whole .
14 The unsuspecting and very sloshed Mr Harding was bundled out of the pub and into the back of Armstrong with the four girls in various stages of undress .
15 The importance of speed and simplicity in stones of this type and theme is evident if we compare Rassendyll 's moments of decision with the amorous niceties of some of Jeffery Farnol 's heroes who offered succulent romance to the readers of a later decade through elaborate problems of honour .
16 He looked as if he could buy up this whole street of houses with the petty cash .
17 The first , in general , was the Yugoslav claim to share control of Carinthia with the British .
18 When Montaigne and Bacon stress the determining power of social custom they are developing the same idea of an order prior to and determining of consciousness , though now of course with the crucial difference that it is a non-teleological order , historical rather than divine , material rather than metaphysical .
19 Decide which questions you are going to answer and put them in order of difficulty with the easiest coming first .
20 Intended as well to improve the educational chances of children in the deprived inner cities , when first proposed they had the somewhat dubious appearance of being the outcome of a bright idea , one that would kill a variety of birds with the same stone : up with the inner cities ; , down with Local Authorities ; up with privatization ; down with education in the arts .
21 Nevertheless , the Care Sector Consortium , the industry lead body for the sector , has emphasised that the existing awards will retain parity of esteem with the new SVQs .
22 At Aldridges of Bath recently , for example , auctioneers and saleroom alike were astonished when a Pountney and Allies meat plate , showing a view of Hotwells with the Irish packet St Patrick sailing up the river , sold for £1,600 .
23 A controversial statement born out of years of experience with the shorter , smaller Dutch Texel by its most well known UK devotee , Robin Slade .
24 The iterated game is simply the ordinary game repeated an indefinite number of times with the same players .
25 This may be seen if we compare the definition of income with the comprehensive , or Haig Simons , approach .
26 The Comintern , completely disregarding their past policy , called upon " all Communist Parties to make yet another attempt to set up the united front of struggle with the social democratic workers through the medium of the social democratic parties " .
27 And if there had been a degree of sympathy with the other defeated peoples — a doubtful claim , it has to be said , particularly with regard to the Poles — in this case ‘ the entire population took the view that England should at all costs be destroyed ’ .
28 what has most carefully to be defined is the specific association of what are really quite unchanged class feelings — a persistent sense of a quite clear line between an upper and a lower class — with very strong and effective feelings of sympathy with the lower class as victims .
29 He set up in practice in the copper-mining town of Hettstedt but soon discovered that he was out of sympathy with the barbaric medical practices of his time which often showed little compassion for , or understanding of , the patient .
30 Nationally imposed cost yardsticks ensure that many rural councils can only afford to build houses to a standard design in relatively large estates , yet on both grounds they are often out of sympathy with the visual quality of many English villages .
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