Example sentences of "of [noun] to each [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Each tank was carried on four pairs of tracks , making a total of 16 points of support to each vehicle .
2 In primary five , children are developing a strong sense of responsibility to each other in relationships .
3 We must ‘ consider men as if but even now sprung out of the earth , and suddenly , like mushrooms , come to full maturity , without all kind of engagement to each other ’ .
4 Its ability to link files of data to each other exploits the indexed-sequential structure of the system very effectively .
5 Strict protocol exists as to the allocation of data to each sub-file .
6 Simple statistical analysis of the spreadsheets resulted in totals and percentages of responses to each question for each practice .
7 But even without the sanction of separate waiting-rooms or toilets , caste continued to condition the reaction of Indians to each other .
8 The government was ordered to pay costs of £100,000 to each newspaper .
9 However , her categorisation is unprincipled in the sense that it does not really relate types of metaphor to each other , and is thus no more than a typology of poetic examples .
10 This would issue bonds free of charge to each citizen who had worked for at least five years , which could be exchanged for shares in any enterprise .
11 I am sending out a list of participants to each person , reminding them to please assemble at , but preferably not much before , 1345 for a prompt 1400 start .
12 The main concern of the purchaser will be whether to rely on the sale and purchase contract as constituting the assignment between the purchaser and the vendor or whether to issue notices of assignment to each party to the contracts after completion and so achieve a statutory assignment rather than an equitable assignment .
13 The relationship of dancers to each other usually leads to a climax of some kind , possibly a confrontation or conflict , perhaps an exciting pas de deux or a feat of virtuosity .
14 You are poisoning the very sources of order and happiness and virtue ; you are tearing up root and branch all relations of families to each other ; you are annulling , as it were , the institution of domestic life decreed by Providence Himself , the wisest and kindest of earthly ordinances , the mainstay of social peace and virtue and therein of national security .
15 Then she said , according a miraculously even level of stress to each word in the sentence : ‘ We're-at-the-end-of-the-road . ’
16 In the past , your affection would not have ended in a hug and the giving of warmth to each other .
17 To make a ganache , melt the white and plain chocolate separately over hot water , adding 25g/1oz of the sugar and three tablespoons of water to each bowl .
18 Throwing throwing balls of putty to each other and a couple of them went through windows and
19 Percentage of sales to each segment
20 The Government says the dentists are treating too many patients under a new productivity deal and it plans to cut back on payments by an average of £6,000 to each practitioner .
21 The Government says the dentists are treating too many patients under a new productivity deal and it plans to cut back on payments by an average of £6,000 to each practitioner .
22 This is to ensure a fair split of staff to each representative due to the small number of staff in some departments .
23 She gave a separate sheet of paper to each ship , and on it , in neat , small writing , she had listed every voyage , with any intermediate ports of call , over the past twelve months .
24 for a whole , W , to exist it is not normally enough merely that its parts exist , rather it is required that they exist in a certain arrangement , in a certain set of relations to each other .
25 The accountability of directors to shareholders is very different from that of partners to each other .
26 Their effectiveness depends on a number of factors , including personality , sensitivity , their parental and other models of marriage ( good and poor ) , and their understanding and level of commitment to each other .
27 Close-ups are frequently used to show the reactions of people to each other , and for ‘ talking heads ’ .
28 control of access to each document
29 If you are watching some highly developed dance form , or some elaborately staged drama , or listening to highly developed music , or looking at highly developed sculpture or painting , you have at least some given mode of access to each art .
30 The reason why males usually compete more intensely is most easily understood by considering the energetic costs of reproduction to each sex .
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