Example sentences of "of [noun] to [noun sg] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 In the Middle Ages a degree of drainage which allowed the conversion of pasture to meadow provided livestock farmers with that most precious of commodities , winter fodder .
2 Safety includes safety in the context of risks of damage to property as well as in the context of risks of death or personal injury .
3 ‘ What 's the percentage of uranium to plutonium after the elements have been reprocessed ? ’
4 Thirdly , Gardner et al , in their case-control study of leukaemia and lymphoma diagnosed during 1950–85 among young people in West Cumbria , concluded that the excess occurred among children whose fathers had high levels of exposure to radiation before the child was conceived , and perhaps particularly in the preceding six months ; they suggested that some cases were the result of paternal germ cell mutations , and that this could explain the excess in this geographical area .
5 Coe 's decision to run his first marathon at London emerged from a wager with ADT President , Michael Ashcroft , who offered to donate a substantial sum of money to charity if Coe entered the event .
6 Explaining one of the sections of their manifesto in the preface to the exhibition at Bernheim 's , the Futurists , now aware of Cubist painting , talked for the first time of ‘ battles of planes ’ ; and Boccioni summarizes most concisely the debt of Futurism to Cubism when in Pittura Scultura Futuriste , published in 1914 , he wrote under the heading ‘ Compenetrazione dei Piani ’ : ‘ It is the pictorial method of rendering movement in a painting , making the surrounding objects fuse with the structure of the object placed in their midst ’ .
7 In the case of a simple penal code , acceptance of its punishment is the best action by the deviant given that the alternative is reimposition of the punishment path : punishment outputs are so chosen that it is better not to postpone the date of reversion to collusion than to make a short-term gain from deviating from the punishment path .
8 Indian companies tend to allocate at most two per cent of turnover to R&D as against 15 per cent by US firms .
9 As a consequence , social rates of return are likely to exceed private rates of return to R&D if agents operate independently , and too little R&D will be undertaken .
10 Pilgrims filled the Chapel of Reconciliation to capacity as Father Peter Allen , Shrine Director , welcomed us .
11 Within a month he knew almost as much about oven temperatures , controls , rising yeast and the correct mixture of flour to water as either of the two assistants , and as they were dealing with the same customers as Charlie was on his barrow , sales on both dropped only slightly during the first quarter .
12 We are often talking about young people who have been through the entire menu of alternatives to imprisonment before they are sent to a young offenders institution , formerly known as a detention centre .
13 Bukharin realised , just as well as Preobrazhensky , that there would have to be a transfer of resources to industry if industrialisation was to proceed .
14 So I have spoken instead of forms of knowledge , and allowed the various possible objects of knowledge to surface where they will .
15 Since World War II , they have both surrendered empires , acquired nuclear forces , fought distant wars , maintained troops in Germany , and devoted a larger share of output to defence than the European average .
16 The answer to this question is of concern to government because it has responsibility for managing the economy in the interests of the community .
17 Mourning also cleanses us of pity , which can be a subtle form of pride , or of self-pity which is a form of blindness to life as it really is .
18 Butter up : if you add a teaspoon of oil to butter when frying it will prevent the butter from burning .
19 the rule devised to give proportions of height to width when laying out text and illustrations to produce the most optically pleasing result .
20 I said my farewells to Salome and her sisters and shook hands with Erich , who gave me a sheaf of letters to airmail when I got back to Hong Kong .
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