Example sentences of "of [noun] [prep] [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 Despite some evidence of change in teachers ' attitudes and behaviour , they themselves were reluctant to admit that the project had influenced them .
2 One of the most critical problems for organizations in designing well and competitively is their response or lack of response to change and , more specifically , to rates of change in markets ' technical and economic conditions .
3 There are a number of reasons for tutors ' apparent retreat to the classroom , among which may be increasing administrative demands on their time and/or lack of opportunities for recent clinical experience .
4 The Court heard that one of the directors had acted while an undischarged bankrupt , aided and abetted by the others , and that they had caused the company to trade without reasonable prospect of payment of creditors ' claims , to retain Crown monies to finance insolvent trading and to abuse banking procedures .
5 Ward learning is however a gradual process , and the student can easily overlook the value of discussions of patients ' progress , the care supervised by a senior nurse and the opportunity to observe experienced people at work .
6 Divorce is likewise raising complicated issues of entitlement to dependants ' occupational benefits , since on divorce a woman loses her potential right to a widow 's pension and/or benefits .
7 Under the Bill , responsibility for the administration of funding for nurses ' education will be transferred from the national boards of Wales , Scotland and England to health authorities and health boards .
8 In what ways would your reading have been altered by the following instructions : ( a ) Find out about the effects of industry on workers ' standards of living .
9 The labour movement 's demands stressed the democratic control of industry by employees ' representatives .
10 The images are stored on a more powerful computer , called an image server , which not only handles the overall management of the system , but also controls the sending of images to users ' PCs when they need to view them .
11 I read long-forgotten authors of books about girls ' schools in Switzerland or Paris , as well as Angela Brazil , Noel Streatfield , Pamela Brown and , above all , Enid Blyton .
12 Indeed recent surveys by the National Foundation for Educational Research have revealed that there is often a great deal of confusion in pupils ' minds , particularly as so many educational programmes for history now employ dramatic reconstruction .
13 Microbial air sampling , which is technically difficult and only occasionally useful in establishing the source of outbreaks of legionnaires ' disease , has shown low concentrations of Legionella pneumophila in aerosol : 0.02 colony-forming units per litre of aerosol around a cooling tower and 0.19 colony-forming units per litre of air in shower aerosol .
14 The Government have set aside £44 million for the period 1989-92 to aid and to stimulate the installation of computers in doctors ' practices and that must be welcomed by all of us .
15 Thus a flow of funds into trusts ' shares , pushing up their price , may result in new issues and a flow of additional funds into the trust itself .
16 He posits a difference in the attitude to risk on the part of management on the one hand and shareholders on the other , the former being much more risk averse than the latter , given the effect of insolvency on managers ' jobs and on the value of their shareholdings in the company ( which often constitute a considerable proportion of their total wealth ) , together with the possibility of personal liability in the event of winding up .
17 He had n't expected either that the Mess would be in a château , that the furniture would be impressively of its period — no worn armchairs or bits of junk in a state of collapse from subalterns ' games , as so often to be found in the messes of his experience , or indeed that his welcome would be so unaffectedly cordial .
18 There is almost a tinge of predestination in footballers ' reflections on how they came to sport in the first place .
19 This type of insurance involves the four-weekly collection of premiums in policyholders ' homes .
20 A prolific and lively writer on art , he produced an almost continuous stream of articles in daily and weekly papers covering descriptions of visits to artists ' studios , collectors , auctions , dealers and museums .
21 Another publication which may be of help with artists ' methods and materials , is ‘ Artists ’ Materials , Which , Why and How ’ , published by A&C Black .
22 The Companies Act 1985 , requires a general policy of disclosure of insiders ' interests .
23 In addition , the structure of collective bargaining is an important influence upon the role and locus of decision-making within employers ' organisations themselves .
24 The most obvious influence of PNP on teachers ' approach to the management of learning was the encouragement of group work .
25 If the proportion of straightforward deliveries showed little variation with the location of the items requested , the proportion of deliveries to readers ' reserve shelves showed considerable variation depending on the origin of the items issued .
26 The ASB agreed that changes in shareholders ' funds other than those included in the statement of total recognised gains and losses can also be important in understanding the change in a reporting entity 's financial position , and concluded that this additional information should be required in a reconciliation of movements in shareholders ' funds .
27 From her early work at Goldsmiths ' College in London , an important line of equally pioneering embroiderers emerge : Christine Risley , Anne Morrell , ( now Professor of Embroidery at the former manchester Polytechnic ) ; Eirian Short ; and Audrey Walker ( former head of Textiles at Goldsmiths ' ) .
28 Our next move was to co-operate with anglers by meeting the National Federation of Anglers and taking a joint initiative to remove the use of lead in anglers ' tackle .
29 Among particularly serious instances of pollution picked out in the report were the following : , Heavy use of pesticides polluting rivers across the crop growing areas of the Russian republic ; , Untreated industrial effluent from the Volga slowly killing off the marine life of the Caspian Sea ; , High levels of dioxin in mothers ' milk in Moscow ; , The continuing consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear accident , rendering much of the countryside of the Ukraine and Belorussia uncultivatable ; , Waste from aluminium factories in Uzbekistan , poisoning the land for miles around .
30 Here , however , is perhaps the place to consider the Act as a whole , in the context of the historical background already described and the general trend of attention to consumers ' interests at the time .
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