Example sentences of "of [noun] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Graham was supported by Manchester City boss Peter Reid who said : ‘ Wright 's a quality player , the sort of striker to keep you on your toes . ’
2 This uncertainty might , on the one hand , encourage social commentators in the attitude expressed by a writer in The Economist in 1848 : ‘ In our condition suffering and evil are nature 's admonitions ; they can not be got rid of ; and the impatient attempts of benevolence to banish them from the world by legislation , before benevolence has learnt their object and their end , have always been productive of more evil than good . ’
3 Lemos resigned on March 25 , allegedly in indignation at the failure of Barco to defend him against opposition charges .
4 The author of Acts identifies himself as a man named Luke , and modern scholars concur that he is identical with the author of Luke 's Gospel .
5 Now , centuries later , it had decided to invite a number of experts to advise it on cosmology .
6 ‘ Easy — a stroke of genius hit me at the height of the bombing , General .
7 The lack of coins deprives us of the evidence to form any assessment of their dynastic histories or tribal boundaries .
8 For example , what , if any , knowledge is required on the part of a payer at the time of payment to entitle him to recovery at a later date ?
9 Schools of beginners spend lots of time in the water at first , but who cares when it 's warm ?
10 But it is still too early to be certain , and the jury must remain out until there is sufficient evidence of a true change of heart to distinguish it from the earnest gestures of political expediency .
11 Carnelian , spying through the eye-screen from wherever , had immediately begun withdrawing the hydra into the warp of Chaos to save it from extinction .
12 Would he also look to a change of driver to help him with the draw he will want at Augusta ?
13 His son , a bachelor of twenty-five , became King Henry V , and he experienced a couple of attempts to usurp him during the first year , but by August 1415 he was able to sail with an invasion fleet of 1500 vessels to France , where he withstood an attack launched on 25th .
14 The diversity of crime accounts for the unconvincing nature of attempts to explain it by all-encompassing theories .
15 This must of necessity put you in a very weak defensive position and I would maintain that this is responsible for losing more bouts than any other factor .
16 The Minotaur was finally slain by Theseus , who found his way out of the labyrinth by trailing a skein of thread given him by the king 's daughter , ARIADNE .
17 A final change of level takes us under the archway into the next small grassed and planted area , an altogether quieter space .
18 And it could take more than a change of luck to lift them off the bottom of the table .
19 Nor need the scenery always be dramatic : the languid countryside of Norfolk lends itself to exploratory trips with Albion Rides ( Tel : 0603 87125 ) .
20 Donegal 's insistence on playing the short ball out of defence cost them at least two points , a luxury they could never afford in a close scoring game .
21 His arrest was ordered by the Algiers judiciary after the Ministry of Defence accused him of inciting the army to mutiny .
22 Also joining IHM is the one-off prototype Westland 30–300 G–HAUL , which has been in storage at Westland 's Yeovil factory since the Ministry of Defence cancelled it in favour of the larger EH–101 .
23 WHEN it comes to press manipulation , the Ministry of Defence has nothing on Apple Corporation , maker of the famous Apple microcomputer .
24 Typical of artists to read nothing except what they happen upon and then to pontificate about life and art and the way the world is going .
25 ‘ Determination in favour of [ the first and second respondents ] of their defence of settlement entitles them to judgment on [ the petitioner 's ] claims …
26 Concepts borrowed from anthropology aid our understanding of social structure , while the techniques of physics enable us to date the past .
27 This view of physics sees it as a body of knowledge , or a system , which can explain all other bodies of knowledge .
28 Waves of smell hit you as peasant women cycle past towing brown-encrusted oil drums filled with the precious produce of the city 's latrines .
29 This kind of mourning leads us to side with the poor , and to take action alongside them .
30 The superintendent slipped the phone back into its cradle and a crease of worry tucked itself into her forehead .
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