Example sentences of "of [noun] [verb] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now , centuries later , it had decided to invite a number of experts to advise it on cosmology .
2 But it is still too early to be certain , and the jury must remain out until there is sufficient evidence of a true change of heart to distinguish it from the earnest gestures of political expediency .
3 Carnelian , spying through the eye-screen from wherever , had immediately begun withdrawing the hydra into the warp of Chaos to save it from extinction .
4 The diversity of crime accounts for the unconvincing nature of attempts to explain it by all-encompassing theories .
5 Also joining IHM is the one-off prototype Westland 30–300 G–HAUL , which has been in storage at Westland 's Yeovil factory since the Ministry of Defence cancelled it in favour of the larger EH–101 .
6 This view of physics sees it as a body of knowledge , or a system , which can explain all other bodies of knowledge .
7 I take his point about maintenance and I shall of course draw it to the Housing Executive 's attention .
8 ‘ Double Cutaway ’ sounds a little plain Jane , but the owner could of course christen it with whatever apt title came to mind .
9 So net debt is two sixty four million er and therefore the pro forma debt equity ratio 's halved from fifty seven percent to twenty eight percent we do of course expect it to be somewhat lower by the year end as our working capital which is coming to its peak season , unwinds .
10 We of course did it in nineteen eighty six , er but this year there are about fifteen hundred officers involved from fifteen different police forces .
11 Charles I sold the manor to the City of London in 1628 to raise finance , after which it changed hands several times until the Bethell family of Rise held it through most of the 17th and 18th centuries .
12 The application of previously defined style or property sheets to large amounts of text allows it to be rapidly converted from one form into another , merely by adjusting the rules written into the style sheet .
13 I mean it was one thing standing up in front of my own group and giving a lecture , but it was quite another kettle of kippers doing it in front of a strange class .
14 However , the Council of Guardians re-submitted it to the Majlis on Jan. 24 , calling for revisions to be made to it .
15 The coronet is shown in loving detail as it embodies the moment when this family of merchants made it to the princely ranks .
16 Oldfield 's marriage lasted for just two weeks , requiring lawyers and a large sum of money to bring it to a conclusion satisfactory to the bride .
17 When nest building , he will return to his nest with bits of weed to cement it into place , even when the diver is only a few inches away .
18 One of the advantages a child has when learning his first language is that he has lots of opportunity to hear it without being called upon to speak .
19 It was not long before someone threw a lump of broken paving through a window ; a dozen sets of plans followed it in short order .
20 In such a way a child 's promptness might save a soul from the long blankness of Limbo , or a child 's inattention or failure of nerve condemn it to years of the deadliest waiting until the day of Judgement , held still in the amber of the centuries .
21 According to the 1929 Encyclopaedia Britannica , one theory of consciousness holds it to be inherent in every atom of the body .
22 When the hamlets were first included in the development area for the new city of Milton keynes in the 1960s , people of Calverton fought it in the High Court and won .
23 Impatiently , Jezrael pushed the canopy back and an icy blast of wind snatched it from her grasp .
24 Not that the organs of perception apprehended it at the time .
25 And the partnership 's life is a short as a task completed or as long as a connected , improving spiral of programme sustains it through renewal .
26 This is a large pool , 6.5 ft by 39.5 ft , with a wide flight of steps entering it from one end .
27 The social stigma of alcoholism sees it as a disgrace rather than a disease that is beyond the control of the sufferer and for this reason ( and their own " denial " — which will be explained later ) friends and family may be reluctant to accept the true nature of the diagnosis .
28 ‘ Curious ’ , after all , meant ‘ investigative ’ when the Earl of Hyndford used it of Thomas Goldney III , and that is what universities are meant to be about .
29 The original impulse had been non-denominational , but by the late 1790s the Anglican Church was drawing apart to go its own way , fearful that Methodism especially was gaining converts and even , as the Bishop of Rochester expressed it in 1800 : " Schools of Jacobinical religion and Jacobinical politics abound in this country in the shape of charity schools and Sunday schools . "
30 The Church of Scotland bought it in 1960 for £27,500 and opened it as an eventide home two years later .
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