Example sentences of "of [noun] [vb past] to the " in BNC.

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1 Their discovery helped overthrow the medieval concept of the Solar System and a few decades later , by a method that I shall not describe , observations of Io led to the first determination of the speed of light , which until then was thought by many philosophers to be infinite .
2 Last week the head teachers association of Cambridgeshire wrote to the county council to say that because of critical shortages of books , equipment and facilities and because of oversized classes , it would have serious difficulty providing the national curriculum .
3 It is said that when travelling by boat the Duchess of Windsor sent to the bridge for hourly weather reports to be sure that she was appropriately clad .
4 Eventually the minister of agriculture complained to the president .
5 A lot of them of course went to the quarries , but then they had a little steamer called the Florence Cook and she plied wherever she went and you probably know where she went .
6 In 1935 a Mr Cole of Middlesbrough complained to the Sea Fish Commission that they were still having to sell at the pre-war prices of a halfpenny fish and a ha'porth of chips .
7 His pernickety attitude and lack of experience led to the film going almost 100 per cent over-budget .
8 His instinct of dishonesty came to the fore again and he thought a way to get the money would be to take the car which he was allowed to use but not to sell . ’
9 According to Labour 's own figures , in 1987 the Transport and General Workers Union gave more money to the Labour party than the whole of industry gave to the Tory party , and it gets votes for it , even on the leadership of the party .
10 The cup of tea fell to the carpet .
11 Strong public pressure opposed to the scheme and lack of funds led to the decision .
12 The fertile play of dialogue in these novels , often predominating on the printed page , is a constant stream of signals flashed to the reader to help him estimate the age , the mood , and the standing — real or pretended — of their characters from instant to instant .
13 His period of study lasted to the age of thirty when he became a Doctor of the Law .
14 The first of these lines of research led to the development of so-called creativity tests in which the subject has a free hand to generate his or her own responses to a given problem .
15 One lady , daughter of the proprietor of Jura said to the Captain — " Captain , do you mean to say you are going to turn us off the only nice place in the steamer and put sheep in it ? "
16 The heat of humiliation surged to the surface of her skin as she became conscious of where she was and what she was doing , kneeling there still bare-breasted , her attitude one of despair and defeat .
17 Today , there is a small octagonal chapel in the Beirut coastal suburb of Antelyas dedicated to the 1915 massacres .
18 Iraq 's invasion of Kuwait led to the abandonment by the UAE of a traditional policy of neutrality and to a welcome for the deployment of the military forces of the US-led coalition in the region .
19 A special vote of thanks went to the organiser , Graham Davies .
20 " I frequently pleaded with the federated owners to make peace with Wilson and many were inclined to do so , but the weight of prejudice clung to the Federation as a whole and the Executive Committee refused to recognise him , although we were wasting hundreds of thousands of pounds in fighting him " .
21 Obviously eventually if people keep on leaking blood their pressure will fall but you could have a situation where there 's not a single drop of blood yet lost to the system and yet the person 's in shock because the blood 's not being circulated properly off the heart , not a drop of blood lost to the system , but insufficient pressure , so shock can be caused by either of those two things , failure of the circulatory system because the pressure of the volume drops dangerously low , okay , you did a lot of work on what the person looks like , yes you as the casu you as the first aider will see this person in front of you , what will they be like ?
22 However , the possibility that hydrogen atoms could undergo fusion reactions and produce large amounts of neutrons led to the work being classified in 1951 .
23 The patchwork quilt of administrative decision-making powers reinforced the idea that this was not a new system of law in the making and the formalism of normativism led to the idea that to the extent that we had administrative law , the subject consisted wholly or mainly of delegated legislation and administrative adjudication ; that is , the forms of administrative action classifiable in terms of a conception of a formal separation of powers .
24 AN EXCESS of leukaemia cases has been found among children in rural parts of Scotland linked to the growth of the North Sea oil industry .
25 But today the Church of England apoligised to the family saying ’ our concern must always be for people before regulations , especially during times of greiving . ’
26 Kevin Ellis of Bridgend flew to the south of France last night to act as emergency cover for the Wales B team 's scrum-half Andrew Booth .
27 The growth of bureaucracy led to the proliferation of officials with functions as police , tax collectors and customs officers who might have had their offices in such places .
28 De-differentiation of what elsewhere are more likely to be imperatively co-ordinated functions will lead to a lessening of the degree of specialization of functions subordinated to the missions and goals of an organization .
29 Thousands of companies went to the wall .
30 The earliest studies on variation in shell shape and colour patterns of gastropods tended to the conclusion that environmental differences were more important than genetic ones ( Underwood , 1979 ) .
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