Example sentences of "of [noun] [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 a layer of mango lay above the guava . )
2 Henry of Colden returned from the Crusade to help Philip , and Richard I , Otto 's main supporter , died on 6 April 1199 .
3 Similar evidence of unity emerged from the numerous ( about 600 ) Latin American bishops .
4 THE FIRST big wave of Russians came after the 1967 war , when Zionist feelings were awakened by Israel 's six day victory and Soviet support for the Arabs .
5 Their discovery helped overthrow the medieval concept of the Solar System and a few decades later , by a method that I shall not describe , observations of Io led to the first determination of the speed of light , which until then was thought by many philosophers to be infinite .
6 In the gathering dusk of Sunday 18 June 1815 the last act of the bloody drama of Waterloo opened with the Emperor 's order for a general retreat .
7 The effect of the infighting , together with the government 's unimpressive pace of democratic reform , meant that the ruling party 's level of support dwindled throughout the year , a fact which was translated into several humiliating by-election losses [ see p. 37375 ] .
8 The astonishing show of support came on the day it was revealed that tapes of an intimate phone call between Di and a male friend are almost certainly genuine .
9 But the largest readily accessible reservoir of support lay in the French empire , which the Germans did not occupy and where Vichy 's authority was uncertain .
10 Evidence of change lay in the increasing local diversity of management arrangements as authorities and managers used their new found autonomy to shape structures and roles to suit themselves .
11 Even at the tiny rate of change discovered by the two men , an accurate clock started then would now be several hours out , compared to time judged by the positions of the sun or stars .
12 A dull thud of hooves resounded through the valley as the horses checked pace and descended from the pasture on to the tree-shadowed bridleway that slants down the hillside to the ford at its base .
13 Then hundreds of hooves crashed through the ford , spattering water bright into the mist .
14 As a result , his skin glowed more healthily and his halo of hair gleamed like the outer circle of the sun .
15 Marilyn Thompson tossed her head and a lock of hair drifted from the elaborate structure .
16 Over there , generations of pharaohs slept in the tombs , cut deep into the red cliffs of the valley .
17 His shoulders drooped , he expected nothing , but a small flicker of hope showed in the uptilting of his chin .
18 The discovery , in 1945 by Brotzu in Sardinia , of antibiotic activity in a species of Cephalosporium recovered from the sea near a sewage outfall was brought to Florey 's attention by a former British public health officer and led to work at Oxford and elsewhere on this and similar organisms .
19 Just under 70% of authorities participated in the survey and nearly 400 data sheets were completed ( see Appendix 1 for sample details ) .
20 There can be no doubt of the widespread feelings of horror felt across the world at the thought of the use of nuclear weapons , in however ‘ limited ’ a way , and therefore the unacceptability of the view that their use could be justified as legitimate .
21 A cry of horror came from the artist when he saw the terrible face in the portrait .
22 A slow look of horror showed in the Iranian 's eyes .
23 A look of horror appeared on the Campbell 's clock face .
24 The voice of Chaos thundered in the valleys .
25 A massive crack zig-zagged like lightning through the plaster of the opposite wall as the sounds of thunder roared in the stairwell .
26 She almost crumpled as the full rage of thunder exploded over the meadow and was still fifty yards short of the cabin when the squall hit .
27 According to the NRA 's figures , 200,000 tons of nitrogen , 32,000 tons of orthophosphates , 3,000 tons of zinc , 500 tons of copper ( in the latter two cases half of the total ) , 340 tons of lead ( nearly three quarters of the total ) and five tons of mercury flowed into the sea in 1990 .
28 An inviting smell of liquor rose on the steam .
29 The next bursts of building coincided with the city 's conflict with Barbarossa , when a wide and deep ditch was dug about 300 metres outside the Maximian wall .
30 If two such solutions were displayed as in Fig. 24.2(b) , the overall impression given would be the same ; however , sufficiently long after initiation , the times at which the changes of level occurred in the two solutions would be totally uncorrelated .
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