Example sentences of "of [noun] [noun sg] [noun pl] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 A DECISION today by the United Arab Emirates to buy French tanks instead of Vickers Defence Systems ' Challenger 2 , raised fears among MPs of job losses and closure of a plant , although the company dismissed the threat .
2 Following the restructuring of Reed Consumer Books ' UK sales team , Michael Sender , area sales executive for Mandarin and Mammoth in the north west of England , has been made redundant .
3 A representative sampling of Osiris Management Services ' clientele was there , beefy ballocky blokes who prized the rugby scrum of life as much as an opportunity for putting the boot in as for winning the ball .
4 Neal Hazel , President of Stirling University Students ' Association takes a look at what SUSA has achieved for its members 25 years on .
5 FOUR members of Saughall Church Women 's Fellowship will demonstrate crafts this evening and members will then be asked to make items for sale at the Church Christmas fair on November 28 .
6 A survey by Roberts and Bull of postgraduate library students ' first posts showed that book selection and acquisition was a prominent duty for many of them ; the first four duties reported were cataloguing and classification ( 94% of the sample of students ) , reference and readers ' advisory work ( 76% ) , selection and acquisition ( 67% ) and management ( 38% ) .
7 of having been found to be in breach of Investment Business Regulations 1.16(a) and 1.17 in that in Grimsby between 30 September 1990 and 1 October 1991 the firm handled Investment Business Clients ' monies when not authorised to do so was reprimanded and ordered to pay £250 by way of costs .
8 In contrast to the chances afforded by the cotton mills , consider Davies ' comment of 1795 on the condition of Berkshire farm labourers ' families , scarcely able to live on wages of 8 to 9s ( 40-45p ) a week , whose wives earned only from 6d to 1s ( 2½ — 5p ) weekly when their seasonal and casual earnings were averaged out .
9 Warner Bros is reviving the tradition of Saturday morning children 's cinema at its multiplex cinemas .
10 THIS month 's planning committee meeting was briefly adjourned so that members could hear the comments of Candleford Gate Residents ' Association and also members of the public .
11 Regulation of enterocyte stem cells in vivo
12 Glenys Ingham of Deptford constituency women 's section said : ‘ Some of us feel very angry about the way the system of submitting speakers ’ cards is being used to stop us being called . ’
13 — Special presentation parties were held for George Flowers , treasurer of Framwellgate Moor Workmen 's Club , who has retired after 30 years service and for Consett Station Social Club steward Freddie Emmerson on his retirement .
14 Erm , clearly we are in a room full of people who have a more than marginal interest in the political process erm and that goes for your boundaries of Cambridge city councils er remit and clearly contains also to parliamentary methods erm I 'm trying not to be desperately partisan about this , I do n't expect anybody erm but a phrase has been used earlier this evening from another quarter about if it 's not broke do n't fix it , erm the boundary commission have looked at the boundaries of the Cambridge city constituency have found that it is up to ninety nine percent of the right and proper er number of electors .
15 Teachers are not trained as innovators and much of the content of teacher training colleges ' curricula is not relevant to this approach .
16 Interestingly , L1 may share an immunoregulatory function with another eosinophil product , eosinophil cationic protein , which has been shown to inhibit the proliferation of human T and B cells and also the immunoglobulin production of plasma cell lines in vitro .
17 Nearly 95 per cent of UK unit trusts ' assets are held in company securities ( both UK and overseas ) .
18 Author Michael Morpurgo , Angela Beeching , the executive producer of BBC TV children 's programmes , and Keith Nettle , vice-chair of the International Publishers Association Reading Committee , were the supporting cast .
19 There 's a very old study by Walker and Guest nineteen fifty-two and I think you might find the findings may reflect the fifties quite a lot , found that seventy percent of assembly line workers erm initiated upwards communication .
20 The International Association of Hewlett-Packard Computer Users ' annual conference takes place in New Orleans , Louisiana , between August 23–27 .
21 Part of Unix System Labs ' push to make its Tuxedo transaction processing monitor a standard for OLTP will begin to happen next month with the inauguration of the Club ( UX No 403 ) .
22 To improve its client/server story , Sequent is going with ptx/Transaction 2.0 , its implementation of Unix System Labs ' Tuxedo , TechGnosis SequeLink middleware for connecting Apple Macs and Windows-based personal computers to Symmetry , Information Builders Inc 's EDA/SQL middleware for accessing various databases , and a new symmetric multi-processing release of its parallel-enable version of Netware .
23 Thirteen Japanese companies have banded together as the Tuxedo Promotion Group in support of Unix System Labs ' on-line transaction processing monitor , Tuxedo .
24 DRS/NX version 7 , its implementation of Unix System Labs ' SVR4.2 desktop operating system for Intel and Sparc platforms , includes X/Open XPG4-compliance , multiprocessing support , and support for both OSF/Motif and Open Look interfaces .
25 The week before last , BSDI put the full text of Unix System Labs ' initial complaint ( but not the expanded suit ) on UUNet , ostensibly because so many people were asking to see the exact wording — see front page .
26 On the heels of Unix System Laboratories ' great China coup ( UX No 411 ) , the Santa Cruz Operation announced the availability of the first Chinese version of SCO Unix in this case SCO Unix V/386 3.2 version 4.0 .
27 Mr Smith renewed his demand for publication of Government law officers ' advice which suggests ministers may ignore whatever the Commons votes on the social chapter .
28 Table 11.7 pointed out that 10 per cent of air tour operators ' costs represented travel agents ' commission .
29 The Daimler is entirely adequate for the needs of Mirror Group Newspapers ' current chairman , Ernie Burrington , says Ted .
30 Could I , could I turn to one of the major contributors of erm of pension fund surpluses er and that is the plight of the deferred pensioner .
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