Example sentences of "of [pron] it [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To many of them it seemed abhorrent to suggest that the Mosaic law was other than final .
2 ( 5 ) The fraud or dishonesty of the vendor In addition to fraud and dishonesty insurers will specifically exclude liability for the wilful failure by the vendor to disclose matters of which it had actual knowledge .
3 The well-known deconstruction carried out in ‘ Structure , Sign , and Play ’ shows how the constitution of anthropological knowledge , though often paraded as scientific and objective , is nevertheless governed by a problematic of which it remains unaware : the philosophical category of the centre — which Derrida then proceeds to articulate with the problem of Eurocentrism .
4 This curious conclusion set at nought the work on distribution done by Brown , Humboldt , Darwin and Wallace , and by the botanists Joseph Hooker of Kew and Asa Gray of Harvard ; they had found all sorts of curious patterns , of which it seemed possible to make sense in terms of migrations , barriers and ice ages .
5 In the course of the day the UK government announces increases in base rate from 10 to 12 , and then to 15 per cent effective Sept. 17 , in unsuccessful efforts to defend the value of sterling , then withdraws sterling from the ERM , allowing its value to " float " ( as a result of which it falls some 10 per cent against the deutschmark to below DM2.52 by the end of September ) , and cuts base rate to 12 per cent .
6 BA has invested £20m of its own money in the venture , of which it owns 31 p.c. , but says that further finance will come from Air Russia 's own resources , such as state loans and leasing .
7 Perhaps by the very end of his life , in 1880 , he had come to believe that a people , a nation , does not create itself according to its own best ideas , but is shaped by other forces , of which it has little knowledge .
8 Adding together the numbers of self-employed , family workers and labour in firms of less than 30 employees in non-agricultural work for 1984 gives a total of about 25 million people , of which it appears that one-third ( 8.2 million ) work in units of less than five people ( FTW 1/2/86 ) .
9 and peasant antagonism ought to have been greatest and therefore you on the face of it it seems surprising does n't it that land reforms did n't take place immediately , or they were n't attempting land reform to take place immediately .
10 So if you , I mean , to go back to our initial proposition , whilst on the face of it it seems curious that in the area in south China where one would expect land reform to be easiest to achieve the communists adopt a much more moderate , slower , cautious policy but for a whole variety of reasons we , we 're , we 're tending towards the view that that would be the most appropriate anyway .
11 Of what it felt like to live in such a world we are , and must for ever remain , entirely ignorant .
12 Do you have any conception of what it felt like to know I was about to lose you ? ’
13 InfoNow Corp , Boulder , Colorado pioneer of what it calls electronic commerce , using digital technology such as CD-ROM , new media , security , encryption , digital transmission to deliver products , has completed a private placing of stock , raising gross proceeds of $1.65m .
14 For their part the Brazilians want to play British oppositon to remind themselves of what it feels like to be searching for the ball in the air for much of the game .
15 They are less likely to dominate than are men , because they have such painful first-hand experience of what it feels like to be oppressed by those in authority .
16 Surely it makes sense to have this knowledge of what it feels like , almost as if you are on the stage of the London Palladium in front of a full house with the spotlights full on , as you have questions fired at you — rather than be totally unprepared and unrehearsed .
17 We now have a colossal documentation of what it feels like to be in the margin .
18 I sought a way of fudging it , of drawing a two-dimensional picture that conveyed something of what it feels like to move from point to point in the nine-dimensional genetic space of Biomorph Land .
19 The principle of electrolocation , as it has been called , is fairly well understood at the level of physics though not , of course , at the level of what it feels like to be an electric fish .
20 ft was wrong , one Kufran Islamic socialist explained , that a man who owned a drilling machine should keep 80 per cent of what it earned each month while those who worked it should share only 20 per cent .
21 Formed by Beamish in 1918 as a patriotic organization dedicated to the eradication of what it termed alien influences in British life , the Britons campaigned for the forced expulsion of Jews from England and for the revoking of the Act of Settlement of 1700 , which would ensure that immigrants and their descendents would be ineligible to hold public office .
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