Example sentences of "of [pron] [noun sg] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 In other words , it could be these unspoken messages which altered the classroom climate sufficiently for girls to do better , rather than the simple fact of them being in a single-sex environment .
2 that 's why they have these on the end of them weapon with a yellow fork at the end , but even without that you still get lots of little bits of cardboard come out , its a cardboard wad inside its the same charge as a but its a cardboard box , cardboard blank inside
3 Most of them most of them start with a C.
4 Because most of them start with a C.
5 OK , educate the child , educate the dog , but I could never let a child of mine walk around a ring with a big , powerful dog like that , because it is a big , powerful vicious beast .
6 There was nowhere ter sit an' so there was me standin' in front of 'is desk like a bad little boy .
7 I know you 've always been jealous of my success as a model , but I wo n't allow you to ruin things for Garry and me . ’
8 I 'd welcome it too — get him out of my hair for a bit . ’
9 But let me give you the peak of my experience as a cancer patient .
10 He maintained he had never received replies to letters or acknowledgement of seeds but the dispatch of the eighth edition of the Dictionary ( April 1768 ) awaited direction and then , with an unusually personal note , he excuses himself , ‘ … having had the misfortune to dislocate the ankelbone of my leg above a year and a half since gone … confinement and want of usual exercise has brought many maladies upon me , but I am in hope of proper remedies to prolong life a little longer . ’
11 More importantly , the Fellowship gave me the opportunity to study a subject of my choice at a university of my choice : so ( who would not at that time ? )
12 It now appears that , in addition to this , I will be expected to part with a further portion of my income as a graduate tax to pay for my education , the last three years of which I am spending in hospitals , not only studying , but assisting on a voluntary basis with essential clinical procedures and tests .
13 A tiny weeny hint of a plan began to tinkle at the back of my brain like a triangle at the back of an orchestra .
14 If you do close then it will pretty conclusively solve my dilemma about whether or not I could have afforded to tap 50 quid out of my grant for a subscription next term .
15 I 've never thought of my divorce as a failure .
16 Though mirages are natural phenomena , the illusion of my standing in a dish was an involuntary product of the imagination .
17 When I wake up I just pull it back or put it on top of my head in a top knot .
18 In a memorandum written for the Commons ' Energy Committee , Andrew Holmes , the editor of Power in Europe , wrote , ‘ In the course of my work as a journalist , I have met a few environmentalists who can envisage some kind of long-term accommodation with the nuclear power industry , If waste disposal and other problems are satisfactorily solved ; I have never met an environmentalist who was not wholly and implacably opposed to the FBR . ’
19 Before the legalities had been completed , early in 1973 , I went to a local youth club to show slides of my work as a missionary .
20 I have been making notes on these for more than seventy years in the interest of my work as a cataloguer and expert at the Print Department .
21 I left the team because the low pay would not cover the cost of my share in a mortgage to buy my own flat , and because I found it difficult to reconcile the separate roles of paid worker and friend , when Helen and Elizabeth recognised no such distinction .
22 Just thought I 'd give you all the benefit of my expertise with a 1–1 prediction for tonight 's game .
23 Now there is a video I shall be jumping about in front of my TV on a regular basis !
24 And I would not give another year of my life to a new version , he wrote .
25 I spent six of the happiest years of my life at a boarding school where the regime was spartan .
26 I did not want to share the rest of my life with a ghost .
27 For the first time I saw clearly that it would be impossible to go through the rest of my life with a barrier in my mind between the baby and its conception .
28 Although I had kept in contact with several school friends from St Paul 's , I knew only one who was likely to have surplus accommodation in London , and I considered she might well turn out to be my one hope of not having to spend the rest of my life on a train somewhere between Romford and Regent 's Park .
29 The attic also provides an incidental history of my life as a writer .
30 This catalogue of pressures and constraints is not the entire story of my life as a lesbian involved in work with girls and young women .
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