Example sentences of "of [pron] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When in 1613 he ‘ went beyond the seas without licence ’ and settled first at Brussels , then at Antwerp , he was in personal contact with another expatriate , Peter Philips , and with the Amsterdam organist Sweelinck , both of whom figure in the Fitzwilliam Book .
2 We took off into the last of the evening sun in poor visibility and I do not recall seeing any of the aircraft that took-off in front of me rise in the evening murk , I was too busy putting the nose down and squeezing a bit more speed out of the lumbering Whitley as we cleared the boundary .
3 It should acknowledge that there are conflicts between critical approaches , and should make the students ' confrontation of them part of the pedagogic process .
4 Pimlico was shown to be comparatively resistant to clamping , as were Mayfair , Soho and Knightsbridge , all of them part of the original clamping area .
5 You could argue that some of them work outside the home because they have to , for financial reasons , but I think it 's indisputable that a ever-growing number want to work outside the home and I think it 's very important that they should be allowed the scope to do so .
6 With this the two of them wall up the entrance until only a tiny slot is left open .
7 Rainbow locks the taxi , and the pair of them head round the back of the Palace towards the pond .
8 For long hauls the rivers still remained more important than roads in NEP , despite the fact that many of them flow to the Arctic and are frozen for long periods .
9 I mean , in a much more , erm , a le a less severe example , but we 're having a Road Safety Week , at school , this week , erm , and it was my class 's turn , yesterday afternoon , so I was just there keeping a watching brief with my my children while the , road safety representative was talking to them , and she put them us through the usual hoops of erm , did any of them play on the roadside un unattended .
10 After fifteen years some may have emigrated died … would all of them spring to the colours when called ? ’
11 In the 1850s maps of Scotland began to be published , on the scale of 6 inches to one mile , the first of them being of the Lothians area .
12 In other words , it could be these unspoken messages which altered the classroom climate sufficiently for girls to do better , rather than the simple fact of them being in a single-sex environment .
13 In addition , during the same period almost 3,900 people completed TOPS courses , a substantial proportion of them being in the colleges .
14 that 's why they have these on the end of them weapon with a yellow fork at the end , but even without that you still get lots of little bits of cardboard come out , its a cardboard wad inside its the same charge as a but its a cardboard box , cardboard blank inside
15 Most of them most of them start with a C.
16 Because most of them start with a C.
17 OK , educate the child , educate the dog , but I could never let a child of mine walk around a ring with a big , powerful dog like that , because it is a big , powerful vicious beast .
18 There was nowhere ter sit an' so there was me standin' in front of 'is desk like a bad little boy .
19 Apparently it 's in appreciation of my success at the club — and commitment to the job !
20 I know you 've always been jealous of my success as a model , but I wo n't allow you to ruin things for Garry and me . ’
21 I 'd welcome it too — get him out of my hair for a bit . ’
22 I am very sorry to have to report these words of the King 's , and I only do so because of my love of the truth .
23 In the unlikely event of an alternative Administration being returned to power and seeking to get talks started , on the basis of my experience over the past two years I wish the hon. Gentleman well .
24 But let me give you the peak of my experience as a cancer patient .
25 Education , I believe as a result of my experience with the people of Slumptown , is a radical solution .
26 By this time I was becoming a little dissatisfied with the imprinting set-up that had become the stock in trade of my lab over the past few years , and I planned to try using an alternative form of learning in the chick .
27 She twinkled with pleasure as I wove a windmill-tilting , dragon-vanquishing saga of my quest for the frothy and elusive grail .
28 And during the past two decades of my involvement with the people of the Alto I have seen a discourse on nervos and sickness replace a discourse on angry hunger .
29 I think it is adequately dealt with as problem because of the really the length and the depth of my involvement with the school .
30 I think it is adequately dealt with as a problem because of the erm really the length and the depth of my involvement with the school .
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