Example sentences of "2 be [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As in methanogenesis , 4 mol of H 2 are consumed in the formation of 1 mol of product .
2 For continuity it is also required that and , so d 1 and d 2 are constrained to the range .
3 In this way , further exact solutions for colliding plane waves may be obtained by combining particular components from any of the series V1 , V2 , V3 , V4 and V5 and by choosing the arbitrary constants such that ( 10.83 ) where k 1 and k 2 are constrained to the range ( 7.13 ) .
4 The number of matchings achieved by each construct with constructs 5 and 2 are used as the co-ordinates ( these are circled in table 12.4 ) .
5 It may thus be observed that the constants k 1 and k 2 are restricted to the range satisfying ( 9.9 ) It is also appropriate to choose ( 9.10 ) to achieve the usual flat metric ( 3.6 ) in region I.
6 The position can not be regarded as free from doubt and it is therefore recommended that the express provision set out in Precedent 2 be incorporated in the transfer .
7 a 's belief 2 is caused by the fact that p is true
8 The σ-character of the highest-filled level in N 2 is confirmed by the ‘ end-on ’ coordination found in most complexes of N 2 with transition metals .
9 Rather than investigate each complete path across the lattice , a window of width 2 is moved across the lattice .
10 The integrity of highly conserved region 2 is required for the transactivation and repression phenotypes of Vmw175 ( 19,20 ) and an insertion mutation in 140k region 2 inhibits these same functions ( 17 ) suggesting that VZV 140k and HSV-1 Vmw175 regulate gene expression by related mechanisms .
11 Clause 11 of Precedent 1 is a very short form of confidentiality clause , which is mutually binding , while cl 11.1 of Precedent 2 is inserted by the buyer only to bind the seller .
12 It is important to realize that firms may have enough information at the end of period 1 to predict the rise in aggregate demand in period 2 , so that the rise in aggregate demand from period 1 to period 2 is anticipated at the end of period 1 .
13 Stage 2 is aimed at the people who have worked on their business idea with the help of their counsellor over the summer .
14 Vickers ' Challenger 2 was competing for the contract with the United States Abrams M1A2 and France 's Leclerc .
15 A mixture of 95% O 2 /5% CO 2 was injected through the vial 's septum until an internal pressure of 3–4 atm was reached , and the vials were incubated at 37°C for 1 hour in a shaking bath .
16 Car 2 was presented to the National Tramway Museum at Crich in 1963 , where it became the first car there to move under power in June 1964 .
17 A cyclone which struck southern districts on June 2 was reported by The Times of June 3 to have killed 500 people .
18 ‘ Kaynitro ’ packed in ‘ Dumpty ’ 2 was introduced in the spring and other fertilizers will be available in pack from the autumn .
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