Example sentences of "having been [vb pp] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Her memory of the room had been of a dingy , barrack-like hall with fine plaster swags , marred by the fact that chunks of them had been missing , and they , and the room , not improved by having been painted in a weird mixture of colour : purple , pink , green , ochre , rather like the bike belonging to the old man on the S-Bahn .
2 Having been dismissed as a kitchen maid , she harnesses her poetry to her teapot .
3 Having been engaged in an undeclared war with China since 1937 Japan took advantage of the French defeat in 1940 both to close one of China 's last remaining links with the outside world , the Haiphong — Yunnan railway , and to begin her advance into Southeast Asia .
4 I think er the original plan would have envisaged er a very high proportion of that work having been converted to a fixed price at this point in the programme because according to the original programme not only would the aircraft have flown but we would be entering production investment at this stage and we would there be be fairly confident about the er maturity of the design , however the programme has proceeded much more slowly than originally planned and the amount of er the price that has been converted to a fixed price is indeed quite modest er we have in fact I think only converted eight of the price packages to a fixed price er basis so far .
5 What was the nature of Korean society and how had Korea been affected by the experience of having been ruled as an integral part of the Japanese colonial empire for almost half a century before the defeat of Japan in 1945 ?
6 The case of the traveller to Bali is vastly more complicated , his deciding reaction having been influenced by an indefinite series of accessions to his awareness from the viewpoints of parents and community as well as from his own .
7 Unless , therefore the guarantee was void as having been made for an illegal consideration or voidable on the ground of economic duress , the extrinsic evidence establishes that it was supported by valid consideration .
8 Only Baker and John remained as first team regulars from the pre-Chapman era , the rest having been replaced at a cost of £40,000 , the most prolific spending spree soccer had seen .
9 Still in use in the ‘ seventies ’ this type of Credit is now largely defunct having been replaced by a plethora of banking ‘ products ’ such as Travellers Cheques , EuroCheques and Credit & Charge Cards .
10 system , there was a circular hole with red glass in the right hand one , the large oil lantern used at Gravesend , having been replaced by a hinged opening vent .
11 It is open to the double objection of having been obtained by a trustee from his cestui que trust by pressure through her husband and without independent advice , and of having been obtained by a husband from his wife by pressure and concealment of material facts .
12 It is open to the double objection of having been obtained by a trustee from his cestui que trust by pressure through her husband and without independent advice , and of having been obtained by a husband from his wife by pressure and concealment of material facts .
13 Co-occurrence data has been used by the present project ; the data having been collected from a number of corpora rather than LDOCE .
14 The roof together with the sides were bolted into position permanently , after which the sliding doors were fitted , these also having been built in a jig .
15 By the time I 'd recovered I was skinnier than ever , having been rationed to an orange a day .
16 They are the anxieties of our times , born of the idea that the individual must in one way or another ( any damned way , as a matter of fact , even confessing to having been abused as a child ) express his uniqueness and fulfil his potential .
17 He was , perhaps , less than worthy of his literary immortality : in 1800 the vicar of Over Stowey , having been cheated in a deal over some turf , called him ‘ as rascally faced fellow as ever I met with ’ .
18 She swung to face him angrily , her pale cheeks now flushed to wild apricot , her breasts rising and falling with bottled-in emotion , annoyance , embarrassment and a feeling of having been manipulated into a situation where she had behaved like an ill-bred lunatic .
19 These now have good marginal vegetation and their dams produce small waterfalls , the preferred nesting sites for Grey Wagtails which are widely distributed in this limited habitat , some 193 pairs having been recorded in a survey in 1967–69 , mainly in the Lower Greensand and High Weald areas .
20 Having been blessed with a cold mother , did I seek a cold wife ?
21 Lewis , having been missed by a diving Moin after edging Akram , was yorked comprehensively at the other end .
22 The granting of peerages to former politicians , chiefs of the defence staff and so on has the effect of enhancing the status of those whose only achievement in life is having been engendered by a privileged set of loins .
23 At present , however , the festivities seem light years away , having been eclipsed by a fiscal crisis of mammoth proportions .
24 Athey , though having been exposed as a poor leader , could also , like Allan Lamb , be considered a good number two .
25 Having been formalized by a drafting commission , the proposals were resubmitted to the Congress for final approval on April 5 , when 608 votes were cast in favour and 228 against , with 100 abstentions .
26 Obviously personal inclination is very important , but personal inclination can often arise from having been taught by an exceptional teacher , or having a scientist parent who helps with homework .
27 Second , there is personal experience of homoeopathy through having been treated by a homoeopathic doctor , or through having had a member of the family so treated , and being impressed by the results .
28 Mass is celebrated here at midday , the church having been reconsecrated after a long deconsecration period .
29 Kate , having been prepared for a fight over the amount of her luggage , was left with the wind taken out of her sails .
30 All too often their impressions are dismissed as false , having been based on a short , unrepresentative glimpse of part of a lesson , even thought they are usually expert at getting to the heart of the pupils ' experience in a particular classroom .
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