Example sentences of "having been [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 In acts chapter two and verse thirty two , this Jesus , God raised up again to which we are all witnesses , therefore , having been exulted to the right hand of God , and having receiving from the father the promise of the Holy Spirit , he has poured forth this which you both see and hear .
2 I , , having been elected to the office of Lord Mayor , declare that I take thi that office upon myself and will duly and faithfully fulfil the duties of it according to the best of my judgement and ability .
3 I , , be having been elected to the office of Vice Chair , declare that I take that office upon myself and will duly and faithfully fulfil the duties of it according to the best of my judgement and ability .
4 It was more prominent through the head having been turned to the opposite side .
5 In 1570 he resigned Dewsbury , having been presented to the wealthy Richmondshire rectory of Romaldkirk in 1569 .
6 Again we have the standard format of the lower tray having been soldered to the upper shell .
7 Having been referred to the cases dealing with the issue of pay within article 119 , including Defrenne v Belgian State ( no 80/70 ) and Worringham v Lloyds Bank Ltd ( 1981 ICR 558 ) , there was no support for the submissions made on behalf of the employee .
8 VINTAGE & ROTARY Wing Collection ( see also page 17 ) have passed on three of their gliders to collector and restorer Nigel Ponsford : Cadet TX.1 RA854 , Grasshopper TX.1 XK819 and Grunau Baby BGA. 1410 — the latter having been transferred to the Real Aeroplane Club at Breighton .
9 As a supposedly general-purpose chip , he said , the 80860 falls down on programmability , no thought seemingly having been given to the compiler and operating environment .
10 Further , the court can now rescind a reference of its own motion , notice having been given to the parties by the court of an intention to do so , giving the parties 14 days in which to lodge written objections .
11 In my judgment , this draft having been sent to the plaintiffs by Sir Richard Temple , and retained and cashed by them , we ought to draw the conclusion that the plaintiff , who kept and cashed the draft , agreed to accept it on the terms upon which it was sent … .
12 The younger Walter , who seems to have succeeded his father in the service of the City of London as its official chronologer , remained on the council staff until 1660 , as did one of his brothers , a third having died in its service earlier , and a fourth having been appointed to the staff of the council in Ireland under Henry Cromwell [ q.v . ] .
13 Ata'i writes that Molla Abdulfettah , having been appointed to the Seyfeddin medrese in Ankara with 50 akce , was dismissed and then restored to that medrese " with [ an ] judgement " ( that is , that the medrese was to be judged to be in the and treated accordingly ) and continues : " His became and , by reason of the esteem [ due to/shown to a ] [ muderris ] , the mouth of his hope smiled . "
14 There was talk before the start of the competition having become more intense ; of the gap between McLaren and the rest having been reduced to the point where we might have a race on our hands .
15 She might have found it confusing that , in spite of having been married to the Father , it was God the Son who told her to treat Him as her wedded husband and kiss Him as much as she liked in bed , but Margery took things like that in her stride .
16 In Ipswich the situation was more complex : as can be seen from Table 3.2 , as many as half the clients referred to the project actually received no service ; 19 of the 27 were in hospital at referral , usually having been admitted to the psychiatric hospital following their referral and domiciliary visit by the psychogeriatrician .
17 ( 3 ) The estate of a partner who dies , or who becomes bankrupt , or of a partner who , not having been known to the person dealing with the firm to be a partner , retires from the firm , is not liable for partnership debts contracted after the date of the death , bankruptcy , or retirement respectively .
18 If a group of young people , from all races , all countries and bearing all creeds were gathered together after having been introduced to the concept of the Created God , and were able to set aside , for the time being , their own taught beliefs , they would find that they had been offered an area of religious discussion which would be on completely neutral ground .
19 This testimonial was given by Edmund Halley [ q.v. ] in a letter written ‘ By the command of the Royal Society ’ in 1693 : ‘ I have , by Order of the Royal Society seen and examined the method used by Mr John Marshall , for grinding glasses , and find that he performs the said work with greater ease and certainty , than hitherto has been practised , by means of an invention , which I take to be his own , and new , and whereby he is enabled to make a great number of Optick-Glasses , at one time , and all exactly alike , which having been reported to the Royal Society , they were pleased to approve thereof , as an Invention of Great Use , and Highly to deserve Incouragement . ’
20 They took to calling his specimens ‘ buffons ’ , their attention having been drawn to the word by the sight of Huxley 's copy of Buffon 's Natural history , which in a series of many volumes , displayed the name repeatedly in large gilt letters on a shelf in the chart room .
21 A The property is sold subject to the [ burdens and other provisions ] contained in [ the said conveyance ] [ entries on the Register other than financial charges ] and a copy thereof having been supplied to the buyer 's conveyancers the buyer shall be deemed to purchase with full knowledge of the same and shall not raise any requisition or objection relating thereto .
22 [ A copy ] [ copies ] thereof having been supplied to the buyer 's conveyancers the buyer shall be deemed to purchase with full knowledge of the same and shall not raise any requisition or objection relating thereto .
23 He was university-trained , no doubt at Oxford , appears to have obtained his first benefice in commendam ( Coningsby , Lincolnshire ) in 1243 and , probably having been attached to the familia of William de Raleigh [ q.v. ] , bishop of Winchester , was archdeacon of Surrey by 1245 .
24 After the war , Swainson went on an expedition to South America , to Brazil ; but unlike Humboldt or Darwin , he brought little home , having been confined to the coast by a war .
25 This section will not cause the remittance basis to cease to be available or cause income to be treated as having been remitted to the United Kingdom .
26 Of course , it is more complex than that because allowance has to be made for convergent evolution , which is the acquisition of common characteristics by virtue of having been subjected to the same selection pressures , rather than because of sharing a common ancestor .
27 How many smokers who were hooked when 12 , 13 , or 14 , in their formative years , are grateful for having been subjected to the wiles of the tobacco and advertising industries ?
28 This car ‘ wears its Rover badge with pride ’ was the verdict of the first road test , and with nearly 7000 miles having been added to the car wince then , our 1.1S has substantiated that statement convincingly .
29 Will he confirm that it is our top priority to get back to the basics in education and to sweep away the leftist progressive teaching methods that , having been put to the test , have failed ?
30 ( a ) Basic charging provision Where : ( i ) a capital sum is paid to the settlor in a year of assessment by any body corporate connected with the settlement in that year ; and ( ii ) an associated payment has been or is made directly or indirectly to that body corporate by the trustees of the settlement the capital sum shall be treated for the purposes of s677 as having been paid to the settlor by the trustees of the settlement .
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