Example sentences of "having been [verb] [adv prt] by " in BNC.

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1 Only three of Armenia 's fleet of seven helicopters remained , the rest having been shot down by Azerbaijani forces claiming that they were used for military purposes .
2 The actual payment or receipt of the option premium is effected when the position is closed , at the rate prevailing at that time , with the difference between that and the option price at the outset having been made up by payments of variation margin .
3 For the first time since 1951 the marchers were allowed to wear hoods in public , Georgia 's anti-mask law having been struck down by the Supreme Court on May 25 as unconstitutional .
4 In 822/1459 , Molla Fenari performed the pilgrimage ; and , on his return , having been sought out by Sultan al-Mu'ayyad Sayf al-Din Shaykh ( 815–24/1412–21 ) , he entered Egypt .
5 His loneliness had recently been underlined by the fact that Ramsay MacLure , having been kicked out by the painter and critic Robin Ironside , had moved in with Vaughan , forming with him a steady relationship that caused Minton to talk of finding his own house .
6 De Gaulle himself was far from fully informed about the detail of these plots , but he was aware of their existence , having been sounded out by people involved in them .
7 We arrive to witness a near riot — the dull hungry eyes of the children having been lit up by fear that the food is about to run out .
8 The connection between the visible and the tangible is conceived by Berkeley as having been set up by God .
9 There have also been a number of memorable failures in this country , and having been caught out by one myself , I do n't believe we are too well-placed to criticise the failings of others .
10 If the building is thought to be a temple , however , the stone axe may well be interpreted as having been picked up by someone and deliberately buried within the temple in the Roman period as an offering to the gods .
11 When the Clause was debated in the House of Lords early in 1988 , one Labour peer ‘ came out ’ as having been brought up by a ‘ pretended family ’ .
12 Of his voice , it was said that he could make himself heard from the harbour mouth to his Aunt Bridget 's kitchen in a full-blown gale ; but for all his thunder and lightning , his thigh-slapping guffaws and crude sense of humour , there was in Harry a man who needed the love of a woman , a man who , having been brought up by an uncle with strictly puritan views , longed for the approval and admiration of his elders .
13 Some owls are unable to return to the wild , having been brought up by breeders .
14 In 1979 , as a member of the Labour Party Young Socialists , I was gutted , as indeed we all were , when Labour lost the election having been brought down by the ‘ Tartan Tories ’ .
15 The contacts between the Lemass and O'Neill governments were seen as having been brought about by pressure from Britain , and as a result ‘ O'Neill has got his orders to play down discrimination ’ .
16 One of the first brass mills in the region was set up by Abraham Darby ( q.v. ) in 1702 , but by 1930 the industry was extinct in the area , having been taken over by Birmingham .
17 The London jewellers Tessiers reopened on 5 November , having been taken over by new owners .
18 It is a gut reaction to the sense of having been taken over by affluent and alien strangers .
19 The amendment also provided for the election to public office of independents and candidates put forward by " organizations with recognized representation " , and allowed for the recreation of the post of Prime Minister ( the functions of this post having been taken over by the President in 1979 ) .
20 Where a road which bears all the marks of having been laid out by the enclosure commissioners makes , at longish intervals , a sudden right-angled bend , sometimes two bends in quick succession , one can be pretty certain that though it was planned by the commissioners it follows an even older line from one village to the next , a line which had deviated in the same way around the heads of medieval furlongs .
21 The census of 1785 confirms that the Titfords were still on Pig Street , not having been driven out by the noise of falling stone or splintering wood ; not that noise would have been anything unusual for them — they already had Thomas Addams ' blacksmith 's shop down the street , and the ringing sound of metal on metal emanating from there must have mingled nicely with the constant clip-clop of horses ' hooves as Henry Webley went about his business as the Bristol carrier a few doors away .
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