Example sentences of "having been [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from the confusion of squadrons , the implications of his having been engaged in this quite different operation were serious .
2 I was fiercely proud of Scotland , having been indoctrinated by glowing tales from my Mother , and felt that the land was mine by birthright .
3 Having been reassured on this point , he had grudgingly accepted Ellen 's explanation that she had been given leave to visit him to see how he was coping alone , and had promptly put his daughter and her companion to work .
4 That was when the islanders voted to join Canada rather than resume the status of ’ responsible government ’ after having been run for 15 years by a commission from the United Kingdom .
5 This specimen lies on a slab of mudstone , the specimen itself having been converted into coal-like material — that is , into carbon .
6 Having been printed on fibre-based paper , the images were masked out , hand-coloured and sulphide-toned before being cut out and mounted onto plywood .
7 I have used this service for selling , although more so on the buying side , having been tempted on numerous occasions !
8 " It having been Stated to this Meeting that a regular Ferry from Skiba to Gartbreck would contribute much to the Convenience of Travellers " they agree " to Engage a proper person , who will engage to maintain a proper Ferry Boat ready at all reasonable times to Ferry passengers … "
9 Can the Minister assure the House that , if a general election goes against his wishes and people cross their ballot papers having been influenced by Labour propaganda , he will accept that result ?
10 The motion having been made at Ten o'clock , and the debate having continued for half an hour , Mr. Deputy Speaker — adjourned the House without Question put , pursuant to the Standing Order .
11 The motion having been made at Ten o'clock , and the debate having continued for half an hour , Mr. Speaker — adjourned the House without Question put , pursuant to the Standing Order .
12 There is no question of my giving way — The Motion having been made after Ten o'clock and the debate having continued for half an hour , Mr. Speaker — adjourned the House without Question put , pursuant to the Standing Order .
13 It was possible that the whole of it could date from 1670 , having been made from two different pieces of silver .
14 A feature of the blades is that several showed traces of having been made from river-worn cobbles .
15 Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland warned at the congress that Norway risked isolation from its Nordic neighbours if it failed to re-apply ( earlier applications having been made in 1962 , 1967 and 1970 ) .
16 A negligent misrepresentation is one made by someone who believes it to be true but has no reasonable grounds for so believing , e.g. a car dealer who claims as having been made in 1959 , a car of a type not manufactured before 1960 .
17 The outlines of Freud 's later theory were made available in Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego ( 1921 ) , the first mention of the death instincts having been made in 1920 in Beyond the Pleasure Principle .
18 He explained that the young puffin had been found wandering in the village with a damaged wing , probably having been mauled by one of the many cats in the neighbourhood ( most of whom , incidentally , have six toes on each foot ) and he said that he would look after Eyvør for some weeks until it was well enough to be released .
19 Above all , this kind of political romanticism fosters the view that future arrangements can be attained when conflict and dispute will no longer take place , having been replaced by eternal harmony .
20 Noelle is a newcomer to the Executive Committee , having been elected to one of the reserved seats for women , outside of Belfast and Dublin .
21 The primary system was adopted in 1992 , in place of a system of simple plurality ( first-past-the-post ) , in order to prevent a candidate from winning executive office with less than 50 per cent of the vote ( Etpison having been elected in 1988 , against six rival candidates , with only 26 per cent of the total vote ) .
22 He was an Associate of the Royal Academy , having been elected in 1855 .
23 The loch , like many others in the Highlands , is no longer as Nature fashioned it , the length having been increased from four to nine miles as the result of reservoir operations .
24 The North-East Gateshead annual open junior meet at Felling on Saturday ( 9.30am , 2 and 6pm ) and Sunday ( 9.30am and 2pm ) is again over subscribed with 2,000 entries having been accepted from 21 clubs and over 600 refused .
25 Although Summers presents government and law enforcement in America as having been riddled with clandestine behaviour , from the amount of material he gathered he would seen to have demonstrated the effectiveness of the Freedom of Information Act .
26 The election result improved the presidential chances of Kim Dae Jung , and seemed to make it certain that he would contest the presidency for a third time , having been defeated in 1971 and 1987 .
27 The figure of 231 Boulton and Watt steam engines as having been built between 1775 and 1800 is now less certain .
28 ‘ The action is an action for money had and received ; and it is brought upon this ground ; namely , that the money was paid to the defendant without any consideration ; the duty , for which , and in respect of which he received it , not having been imposed by lawful or sufficient authority to warrant the same .
29 ‘ The action is an action for money had and received ; and it is brought upon this ground ; namely , that the money was paid to the defendant without any consideration ; the duty , for which , and in respect of which he received it , not having been imposed by lawful or sufficient authority to warrant the same .
30 This outline shows class 4 to be vacant , linguistics having been moved from 4 to 8 in 1963 to make room for future developments .
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