Example sentences of "having [vb pp] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It 's that at the age of 34 , fourteen years after first shambling on stage in downtown Chicago , having criss-crossed the stand-up circuit from coast to coast and guested on very hip chat show from David Letterman to Arsenio Hall , he should be bigger than he is .
2 And the only record that we have in scripture of any evidence of folk having received the Holy Spirit was that they spoke with other tongues .
3 EVERYONE must be wondering what is happening on the Mid-Hants Railway , the ‘ Watercress Line ’ , having received the startling news from the pages of a contemporary magazine that volunteers have been resigning from the work force in substantial numbers .
4 Having examined the parliamentary history of sections 61 and 63 of the Finance Act 1976 , it was held that the parliamentary intention was that in-house benefits should be assessed for income tax on the basis of marginal costs to the employer and not as a proportion of the total costs incurred in providing the service both for the public and the employee ; that this effect applied to the education of the children of teachers who were employees ; and that section 63 of the 1976 Act should be construed accordingly .
5 Moreover , he assesses such people ( in his book The Nightmare , 1985 ) as being ‘ markedly open and defenceless , not having developed the psychological protection most people have … they have thin boundaries ( between conscious and unconscious states ) and let things through . ’
6 Besides being the more outgoing of the two , as well as having joined the local drama group , he had lived in London longer .
7 She had never liked the arrangement that had installed her in the Ward household , but having heard the tragic story , and knowing how much it meant to the woman who had rescued her from a life of loneliness , how could she refuse ?
8 Having recalled the federal parliament in early September in order to authorize the referendum , Mulroney joined federal Liberal Party leader Jean Chrétien and New Democratic Party ( NDP ) leader Audrey McLaughlin in an unofficial truce whereby issues of partisan politics were put aside in order to maximize the impact of the campaign in favour of the new constitutional package .
9 Having withdrawn the original proposal to tax in-house benefits on the open market price charged to the public , the Financial Secretary gave assurance that in a number of specific cases benefits would continue to be taxed as before , and in the specific case of school teachers paying concessionary school fees , the charge would be nil or very small .
10 Having dismissed the logical difficulty there is an empirical problem as far as methods 1 and 2 above are concerned .
11 Having dismissed the Hayekian argument , are you not forced into some form of socialism ? ’
12 The magazine , unfortunately with a deadline of well before Christmas , has this to say of Romania in its summary of how changes in Eastern Europe might affect the game there : ‘ No visible signs of change and with the recent party congress having given the despotic president Nicolae Ceausescu another five years in office and dissident opposition ruthlessly crushed by the secret police , Romania will remain in the Dark Ages for the foreseeable future . ’ .
13 Having witnessed the horrifying poverty and hunger in countries where there is just not enough food to feed the teeming masses , he feels depressed and worried about the future .
14 As well as having undertaken the nominated activity within 1990 and being members of the BAPC , entrants for the award had to assemble a small report giving the ‘ whys ’ and the ‘ hows ’ of their particular project .
15 When a purpose-designed cap was brought in to replace the humble condom , it was reported that the mine-laying frogmen were less than happy , having regarded the prior item as something of a ‘ perk ’ of the job .
16 The most intellectually satisfying explanation is that embodied in the doctrine of karma , in accordance with which the dead child may be regarded as having completed the final stage of a soul-life that , in previous incarnations , had almost earned its passage and , after one more brief sojourn , was able to escape from the cycle of death and rebirth .
17 Having completed the definitional stage of the theoretical investigation of natural monopoly , we turn now to two intertwined issues of control .
18 ( Soviet Moldavians were ethnically Romanian , most of their republic having formed the Romanian region of Bessarabia prior to its annexation by the Soviet Union in 1940 . )
19 The Romanian government maintained cordial relations with the Soviet Union , taking a cautious approach to the situation in the neighbouring Moldavian SSR , most of the territory known having formed the Romanian region Bessarabia before its annexation by the Soviet Union in 1940 [ see p. 37257 ] .
20 He reported having enjoyed the weekly game of football with other members of the youth unemployment centre .
21 Having solved the two-cylinder problem we are not much wiser ; we still do n't know how to tackle a general problem .
22 Having impressed the bass world with their Buzz basses in particular , Pedulla have introduced a new range , the Thunderbass T-series .
23 Having caught the left rough off the tee , she was shaping to hit the kind of second shot over trees and lakes which would have had Laura Davies drooling .
24 They should have gone into that game against Wales having forgotten the close match against Australia in the World Cup .
25 Only now his charges seemed to be settling themselves into occupation , having forgotten the urgent purpose of their return to London .
26 Surely Baldwin , whatever his desire earlier in the imbroglio , can not at this stage have wished to go back to the Cabinet on the following morning and announce that a wayward King , who had already compromised his position with most opinion both at home and in the Dominions , had suddenly changed his mind , at least temporarily , and , having attracted the maximum publicity to his preference for Mrs Simpson over the Throne , was now prepared to ditch her and try to pick up again the pieces of kingship .
27 Having considered the intrinsic nature of the problem presented in this appeal , and having consulted the relevant authorities , my conclusion … is that an action lies in negligence for damages in respect of purely economic loss , provided that it was a reasonably foreseeable and direct consequence of failure in a duty of care .
28 He left Cambridge the following year , not having sat the mathematical tripos because of his delicate health , and became a barrister of the Inner Temple .
29 Today ACT is once again linked to Victor hardware , having won the on-site maintenance contract to service Tandy/Victor equipment across the UK .
30 The horse has had a disappointing season after having won the Racing Post Stakes as a two-year-old and looking like a ‘ good thing ’ for even one of the Derbys .
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