Example sentences of "having [vb pp] [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 And now " The Meeting having given due consideration to the want of a regular and resident Surgeon in the Island , and conceive that such a person is much wanted , and they know that in general the practice and payments to a medical person is inadequate to support him in decency , and although a liberal subscription was opened and entered into by individuals still the supply would be scanty and unequal to the support of an educated person and a gentleman .
2 1821 " This Meeting having given due consideration to various kinds of theft committed in the Island — Resolve to stent themselves in a sum ( £20 ) … for the purpose of detecting and prosecuting such persons as may be found guilty of theft . "
3 Having given considerable thought to teaching movement to children and being very aware of fast changing social needs , Lucy Jackson developed MOTHER AND TODDLER classes in Hammersmith during the 1980s .
4 The respondent was tried for an offence contrary to s 2(1) of the Computer Misuse Act 1990 , having secured unauthorised access to a computer in contravention of s 1(1) of the 1990 Act with intent to commit a further offence of false accounting .
5 These included Tom Mboya and Oginga Odinga , both Luo , albeit from different parts of Luo-land , both having made major contributions to the independence movement ( Odinga amongst the Luo and Mboya within and outside the trade union movement ) , and in 1961 both were founder members of KANU .
6 These were ( i ) the abolition of the draconian National Security Law relating to sedition and espionage ; ( ii ) admission of a North Korean " consolation " delegation to visit three South Korean dissidents imprisoned under the National Security Law for having made unauthorized visits to the North ; and ( iii ) the authorization of South Korean dissidents to attend a pro-unification rally due to be held in Panmunjom on Aug. 15 , the anniversary of Korean liberation from Japanese colonial rule .
7 Both sides reiterated their established positions ( within which there was little common ground ) , and the North also outlined three preconditions for further progress : ( i ) the scrapping of Team Spirit ; ( ii ) no separate UN membership for the Korea states [ but see pp. 38191 ; 38437 ] ; and ( iii ) the release of those imprisoned in the South for having made unauthorized visits to the North .
8 It claims to be the athletics network , having bought exclusive rights to the sport in Britain for £10.5m in 1985 .
9 Richard W. Miller , 53 , a former agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ) , was sentenced to 20 years ' imprisonment on Feb. 4 for having supplied classified documents to a female Soviet agent in exchange for sexual favours and promises of money and gold .
10 Having used exploratory techniques to ‘ ransack ’ the data , the idea is then to generate hypotheses which can be tested using confirmatory statistics .
11 She was directly responsible ( by speaking on the subject in Glasgow and Edinburgh ) for the introduction of the idea to Scotland , and indirectly for its application on a large scale ( as the men 's union , the Scottish Typographical Association never forgot : thirty-five years later , in a scathing obituary of Emily Faithfull entitled " A Pseudo-Philanthropist " , its journal challenged the view that " having introduced female compositors to the printing trade " could in any sense be regarded as philanthropy " ) .
12 ‘ So , you were parked here illegally , ’ he insisted without a flicker , ‘ and I caught you trying to sneak back out again , after having inflicted considerable damage to my car .
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