Example sentences of "though [pron] had [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Rose , for her part , thought that McAllister talked funny , and when Sally-Anne had told her that she came from the United States of America she had stared at her as though she had said that she came from the moon .
2 She was determined that there would be no reconciliation , and even though she had found that the sound of his voice reminded her vividly and immediately that she had loved him and could do so again she lay smiling with pleasure at the sheer satisfaction of unforgivingness .
3 Leith vetoed the idea before he could voice it — though she had to admit that the idea of living and working in London did have tremendous appeal .
4 It took Daphne several attempts to explain what ‘ riding to hounds ’ actually meant , though she had to admit that even Eliza Doolittle would have been hard pushed to understand fully why they bothered with the exercise in the first place .
5 Another tangled virgin called on her for help against a dragon , called on her though she had thought that her time was past and the dragons had all departed .
6 He said that he wrote stories , though he had to admit that he had never got further than the first two pages .
7 He resented the automatic assumption that he would look after Elaine , even though he had to admit that he was so tired and amazed that even scribbling in a notebook or commenting on the decoration were beyond his capabilities .
8 He saw Anna occasionally but he had not seen Freda for years though he had to admit that he might not have recognised her had he passed her in the street .
9 He had ‘ mounted to the top of impiety ’ , even though he had known that ‘ the minister is the people 's Looking-glass ’ .
10 So in his late anthology , Confucius to Cummings ( New York , 1964 , with Marcella Spann ) , he explicitly preferred George Chapman 's Homer to pope 's , even though he had admitted that Chapman is unreadable , except for a few pages at a time .
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