Example sentences of "though [pron] [vb base] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 I 'm not a man of all that much letters , though I like to think that I was fully capable of arranging Shakespeare for Ben 's A Midsummer Night 's Dream .
2 Then he said : ‘ If it sounds as though I 've said that before , you 're right .
3 I shall base my account largely on what secondary schoolteachers have to say , though I have found that the picture is easily recognizable , with some modification to the details , by those working in both primary and further and higher education as well .
4 No , perhaps that 's unfair ; I do not know precisely who , precisely when , precisely what ; though I do know that Gustave was never tired of double ententes about la pipe .
5 The request that you have done me the honour to make , to receive the record of my voice , is one that I cheerfully comply with so far as lies in my power ; though I lament to say that the voice which I transmit to you is only the relic of an organ the employment of which has been overstrained .
6 Not that I knew any foreigners , though I recall thinking that there were two kinds .
7 ( Though you have to remember that an ‘ unsuccessful ’ medium may just have been misused in previous attempts . )
8 It 's as though you have to show that you — ’
9 Our questionnaire form clearly insists that rates quoted must include VAT and landing fees , though we have noticed that some clubs do manage accidentally-on-purpose to leave these out .
10 Very often we shall also have the names of the major part of the actual occupiers , though we have to remember that sub-tenants were not usually recorded .
11 It 's also easy to care for as it can be hand or machine washed at 40°C , though we do recommend that you iron it on the reverse side while still damp .
12 There was an increase of 20 per cent in the number of cycles completed per unit time after reorganisation from the conventional to the composite longwall system ( a cycle being the three processes of preparation , getting , and advancing ) , though they do note that , at the same time , better conveyors were introduced and on one face there was a change from hewing the coal to cutting it ( Trist et al. 1963 , 256 ) .
13 Previous studies have not investigated the role of population mixing in the Dounreay-Thurso area , though they have shown that the excess of leukaemia and non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma there can not be attributed to paternal nuclear employment or irradiation before the child 's conception .
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