Example sentences of "though [pron] [verb] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Though I 'd learned that the black abaya dropped the temperature by degrees , and though I 'd worn both veil and coat at various odd times , such as in storms , or in the desert heat , the sight of a European woman in such an outfit on an ordinary day in a compound or town would be more than anyone , including myself , could take .
2 Mark : I suppose the point at which my public coming out started was 1976–7 , though I 'd known that I was gay from a much earlier age .
3 I 'm not a man of all that much letters , though I like to think that I was fully capable of arranging Shakespeare for Ben 's A Midsummer Night 's Dream .
4 Then he said : ‘ If it sounds as though I 've said that before , you 're right .
5 I shall base my account largely on what secondary schoolteachers have to say , though I have found that the picture is easily recognizable , with some modification to the details , by those working in both primary and further and higher education as well .
6 No , perhaps that 's unfair ; I do not know precisely who , precisely when , precisely what ; though I do know that Gustave was never tired of double ententes about la pipe .
7 Though I did notice that there was pine and oak in his house and not mahogany . ’
8 The request that you have done me the honour to make , to receive the record of my voice , is one that I cheerfully comply with so far as lies in my power ; though I lament to say that the voice which I transmit to you is only the relic of an organ the employment of which has been overstrained .
9 Not that I knew any foreigners , though I recall thinking that there were two kinds .
10 Though she 'd heard that victims of attack often suffered from delayed repercussions — depression and sleeplessness amongst them — neither had struck her yet .
11 Rose , for her part , thought that McAllister talked funny , and when Sally-Anne had told her that she came from the United States of America she had stared at her as though she had said that she came from the moon .
12 She was determined that there would be no reconciliation , and even though she had found that the sound of his voice reminded her vividly and immediately that she had loved him and could do so again she lay smiling with pleasure at the sheer satisfaction of unforgivingness .
13 Leith vetoed the idea before he could voice it — though she had to admit that the idea of living and working in London did have tremendous appeal .
14 It took Daphne several attempts to explain what ‘ riding to hounds ’ actually meant , though she had to admit that even Eliza Doolittle would have been hard pushed to understand fully why they bothered with the exercise in the first place .
15 Another tangled virgin called on her for help against a dragon , called on her though she had thought that her time was past and the dragons had all departed .
16 ( Though you have to remember that an ‘ unsuccessful ’ medium may just have been misused in previous attempts . )
17 It 's as though you have to show that you — ’
18 Our questionnaire form clearly insists that rates quoted must include VAT and landing fees , though we have noticed that some clubs do manage accidentally-on-purpose to leave these out .
19 Very often we shall also have the names of the major part of the actual occupiers , though we have to remember that sub-tenants were not usually recorded .
20 It 's also easy to care for as it can be hand or machine washed at 40°C , though we do recommend that you iron it on the reverse side while still damp .
21 There was an increase of 20 per cent in the number of cycles completed per unit time after reorganisation from the conventional to the composite longwall system ( a cycle being the three processes of preparation , getting , and advancing ) , though they do note that , at the same time , better conveyors were introduced and on one face there was a change from hewing the coal to cutting it ( Trist et al. 1963 , 256 ) .
22 Previous studies have not investigated the role of population mixing in the Dounreay-Thurso area , though they have shown that the excess of leukaemia and non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma there can not be attributed to paternal nuclear employment or irradiation before the child 's conception .
23 Solitude adds a special quality to a walk and bad weather can do the same — though it does mean that many of us prefer to stay in the lowlands more often .
24 This conspicuous absence of Dryden , though it helps to show that Pound needed no intermediary in his traffic with Virgil , also exposes a dispiriting limitation to Pound 's taste , so catholic as he meant it to be : he never stretched his originally late-Victorian conditioning so far as to appreciate the masters of the English heroic couplet .
25 In literature I was going to offer both British and American authors , both prose and poetry , so that was no problem , though it did mean that I should have to read authors I disliked — Conrad , Hemingway , Woolf , Graham Greene , C.P. Snow — but I leavened this stodgy bunch with those I felt more in sympathy with , though they were not officially on the syllabus — Waugh , Firbank and Forster at their head .
26 Although Mexico was not an OPEC member in November 1984 it cut exports in line with OPEC reductions to help maintain prices and has generally taken care not to step out of line , though it has stated that it would act unilaterally to defend its market position .
27 Mr Baker was not entirely wrong in wanting a simple , forceful document for parents , though he failed to understand that some difficult issues — the teaching of grammar or Standard English , for example — need careful and detailed explanation .
28 He said that he wrote stories , though he had to admit that he had never got further than the first two pages .
29 He resented the automatic assumption that he would look after Elaine , even though he had to admit that he was so tired and amazed that even scribbling in a notebook or commenting on the decoration were beyond his capabilities .
30 He saw Anna occasionally but he had not seen Freda for years though he had to admit that he might not have recognised her had he passed her in the street .
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