Example sentences of "taken for a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A significant deterioration in cognitive function was defined as two or more consecutive increments of 5% or more in the mean time taken for a correct response and of 2% or more in the error rate with the last of the five euglycaemic test scores used as baseline .
2 There is little evidence from controlled trials in this age group from which to assess either the value of treatment with antihypertensive drugs or their cumulative risk when taken for a remaining lifetime of 60 years or more .
3 ‘ So — British and Cosmopolitan was taken for a small fortune — and taken for fools too by the seem of it .
4 Just for a second she wondered if she was being taken for a complete fool .
5 Whilst Harry 's replies were being vetted , his photo was taken for a false identity card , and his uniform and shoes exchanged for a civilian outfit .
6 After lectures from two British Airways pilots and a clinical psychologist , 80 people were taken for a short flight .
7 Entries are still being taken for a Red Cross sponsored walk through Hamsterley Forest on April 12 .
8 The main road from Oxford to Bicester ( A43 ) runs dead straight for several miles and might well be taken for a fine piece of Roman road .
9 If he ever goes in with Tyson , he could be taken for a foolish dog .
10 If he ever goes in with Tyson , he could be taken for a foolish dog .
11 The challenge involves a variety of modes of transport and the time taken for a particular journey , typically a journey to work during the rush hour .
12 He was flown from Edinburgh to Manchester airport before being taken for a tearful re-union with his mother 's parents .
13 Yin and yang ; animus and anima ; the pairing turns up so often , not surprisingly it is sometimes taken for a universal principle of human thought and categorisation .
14 The distance between any two points would then he proportional to the number of neurones a message must traverse to get from one to the other ; it would also be roughly proportional to the time taken for a neural message to travel between them .
15 What Tallis had taken for a forked beard she could see , now , were curved tusks of wood growing from each side of the round , wet mouth .
16 The rates of diffusion of two gases may be compared by measuring the time taken for a given volume of each gas to diffuse through a porous surface under identical conditions .
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