Example sentences of "taken of the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And in the big cities — to go from the relatively sensitive and ‘ socially conscious ’ reports of the District Leader of Augsburg-Stadt — the old attacks on the parasitic existence of Party functionaries gained new strength in wartime conditions ; the extravagance of Party buildings was set alongside the slums in which it was said the great mass of the population still had to live ; and ‘ especially unfavourable note is taken of the feudal life and dwelling of leaders of Party and State ’ .
2 In a letter to the head of the air staff secretariat at Whitehall , the Killin team leader , Billy Stitt , said that the provision of helicopters had been based solely on the military requirement for crashed aircraft and the maritime role , with no account taken of the ever-growing number of people suffering serious injury on Scottish mountains .
3 The unsavoury reputation which the last of the sultans acquired during the late nineteenth century — especially Abdülaziz ( 1861–76 ) and Abdülhamid II ( 1876–1909 ) — has coloured the view which many western historians have taken of the Ottoman empire as a whole , but to many Christian subjects the Ottoman empire in its heyday was far from the horrific picture conjured up by the use of the phrase ‘ the long Turkish night ’ .
4 Peter Headicar and his colleage Bob Bixby argue that when the M40 was planned , no account was taken of the devastating effect that resulting projects would have on the countryside .
5 After deciding to buy , I have the horse vetted by a very good vet , and ask for x-rays to be taken of the front feet and joints .
6 Although the focus is on individual prisons , some account is taken of the wider prison system and , in at least some cases , the overall criminal justice process .
7 It looks like that not really a great deal of account has been taken of the extra costs that are incurred by visually handicapped people in courses of study , such as paying for er expensive , extremely expensive , computing equipment which is n't a luxury , it 's a necessity quite often for many people , especially doing science courses .
8 Half a century before their quest was begun , an inventory was taken of the private apartments in Buckingham Palace .
9 Full advantage had to be taken of the long daylight hours of midsummer and much of the ground could only be reached on foot .
10 If the cylinder is well insulated , advantage can be taken of the cheaper Economy 7 tariff .
11 Patients with rheumatoid arthritis undergoing any major surgical procedure should be assessed by having radiographs taken of the cervical spine in flexion and extension .
12 To arrive at a salary that produces no income tax liability above the 25% rate , account has to be taken of the revised reliefs to set against the salary .
13 Much more account should be taken of the individual teacher in discussing classroom practice ; the notion that a ‘ practice ’ can exist independently of the practitioner and can be imposed without regard for the individual 's personality , intentions and preferences is both professionally demeaning and impractical .
14 Optical fibre can be used to inject light into places which would otherwise be impossible — into a person 's body for example to enable photographs to be taken of the internal organs .
15 Contrary to the Jenkins and Sherman argument a group of academic economists ( Stoneman et al. 1981 ) , in a study published by the OECD , claimed that ‘ up to now there is no firm evidence that the current high levels of unemployment are due to technical progress ’ and that ‘ if account is taken of the offsetting effects that can be predicted , there will be little change in overall demand [ for skills and jobs ] ’ .
16 This took place when Chris was having the final photographs taken of the new replica range .
17 If due account is taken of the present state of the law in regard to mortgages and choses in action , it is apparent that to make a distinction in the case of land would be to make just such an exception .
18 Finally , once account is taken of the major expansion of special employment programmes , particularly job creation schemes , in recent years , the LFS provides no evidence of any growth in temporary working .
19 Although Read 's will was far more detailed than Sir Edmond 's , the circumstances surrounding its execution are rather more obscure ; certainly little notice appears to have been taken of the complicated procedure for appointment .
20 Fortunately photographs were taken of the original carvings ( above )
21 By concentrating on pebbles carried down from alpine sources in the beds of rivers and streams , full advantage could be taken of the erosive power of water in wearing away adhering rock and concentrating the sought after greenstone .
22 That is one of the reasons that many of the developing nations are so poor ; money is ploughed into supporting armies and wars with little thought or notice taken of the underlying causes of these situations , such as famine and dissatisfaction .
23 Advantage was taken of the earlier hometime , during the winter period , to attend night or day school towards which the company contributed about £24 per annum .
24 For example , account is taken of the growing importance of theoretical linguistics , for which Edinburgh University is particularly well-known .
25 Any property owner in this position should take immediate advice as action may be necessary both to ensure that the rateable value is as low as possible , and that maximum advantage is taken of the empty rate provisions .
26 Erm , nor I think are there any proposals to change the grading or pay honorarium to P As to reflect there work on these files , er , I 'm not sure whether the assumption that this would n't be taken into account by the W R is sound , because I think one of the principles that I recall was that he were meant to ensure that that each of these job evaluation panels had somebody from each office so that an account could be taken of the different practices , I mean I 'm sure that , I 'm sure that each of the three offices in the er deal with things in a different way , so that er what gets done by one person here is not necessarily done by people in Coventry and York , and that in fa in London , and that also holds good in the other way , I think .
27 The first such coins were made from electrum from the rivers that flowed down from the Troilus Mountains , but advantage was soon taken of the different status in the traditional value system of the gold and silver components to separate them and use them for different denominations .
28 National rules in the member states where services are provided can only be applied to the extent that the public interest requires it , and after due account is taken of the national rules applied to the company in the member state of establishment .
29 The number of firms is larger , the smaller fixed costs ( C ) relative to the total sales ( δM ) , the greater the preference for variety ( ) , and the more account taken of the indirect effect ( γ ) .
30 So far as ranking the relative seriousness of sexual assaults is concerned , however , full account should be taken of the psychological effects of such offences .
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