Example sentences of "taken [prep] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Every chassemarée would have easily held 60 men and the landing would have taken about the same space of time …
2 In order to find out what the substantive law is , we must still go back to the time when Law and Equity were administered in different courts ; we may still have to picture to ourselves distinct proceedings taken about the same matter in those courts , and work out the result of those separate proceedings .
3 The authority had not found out about the incident involving the cadets at Leek until they were in hospital , but tests on the water taken about the same time showed toxics from algae present .
4 During the second day the professionals were taken through the same programme .
5 What safeguards have been taken against the same thing happening in Scotland ?
6 After a seven day washout period , the same measurements were taken under the same conditions after intake of the other treatment being studied .
7 Measurements were taken in the same order at baseline , two hours after placebo or salmeterol , and 15 minutes after each dose of salbutamol .
8 Okay , just about it now Okay , gon na ask each group what marks they 've given and why , now it 's not for the other team to justify it because it 's all a subjective thing but the thing is we 're hopefully marking them against the same criteria as everybody else because we 've all been in the same place and listened to the same things and read the same things , however , now we know obviously it does n't necessarily mean that everybody 's taken in the same things .
9 moved and seconded must be accepted by the Chairman , unless it is frivolous or illegal , or covers the same ground as a motion on which a decision has already been taken in the same meeting .
10 A director of social work in another part of Scotland , consulted about the actions his authority would have taken in the same set of circumstances , said that before even considering removing children from home , he would have consulted family doctors .
11 Five 200 µl aliquots representing 2.56×10 6 lymphocytes were each placed in Krebs-Henseleit with a colonoscopic biopsy specimen taken from the same patient and metabolism measured as below for mucosal biopsy specimens .
12 Interestingly , dendrochronology can also demonstrate when the panels are taken from the same tree because of the close similarity of the ring patterns .
13 According to Lord Westbury , Handlist of Italian Cookery Books , Florence , 1963 , this work , attributed to Giovanni Rosselli , is in reality taken from the same Maestro Martino manuscript used in the earlier and better known De Honesta Voluptate by Bartolomeo Sacchi , printed in Venice in 1475 .
14 In some cases several samples were taken from the same object , but from different layers or areas .
15 In time these may dramatically change the view : Figure 6.36 is taken from the same point as Figure 6.34 , but in summer rather than winter and also one year later , some five years after the reconstruction of the road .
16 It 's impossible to see these spines growing , but easy to record their growth with a series of photographs taken from the same place over the course of a couple of months .
17 Competition with the same binding sites in F9 EC cell extracts is shown in tracks 2 and 3 ; tracks 1 to 5 were taken from the same experiment .
18 In twelve out of these thirteen , the donor bat was an ‘ old friend ’ of the starved victim , taken from the same cave ; in only one out of the thirteen cases was the starved victim fed by a ‘ new friend ’ , not taken from the same cave .
19 In twelve out of these thirteen , the donor bat was an ‘ old friend ’ of the starved victim , taken from the same cave ; in only one out of the thirteen cases was the starved victim fed by a ‘ new friend ’ , not taken from the same cave .
20 However , this investigation used collocations extracted from a domain-specific corpus , and test data taken from the same domain .
21 Each domain-dictionary achieved its highest z-score when used in the recognition of text taken from the same domain .
22 American scientists analysed samples of leaves taken from the same district .
23 But the girls were taken to the same nursery while their mothers rested .
24 He was taken to the same King 's Bench Prison in June 1810 to await his trial , not for debt but seditious libel in The Political Register .
25 You 're not taken to the same wing because they think you might fight again .
26 The driver was taken to the same hospital , but later moved to Wolverhampton for his own protection as angry relatives and friends of the girls ' families gathered in corridors .
27 Samples of stream waters and heavy mineral concentrates are also taken at the same sites .
28 Must be taken at the same time daily or no more than three hours late .
29 This may be an injection or , as is increasingly common , a number of tablets or capsules all to be taken at the same time .
30 NOTE Some drugs can be dangerous when they are taken at the same time as alcohol .
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