Example sentences of "made it [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The tax would not come into force until approved by member governments , however , and the Commission also made it conditional on other industrialized countries , notably the USA , agreeing to similar measures .
2 He was well-read and clever , and he made it easy for stupid men to respect his intellect if he thought they could be of use to him .
3 These peaks and troughs made it impossible for developing countries to plan ahead .
4 As well as strengthening the role of governors , the 1986 Act made it impossible for political nominees to control governing bodies , as they often had in the past , while the 1988 Act transfers the management of most schools from local education authorities ( LEAs ) to the individual school .
5 This made it impossible for those who did advance reform proposals , such as Panin under Catherine II and Pahlen under Alexander I , to organize united pressure upon the Tsar to compromise his authority .
6 Swan seemed unwilling to fly very close to these creatures from another world , and this made it impossible for Little Billy to see them clearly .
7 No mourners followed but an unmarked car appeared in the road and made it impossible for any vehicle to tail the hearse .
8 It was this same moral , ethical dimension which finally , after September 1939 , made it impossible for Nizan to remain working within the ranks of that same party .
9 The military crisis of the early 1740s ( see pp. 290ff ) made it impossible for this situation to continue .
10 The value of Newcastle 's shipping industry in the nineteenth century made it necessary for large ships to pass up the river , and the low stone bridge of 1771 was demolished to make way for the Swing Bridge built by Armstrongs , and at that time the largest of its kind in the world .
11 However , as UK cement manufacturers discovered to their cost , high prices in the UK market made it worthwhile for low cost EC and third country suppliers , located at deep water ports , to begin supplying the UK market .
12 The President gave his blessing on 20 November , and the Council of Ministers made it official on 27 January , 1982 .
13 It was the first play staged at Antwerp 's Bourla Theatre since the inadequacy of the theatre 's defences against fire made it close in 1980 .
14 The Bakufu 's inability to demonstrate military superiority over Choshú0 late in 1866 made it apparent to all that the Tokugawa no longer possessed the force majeure on which their power ultimately depended , and with their opponents allied with each other under the banner of imperial rule the Tokugawa 's fate was sealed .
15 To the employers , the entry of women made it possible at last to nibble away at — or do away with — such " restrictive practices " .
16 Major Stewart also made it possible for many sports clubs to have their own ground so all sport is catered for .
17 The new legislation made it possible for all South Africans to purchase freehold tenure to the 87 per cent of South Africa 's land hitherto reserved for the white minority , although it placed no obligation on white owners to sell , and commentators pointed out that few blacks had the means to buy .
18 This expansionist financial relationship made it possible for central government ministers to use the rhetoric of partnership , while actually bribing local authorities to act as their agents .
19 It is unquestionably true that the large-scale employment of women made it possible for certain Edinburgh houses to offer competitive terms in the years up to about 1900–10 , and the argument was made both at the time and in retrospective accounts .
20 The share system of land ownership did not meet the approval of the British , and legislation was passed which made it possible for any shareholder to force the division of a tract .
21 We marvelled again at the scenery of West Spitsbergen , its sharply tipped mountains of dark rock , the glacier-filled valleys between and the tiny strips of life-giving vegetation which made it possible for some birds and animals to exist .
22 The shoals of fish became scarce and unreliable from one year to another , probably because of overfishing when the power of modern engines made it possible for foreign boats to fish in the same waters .
23 The new constitution of the Labour Party made it possible in 1918 for members to join local labour parties without being enrolled in an affiliated organization .
24 One of the features of the cerebral hemispheres is that they have more extensive interconnections from one part to other parts than is usual in sensory centres , and perhaps this was the feature , inherited from its origin as the smell-brain , that made it useful for other modalities as well ; global pattern recognition requires taking into account large chunks of sensory information , not just localised patches .
25 The Lewis 's lightness and versatility made it useful in close-support infantry attacks also .
26 Her temper made it inadvisable at other times .
27 The position of the old inn made it attractive to wealthy friends of Royalty , wishing to change their clothes before presenting themselves to the monarch at Windsor .
28 But the complication involved in writing the program and allowing for the high number of physical variables made it impracticable at that time .
29 For the first time , WACC has made contacts in Kampuchea , a country whose tragic political situation made it unapproachable by outside groups for many years .
30 But the violent character of the BUF and its unashamed adoption of foreign symbols made it unattractive to many who might otherwise have agreed with some of its policies , and made it doubly obnoxious to the Left .
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