Example sentences of "made it [adj] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 But Under-21 boss Craig Brown said : ‘ I felt Darren was unfortunate , but he made it easy for the official by a slight push .
2 The essential disunity between the radicals made it easy for the inter-war period to be dominated by the conventional wisdom of economic orthodoxy and sound finance .
3 This made it easy for the doctor to see at a glance how Vincent 's temperature had changed up or down , since the operation without studying a long list of figures .
4 It made it easy for an enemy to monitor his movements .
5 New policing strategies The commitment of large numbers of police officers to the task of keeping the pits open made it impossible for the National Union of Mineworkers to achieve a total shut-down in domestic coal production .
6 The timing of these concerted attacks to the same day , along the entire front , made it impossible for the Austro-Hungarian forces to be switched back and forth behind their line , with the result that they had to fight each battle with the support of no more than local reserves .
7 However important this battle might be for future power at sea , the decisive point for the current war had been that the blockade made it impossible for the French to reinforce their West Indian or North American possessions .
8 In fact the broken ground made it impossible for the English knights to manoeuvre easily .
9 The mistrust which their recent sufferings had engendered against all Turks made it impossible for the Serbs to collaborate with the more reasonable spahis , who were themselves the victims of the janissaries , whose leaders were known as dayis .
10 For the first time she was grateful for Matilda 's notorious temper , which made it impossible for the Empress to keep her voice down .
11 Lack of funds through University cut-backs along with his own lack of paper qualifications made it impossible for the Universities to continue employing him .
12 Popular permissiveness was reflected in jury verdicts , and the repeal of obscenity laws in several European countries made it impossible for the authorities to police the incoming tide of eroticism .
13 The categorization of individuals by position in the hierarchy and group membership made it impossible for an individual to divorce himself from his social role .
14 But the death or retirement of a Conservative Prime Minister made it necessary for a choice to be made by the Queen in accordance with the convention that the office should be filled by an incumbent most likely to command the support of a Commons majority .
15 Mrs Castle , as it turned out , had opposed this allowance , again on the characteristically doctrinaire grounds that an allowance which made it necessary for the disabled to purchase motor cars would place them at the mercy of the commercial interests of motor manufacturers .
16 Continuing demand in Edinburgh for water from the Union Canal made it necessary for the new aqueduct , which would eventually carry the canal over the bypass at Hermiston , to be constructed without interruption to the flow in the canal and the contractor elected to use an open channel diversion capable of passing 237 litres per second .
17 The latter measure made it worthwhile for the Americans to try and do what the British had failed at , making British films which would go down well in America .
18 For reasons which are not stated the legislature in 1988 made it essential for a successor to live in the dwelling house during the period of six months but did not amend the Act of 1985 so as to impose either a six months ' period or residence in a particular dwelling house in the case of a council house .
19 Is it not time that the Government got off their behinds and made it compulsory for a payment to be made every year to every senior citizen in this land ?
20 The box was always somewhere on the floor by his bed , and was tied up with a bow , as if it was a precious parcel or a gift intended for a special person ; the bow was tied from a length of scarlet nylon ribbon which Boy had seen in the dustbin outside a florist 's , and had stolen , and taken home and ironed , having sensed at once that its splendid colour made it suitable for the tying up of this very special box .
21 The Sex Discrimination Act 1986 made it unlawful for an employer to discriminate between men and women as regards retirement age .
22 … the subscription method democratized literary patronage , and made it possible for a community of wealthy people to contribute to the support of many authors .
23 On this plate was depicted a map of the heavens , and holes along the line of the ecliptic made it possible for a representation of the sun to be moved at intervals of a day or two in imitation of its annual motion .
24 Only the defeat of Germany in 1945 made it possible for a satisfactory study of German war aims in the first world war to be undertaken .
25 A ramp that made it possible for a disabled woman to get in and out of her home has been demolished by the local council .
26 The commencement of section 9 of the Administration of Justice Act 1985 on , made it possible for an RFL to become a director of and own shares in an RB .
27 Both the introduction of new rules on how societies could raise funds for mortgage loans and the 1987 stock market crash — which prompted small investors to get out of equities and put their money into building society saving accounts — made it possible for the societies to get their act together and fight back .
28 The Council of Nicaea was the largest assembly of bishops hitherto , and though the great majority of the members were from the Greek East , the presence of Roman legates and the prominent role played by the sees of Alexandria and Antioch made it possible for the council to be given the title ‘ ecumenical ’ .
29 Although he was the first to use motor transport on an extensive scale in Lewis — many a time as a youngster I ran a mile to see his fleet of yellow Fords — he failed to see that the advent of the bus made it possible for the crofter to live in the country and work in the town .
30 This alternative process made it possible for the first time to obtain 1- tert -alkyl , 1-cycloalkyl , 1-aryl , 1-heteroaryl and 1-aminoquinolone and azaquinolonecarboxylic acid derivatives by combined acylation and arylation ( aracylation ) of enamines and enhydrazines with o -halo-(het)aroyl halides .
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